Rule number 1: Just don't read aloud from the book...
(For some reason, I can't upload the image--even a smaller one--to the forums or my gallery... I'll fix it and do a proper attachment later if the site starts cooperating.)
Truly harrowing evidence coming in denizens. Bananas, portals ... spam. It sends shivers down the spine. Let us milk those artistic udders until the very last drop forumites, we can't let them win!
That said, a brief housekeeping note - I put UTC on my little flyer thingy because i'm an idiot. As we've mentioned throughout the comp, submissions must end at midnight UTAH time (which i believe is Mountain time, so MST?). So you have almost 11 hours from the time of this post. This pushes the deadline further out from UTC, which i must have conjured up during some kind of fever dream. If you've got things to post, there's plenty of time. Good luck!
That said, a brief housekeeping note - I put UTC on my little flyer thingy because i'm an idiot. As we've mentioned throughout the comp, submissions must end at midnight UTAH time (which i believe is Mountain time, so MST?). So you have almost 11 hours from the time of this post. This pushes the deadline further out from UTC, which i must have conjured up during some kind of fever dream.
It was the asina conspiracy! They don't want more people to share evidence!
That said, a brief housekeeping note - I put UTC on my little flyer thingy because i'm an idiot. As we've mentioned throughout the comp, submissions must end at midnight UTAH time (which i believe is Mountain time, so MST?). So you have almost 11 hours from the time of this post. This pushes the deadline further out from UTC, which i must have conjured up during some kind of fever dream.
It was the asina conspiracy! They don't want more people to share evidence!
Typical. Exactly the kind of behaviour that must be quashed. I'll add this incident to my rigid sticky note system.
What could have been done has been done. Factions have been formed, battles have been fought, fluffy little cuddly relics have been summoned, hidden, collected, cuddled, spoiled, adored and feared.
It's almost over.
And now? What are you supposed to do?
Get all worked up over a little fuzz in your mouth or a few pilfered Odangos?
Or just sit back, relax and ride out the wave?
You decide, but remember: They're everywhere and you don't stand a chance against their fluffy cuddliness, anyway!
(Was working on an image and remembered this thread was the reason I learned how to rig stuff in DS - which enabled me to pose the fabulous Evil Horns in just the way I wanted them on the erhu player. So I thought, why not relic-tify the scene. Because we all know: every scene is vastly improved with a few relics in it!)
Agent Samantha Blue is on her way to meet the Director to report on her mission to locate the last ASINA Relic.
She has located THE CASE, and believes it may hold a clue as to the whereabouts of the Relic. However, THE CASE is cleverly sealed, and the challenge will be to open THE CASE without damaging whatever may be concealed inside.
If only she knew what she was walking right past on her way to headquarters ...............
Question from a newbie... are these little relic critters something that happen every April 1, just different varieties (like, this year's was fluffy but last year's was something else)?
Question from a newbie... are these little relic critters something that happen every April 1, just different varieties (like, this year's was fluffy but last year's was something else)?
That's it Denizens! Im convinced that all the timezones i've conjured up during this competition have elapsed, and thus it's time to cease your submissions. Me and Welly will scour over the submitted evidence, and decide who gets the swag bags. Thanks to everyone who played this year, it's been such a joyous event.
Question from a newbie... are these little relic critters something that happen every April 1, just different varieties (like, this year's was fluffy but last year's was something else)?
(I don't suppose I could be greedy and ask if there's anywhere one could still obtain the chicken...? Yes, I'm weird.)
If you've obtained the case, you've obtained the chicken as well ;)
LOL Thanks. That'll teach me to not go in and actually oepn the file before I ask a question. (Though in my defense, I thought it was like the banana suit.)
Greatly appreciated that this is still out there. So many times I see limited time freebies and go "arrgh! if only I'd started this whole thing sooner!!"
It's awfully quiet in here! Did I miss the winner announcement?
Nope, i'm just keeping you all on tenterhooks. Picking winners out of such a great line up is tough, but we're getting there.
Haha, you bet you are! So long as I didn't miss it I'm happy! I love seeing all the amazing concepts people come up with, I couldn't have come up with any of them myself
Hello Denizens. It's time once again to put a bow on this years April shenanigans. A big thank you to everyone who showed up and joined in, especially those of you who attended the previous years competitions. I wish I could give you all a well deserved prize for your beautiful submissions, but the cut-throat nature of our annual gathering demands that only the fittest see victory. For the rest of you though, just know, I saw your submissions, and had a hearty chuckle.
Here are the winners of the 2024 April fools competition (ASINA)
I couldn't, in good faith, have awarded anyone else the first place slot. New guy not only brought a cool render, but also delivered a modified plushie for the masses. NewGuy did the work I was to lazy and miserly to do, and gave back to the community, very kind indeed. Well done NewGuy.
