Diffeomorphic: How did I get all these custom morphs into Blender?

I just realized that one of my characters that I have imported from daz to Blender with Diffeomorphic has a very helpful large set of custom morphs - all of them are expressions. But the funny detail is: I have not a clue how these expression morphs found their way into Blender. I absolutely have no idea what I did with this character in another way as I usually do it at the moment
I checked how to import custom morphs with diffeomorphic but all I found was to go to the the location where the custom morph file is stored and choose this file but as you may see from the screenshot there are many morphs from different products and I am absolutely sure that I did not move to all these files and added them manually. Another way may be favorite morphs (?) but then I have no idea how I defined them as favorite morphs . Can somebody give me a hint?

You must've imported custom morphs from the data folder.
Or custom morphs may be automatically imported when you load a daz animation, if the animation uses those custom morphs and you checked the option to "load missing morphs". You can try to reimport the specific figure and see if all those custom morphs are imported again, if this is the case, it may be something in the figure itself that we can investigate further.
Anyway to import those custom morphs in a figure, if you find them useful, as Crosswind said you go with the "import custom morphs" tool.
Thank you guys... I've found out how these morphs came into Blender. I use DazStudio for the overall posing as I find DazStudio more convenient for the basic posing (whereas I find Blender more convenient for animation and finetuning the poses). I save the poses from Daz and use the "Import pose" button of diffeomorphic to get this pose into Blender. Actually I seem to have checked the "Affect morph" and "Load missing morphs" for one pose import in history for one time and then this character had these morphs.
The thing I still don't understand is: I didn't use these morphs for the pose. I checked this again: I loaded a daz base male in daz, did some changes to the arms and saved this pose preset. When I import the pose with the mentioned checkboxes activtated the morphs are imported - I did not use them for the pose for sure. Just to gain more control (it is not highly relevant for me by now) but how does oit come to this behavior? I checked the settings when saving the pose preset within daz as I did now change here. There are quite some nested settings / checkboxes but neither seems to be related to morphs. Additionally I wonder why just these morphs are included somehow magically although I have some more morphs. Maybe that all of these automatically added morphs are expressions may be a hint for you?!
Ah... that's it. I think I might understand how that happend though I'm not 100% sure as I've never used that way....
I presume that Affect Morphs / Load Missing Morphs options search the linked morphs of the propertie dials within the Pose Presets, for instance, a joint rotation, a pJCM... even if you just gave the figure a simple pose...
But I just did a couple of tests, the imported morphs seemed not accurate and complete. Anyway it needs the confirmation from Thomas and Padone...
I agree. Blender's interface for manipulating objects is very cumbersome.
It seems there's a bug with "load missing morphs", now reported. Thank you for pointing this out.
update. Now Fixed.
oh... as a developer I know the joke "is it a bug or a feature?" - but in this case I hope the bug remains as a feature as I really like to get these expressions into blender without the need to collect each of them by hand