Omni Shader Hair Thread
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A little more playing with the Revolution - Omni Hair Shader product.
These were rendered on my PC with a 3060 (12GB VRAM) and then modestly adjusted in Photoshop Elements for color and contrast (as I do on all my renders.)
I'm using my usual 3 ghost light setup with an HDRI environment map.
I was going for a 1940-1950's vintage style portaiture with the hair style and b&w post-processed render.
The hair is
"I am trying to understand how textures works in the omnihair shader."
Hair will pick up texture from the underlying mesh. So if you put the same exact texture on the scalp the hair is parented to, you can kind of see how the hairs "line up". It also blends the hair from root to tip. There are ratio and distance settings which set how far down the shaft each color meets and how blurred it is.
Patterns are possible, But with long hair, they will be much more difficult to distinguish.
All of these images are amazing by the way!! Keep them coming :)
Old man on his porch. I chose to leave his eyebrows dark after I recently met a man with white hair and dark brows. The Iden Beard and Nathaniel Hair have the Omni shader.
I tried the image map on the melanin. That's pretty interesting. I like what it did with the beard. I can't tell much on the hair.
Just to do something different - Here's an outdoor setting and lighting, with Brushed Blond on the Punky Tail hair.
All of the examples you've posted look really good.
Thank you.
I had a tiling I hadn't noticed that messed it up.
So a little further trial and error - way out of realism.
Root to Tip ratios seems inverted to me, and the color ratio is sure not linear.
In case it's helpful to anyone else, I had an error with missing files when loading the hair. I updated Daz Studio (went from to and the default resources file to the latest versions to solve the error.
Quick and easy fix - and this shader is stunning! Here's the dForce Holo Hair with G9 Kara. It's going to be great fun testing this shader on other hair products!
I tried to apply the OmniHair shader to Daz House Cat fur.
But whatever I did, the shader remained as Blended Dual Lobe Hair.
Any suggestions how to apply it, or a reason it can't be applied?
Select the Daz House cat in the scene. Make sure the fur layer is selected. I don't own the house cat, but id assume the fur is parented to it. Click on the parameters tab and set the viewport and render line tesselation to 0. Click on the Surfaces tab. Select ALL of the surfaces. Apply the shader.
Ah - I had the cat selected in the scene tab - not the parented fur.
Thank you
So marking tests using melanin.
Without melanin;
With melanin;
More hair
Wow, excellent, Felis!
Wow, is that Daz Cat?
It seems fitting that the fur on this cat looks so good.
I wanted to see how it looked with the new shader. I was very positively surprised.
Yes, it does
. Thank you for mentioning it, I forgot about that hair.
A quick and dirty example: on the left is Fringe's mats, on the right is Revolution's.
I have tested fur on
with Medium Auburn Intense preset from
I guess, I need to use Omni Shader on the fur without any preset.
You can always match the model colour to the fur colour, too.
oh now this is beautiful
I did try Raynard
only included DAZ Omni shader with ctl keep images
Thank for the tips. with Omni shader applied to the fur.
Things to keep in mind for fur:
If you are using maps, put them in the appropriate root/tip for hair color and hair dye.
If you used a preset, make sure tiling is 1.
Remember tessellation 0!
Be sure to set melanin and melanin redness to 0 (so they don't shift the actual fur map colors).
If it looks decent, consider upgrading quality: for every half line start width, double hair count.
Again, maybe not the most robust demonstration of the hair, but I'm still going to have some more fun with my WH40K ratling with an outfit kitbash (no two parts here are from the same product - I list the exact components on the gallery page).
Gallery Link
I'm sorry, I don't understand the last sentence. Do you mean halving the line start width and then applying it to the hair count?
Because 0.35 (the width I use) is not much hair.
I don't see much difference there. Both look pretty pale to me.
Yep, because the melanin is only on the areas I wanted it to be. Look at the back, snout and tailtip.
Ah, I see.
Ok, so here is my test of Dire Wolf for Daz Dog 8. I followed some of the earlier instructions and already set the melanin redness to 0 (before reading @Oso3D's post), but kept putting melanin higher since I wanted the blacks to come out darker (oops!). After adjusting it to 0 the whites and blacks are much better! The root and tip colours are using maps correctly after applying the OnmiHair shader so that's nice. It took a while to find how to apply the shaders, but maybe that was in an earlier post? I selected shaders in shader tab and presets (vs editor) and typed in OmniHair. Omni by itself didn't work for me. :(
There are also lots of other shader settings that I only played with briefly, e.g. ratio and distance for blends, weight and all kinds of stuff.
I also tweaked colours in my photo editor since the sky settings were too red for the morning sunrise. The snow needs work, but I just wanted to give a scene for my hair tests! :D
Edit: Oh, I might have also changed hair clumpiness! Those were in there too.