A very topical reference, which i'm sure the filthy youths among us will likely enjoy. Well done hoppity.
Before I list out the honourable mentions, i'm going to give it a slight change this year. I know many of you already own a lot of my items (as you should), so i'll be giving you a choice of either an item from my store, as usual, or a $10 gift card. Just know that if you choose the $10 option, you risk removal from my Christmas card list.
Even with the perilous rule breaking, and constant references I don't understand, Stezza has delivered some tasty submissions, and deserves a very honourable mention. Thank you Stezza.
At the start of the competition, I had hoped that no-one would turn up, so I could claim the prize money for myself. Much to my disappointment, however, @columbine showed up and dropped a lovely render which really set the tone for the entire competition. Good job columbine!
DD came in clutch early on in the comp with a sweet Banana render that I enjoyed immensely. If it was made in the lords aspect ratio (21:9), I would print it out and hang it above my bed.
I really liked this render, and it came very close to edging it's way into the top 3. If you'd have delivered another piece like this into the comp, I would probably have folded like a wet paper towel. As it stands though, I have to be cold and brutish, awarding this piece a highly respectable HM.
An interesting insight into how they gathered traction with the general public. Intriguing. Acb delivered a couple of great renders that me and welly liked, so an HM is well deserved.
Ok, I have to wrap this up here. I keep skimming through the entries, and honestly I think I could just keep handing out HM's until the sun burns out. Everyone did such a great job, and really committed to the theme. If you're not included in the winners above, and you feel robbed, you're probably right. A small consolation that everyone can take away from this event, is that you all have a cute little plushie, and a reminder of the time we spent together as a family of irksome misfits. I hope I will see you all next year!
To the winners: Please shoot me a quick DM with your Daz email addresses so i can organize your prizes. If you're in the top three, Daz will be applying a cash balance to your account. If you're an HM, i will either send you a GC if you pick the $10, or have Daz add an item to your account if you want something from my store.
PS. One last thank you to @Linwelly for helping my organize the competition, and to Daz3D for sponsoring the top three slots.
Congratulations to the winners and HMs! This was so much fun. I looked forward to seeing all the new entries everyday. Thanks to everyone hosting and participating!
This made me giggle. Hard. Thank you.
Ha! Glad I could help.
He looks so happy to be summoned. It's almost a shame he's (probably?) worse than a bloodthirsty demon.
I dunno, it's all about directing that energy to a positive outlet. :P
(do we ever really know what's creeping around our homes after we go to bed?!?!)
Asina from deep space
Hey boss, I think I found the portal where the relics came from!
Truly harrowing evidence coming in denizens. Bananas, portals ... spam. It sends shivers down the spine. Let us milk those artistic udders until the very last drop forumites, we can't let them win!
That said, a brief housekeeping note - I put UTC on my little flyer thingy because i'm an idiot. As we've mentioned throughout the comp, submissions must end at midnight UTAH time (which i believe is Mountain time, so MST?). So you have almost 11 hours from the time of this post. This pushes the deadline further out from UTC, which i must have conjured up during some kind of fever dream. If you've got things to post, there's plenty of time. Good luck!
It was the asina conspiracy! They don't want more people to share evidence!
Typical. Exactly the kind of behaviour that must be quashed. I'll add this incident to my rigid sticky note system.
So ... it's the final hours.
What could have been done has been done. Factions have been formed, battles have been fought, fluffy little cuddly relics have been summoned, hidden, collected, cuddled, spoiled, adored and feared.
It's almost over.
And now? What are you supposed to do?
Get all worked up over a little fuzz in your mouth or a few pilfered Odangos?
Or just sit back, relax and ride out the wave?
You decide, but remember: They're everywhere and you don't stand a chance against their fluffy cuddliness, anyway!
(Was working on an image and remembered this thread was the reason I learned how to rig stuff in DS - which enabled me to pose the fabulous Evil Horns in just the way I wanted them on the erhu player. So I thought, why not relic-tify the scene. Because we all know: every scene is vastly improved with a few relics in it!)
can't believe I'm gonna have to wait another 12 months till I can post another image!

Hungry Relics
"So Close and Yet So Far"
Agent Samantha Blue is on her way to meet the Director to report on her mission to locate the last ASINA Relic.
She has located THE CASE, and believes it may hold a clue as to the whereabouts of the Relic. However, THE CASE is cleverly sealed, and the challenge will be to open THE CASE without damaging whatever may be concealed inside.
If only she knew what she was walking right past on her way to headquarters ...............
All these encounters are just crazy!... Crazy fun!
Was checking out the latest and noticed there was still a bit of time to go. So here's a little render...
Relics invade Lady Littlefox's Gumdrops Kingdom
You know, there's no harm in spreading a little madness during the rest of the year ...
Question from a newbie... are these little relic critters something that happen every April 1, just different varieties (like, this year's was fluffy but last year's was something else)?
