Daz tanks pc to blender
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Daz tanks pc to blender

Hey y'all,
I'll start of by stating some of my specs: AMD Ryzen 7 7700 8-Core Processor - Nvidea GeForce RTX 4070.
Daz to Blender using the diffeomorphic plug-in absolutely tanks my pc. A naked model seems fine, but when I apply some third party clothes/hair to my model it becomes impossible to animate/render in Blender with an fps as low as 2.
Any solutions? Yes I'm on CUDA.
Turn off the hair and clothes in the viewport, do your animations with just the character's mesh and make sure that the viewport render quality for the mesh is set to 0 or 1. You're not going to be able to watch it back at 24fps no matter what really, but it'll run faster. Also on the timeline (you have to have timeline selected, not the graph editor or action editor), there is a button on the top left labeled playback, click it and change it from play every frame to drop frames.
As for rendering, double check what your render quality is set at. If it's like 3 or 4, it's going to be a strain. If you have a lot of RAM, you should be okay at any render quality depending on what else is in the scene, but my one computer only has 16GB of RAM and that locks up a lot, but my other one that has 64GB never has an issue. I have a 4090 in one computer and a 3090 graphics card in the other.
Unfortunately this is a common issue. Most recent daz assets in the shop are extremely heavy, both for daz studio and blender. PAs in general seem to like push the boundaries of common hardware, that personally I don't understand why, it would be easy to make content which works. This means old G1 G2 content will fly, while G3 G8 will work reasonably well, while new G81 G9 will mostly bog your hardware doesn't matter what rig you have.
That said, rendering and animation are two different things. For rendering it helps a lot to avoid HD figures and scenes when possible, as well as use simplify to resize textures. For animation it helps a lot to use the viewport in solid mode, without textures, as well as use simplify to turn off subdivision.