Poser 11 vs Poser Pro?
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Poser 11 vs Poser Pro?

Hello - I've been out of the 3D world for a bit and now that we are prepping to get a new Mac, I wanted to be sure to have one that works well with Poser. I am confused about Poser versions right now. Poser 11 seems to be the latest, but there is also a Poser Pro 11 and mention of a Poser Pro 14. Is the new Pro version 14 and is it available yet? Have there been problems with running the newest Poser on Macs? I want to be sure I have the best hardware to run things well. Thanks for any input.
Post edited by lamerlo_aead7e8bf6 on
Latest versions of Poser are Poser 11 and Poser Pro 11. The "Poser Pro 14" you've seen mentioned was probably "Poser Pro 2014", which is the version of Poser Pro corresponding to Poser 10.
Poser Pro is basically a version of Poser with more features, mainly aimed at pro users and content creators initially. For example the weight painting tools are only available in Poser Pro.
Here's a link to the feature comparison sheet: http://my.smithmicro.com/Poser11andPoserPro11FeatureComparison_v6.pdf
FYI- Today is the last day of the full and upgrade sale to Poser 11 and Poser Pro 11 (40% off.) Check the usual places for it