The Case - April Fools 2023 Render Competition
That's it Denizens! Im convinced that all the timezones i've conjured up during this competition have elapsed, and thus it's time to cease your submissions. Me and Welly will scour over the submitted evidence, and decide who gets the swag bags. Thanks to everyone who played this year, it's been such a joyous event.
See you guys soon
Oh, that was fun looking through those! And I'm super jazzed that the .zip for the case was still in the first post...
(I don't suppose I could be greedy and ask if there's anywhere one could still obtain the chicken...? Yes, I'm weird.)
If you've obtained the case, you've obtained the chicken as well ;)
LOL Thanks. That'll teach me to not go in and actually oepn the file before I ask a question. (Though in my defense, I thought it was like the banana suit.)
Greatly appreciated that this is still out there. So many times I see limited time freebies and go "arrgh! if only I'd started this whole thing sooner!!"
Nope, i'm just keeping you all on tenterhooks. Picking winners out of such a great line up is tough, but we're getting there.
Haha, you bet you are! So long as I didn't miss it I'm happy! I love seeing all the amazing concepts people come up with, I couldn't have come up with any of them myself
Good luck & congratulations (eventually).
Hello Denizens. It's time once again to put a bow on this years April shenanigans. A big thank you to everyone who showed up and joined in, especially those of you who attended the previous years competitions. I wish I could give you all a well deserved prize for your beautiful submissions, but the cut-throat nature of our annual gathering demands that only the fittest see victory. For the rest of you though, just know, I saw your submissions, and had a hearty chuckle.
Here are the winners of the 2024 April fools competition (ASINA)
1st place: @NewGuy (Video Game Relic)
I couldn't, in good faith, have awarded anyone else the first place slot. New guy not only brought a cool render, but also delivered a modified plushie for the masses. NewGuy did the work I was to lazy and miserly to do, and gave back to the community, very kind indeed. Well done NewGuy.
2nd Place: @Joanna (Cornered)
Joanna submitted lots of evidence in the most perilous of circumstances. A well deserving second place, and valuable input that may just save us all.
3rd Place: @Hoppitty (among us)
A very topical reference, which i'm sure the filthy youths among us will likely enjoy. Well done hoppity.
Before I list out the honourable mentions, i'm going to give it a slight change this year. I know many of you already own a lot of my items (as you should), so i'll be giving you a choice of either an item from my store, as usual, or a $10 gift card. Just know that if you choose the $10 option, you risk removal from my Christmas card list.
HM: @Stezza (all of them)
Even with the perilous rule breaking, and constant references I don't understand, Stezza has delivered some tasty submissions, and deserves a very honourable mention. Thank you Stezza.
HM: @columbine (The first submission)
At the start of the competition, I had hoped that no-one would turn up, so I could claim the prize money for myself. Much to my disappointment, however, @columbine showed up and dropped a lovely render which really set the tone for the entire competition. Good job columbine!
HM: @Destiney's Design (Banana)
DD came in clutch early on in the comp with a sweet Banana render that I enjoyed immensely. If it was made in the lords aspect ratio (21:9), I would print it out and hang it above my bed.
HM: @luci45 (The Yellow Ones)
I really liked this render, and it came very close to edging it's way into the top 3. If you'd have delivered another piece like this into the comp, I would probably have folded like a wet paper towel. As it stands though, I have to be cold and brutish, awarding this piece a highly respectable HM.
HM: @acb (Relics For Everyone!)
An interesting insight into how they gathered traction with the general public. Intriguing. Acb delivered a couple of great renders that me and welly liked, so an HM is well deserved.
Ok, I have to wrap this up here. I keep skimming through the entries, and honestly I think I could just keep handing out HM's until the sun burns out. Everyone did such a great job, and really committed to the theme. If you're not included in the winners above, and you feel robbed, you're probably right. A small consolation that everyone can take away from this event, is that you all have a cute little plushie, and a reminder of the time we spent together as a family of irksome misfits. I hope I will see you all next year!
To the winners: Please shoot me a quick DM with your Daz email addresses so i can organize your prizes. If you're in the top three, Daz will be applying a cash balance to your account. If you're an HM, i will either send you a GC if you pick the $10, or have Daz add an item to your account if you want something from my store.
PS. One last thank you to @Linwelly for helping my organize the competition, and to Daz3D for sponsoring the top three slots.
Congratulations +
Congratulations everyone, great job and great renders!
Congratulations to all - excellent work!
Oh wow, these are cool but I'm really liking that Pacman / Ghosts scene.
Congratulations to the winners!
Well deserved, especially for the evolved specimen that brought a lot of joy were a big threat do everyone!
Congratulations to the winners and HMs! This was so much fun. I looked forward to seeing all the new entries everyday. Thanks to everyone hosting and participating!