Babes on a Budget



  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    In a couple of minutes or less you can give a bit more life to 3D hair. The difference can be as subtle or as dramatic as you like. For the best results use a low exposure setting for the dodge tool (the setting is next to the highlights setting pictured). You can always "build up" your hightlights, but an exposure setting that is too high can quickly "blow out" the highlight and make it look like a blinding glare spot. So staring low and adding subtle highlights is usually helpful. Also for darker hair trying changing the setting from "highlights" to "midtones" at first, then finish with a swipe or two on the "highlights" setting. 

    I hope you guys found this quick tip/tutorial helpful. If you're interested in more tips please feel free to bookmark this thread as I plan on posting more quick tutorials. :)

    I started doiing this a few renders back - since I don't like doing destructive editing, I duplicate my original layer and set the duplicate to "Lighter Color".  Similarly, you can also make shadows more noticeable with the Burn Tool and "Darker Color"  It really helps the hair pop out.

    EDIT:  I use the Burn tool primarily on the background to enhance contrast.....not on the hair.

    And I'm looking forward to any more tips you have to offer, Diva!


    This is one thing I like about GIMP.  It always copies what you open and leaves the original alone unless you happen to export it as the same name and then it warns you before you export it.  But, I like that it does that.  I always have to make doubly sure that I make a duplicate of my original when working with PS.

    That would be a great feature for PS to adapt. I ALWAYS keep the original image (either as a "back up" incase PS crashes and the new image gets corrupted or as a comparison to see a "before and after"). It would be great if PS automatically made a copy of the original. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Yes I always work in layers and save under a new name right away.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    A lighting experiment. I think it turned out kind of cool. :) 

    G2F with modified Gabi skin (current Daz freebie) and my own custom shader. Environment is Millennium Environment ($1.99 for PC+ members) that I reshaded with Nature Shaders ($3.99 for PC+ members). Caleb hair came with Fantasy Starter Bundle that I scored for $4 during the V4 bundle sale. 

    Iray render. No post work.

  • Beautifully done!

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,646

    A lighting experiment. I think it turned out kind of cool. :) 

    G2F with modified Gabi skin (current Daz freebie) and my own custom shader. Environment is Millennium Environment ($1.99 for PC+ members) that I reshaded with Nature Shaders ($3.99 for PC+ members). Caleb hair came with Fantasy Starter Bundle that I scored for $4 during the V4 bundle sale. 

    Iray render. No post work.

    Love the color palette for this image (both the environment, and her skin), Diva! The highlights on her skin look excellent, too.

    - Greg

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    Beautifully done!

    Thanks, Jack! :)

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    A lighting experiment. I think it turned out kind of cool. :) 

    G2F with modified Gabi skin (current Daz freebie) and my own custom shader. Environment is Millennium Environment ($1.99 for PC+ members) that I reshaded with Nature Shaders ($3.99 for PC+ members). Caleb hair came with Fantasy Starter Bundle that I scored for $4 during the V4 bundle sale. 

    Iray render. No post work.

    Love the color palette for this image (both the environment, and her skin), Diva! The highlights on her skin look excellent, too.

    - Greg

    Thank you, Greg! :D You put a big smile on my face for noticing those details! :) I'll have to do more limited palette renders in the future. I think it helps lend a bit more of an artistic look to a render to limit the colors used. Of course you can always go the other way and go REALLY colorful which I find looks pretty cool too if it's done right (something I can't do right ...yet. lol).

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I think you always do amazing renders Diva!!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    I think you always do amazing renders Diva!!

    Really!? :D Thank you! I can't stop grinning now! You're so sweet to say that!

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I think you always do amazing renders Diva!!

    Really!? :D Thank you! I can't stop grinning now! You're so sweet to say that!

    I am just telling you as I see it :D

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    Iray render. No post work (except to crop it and sign it). 

    Hair - Felicity Hair Freebie with my own custom shader

    Cloth Shader - Freebie from Wilmap

    Eyes and Render settings - Freebie from AprilYSH

    Character shape - my own creation with G3F face and body morphs

    Skin Texture - custom texture from a mix of V7 skin and G3F base skin

    Skin Shader/Settings - my own shader but based off of FlorentMoon's settings 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    Hi guys! I'd thought I'd post another quick tip today. 

    This one is how to make your character look wet in 3 easy steps. 

    1. Select your character's skin in the "surfaces" tab.

    2. Change your "Base Mixing" to "PBR Metallicity/Roughness".

    3. Change the "Glossy Reflectivity" to .90 and your "Glossy Roughness" to .10.

    And done. Wet skin! :) The same can be done with hair and clothes. 

    Before (dry):

    After (wet):

    I hope some of you find this quick tip helpful. :) 

    Happy rendering! 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772
    edited September 2016


    Tryna and Saydee from Try & Say. 

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • That wet skin looks really good!  Thanks for sharing that, I will be giving that a try.


  • Wow Diva!!! You have really outdone yourself with that last render. I am looking at the picture and I can fell the lady underneath's pain big time. Both ladies are so beautiful each in their own way!!!!!

    I so love the not so twigish figures!!!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    That wet skin looks really good!  Thanks for sharing that, I will be giving that a try.


    You're welcome! :D I hope it's helpful! 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    Wow Diva!!! You have really outdone yourself with that last render. I am looking at the picture and I can fell the lady underneath's pain big time. Both ladies are so beautiful each in their own way!!!!!

    I so love the not so twigish figures!!!

    hahah Thank you so much! What a sweet comment! :D That makes me feel good!

    And yeah, on the "non-twiggishness" - I do a lot of commission art with thin girls as that's often what clients request due to our society's current "standard of beauty". After doing mainly thin girl art for years I have started enjoying doing more art with average size and larger sized girls. I do enjoy doing art of girls of all different shapes and sizes though - I just prefer the larger girls lately as it's kind of a breath of fresh air for me since I do so much thin girl art for clients. Plus I know that many women and girls of different shapes and sizes get tired of not seeing their own body types represented in art and the media. There needs to be more diversity in art and the media, imo (and not just in size but in race as well).

    I'd like to start doing more art that include more diversity in race, but I'll have to wait until I can purchase characters with decent non-white skin textures. Many/most of the non-white characters I've seen in the shop are either really pricey and don't often go on sale or the skin texture just doesn't look quite right to me. I may end up having to make my own. 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772
    edited September 2016

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Nicely done!  I just commented on this one over in the Iray thread!  Glass and liquid are always some of the hardest things to render.  You did a great job with both!

  • She drinkin alone? How sad! You need to render her a drinkin buddy . . .

    The froth and the fruit came out really good the way you lit the scene, Diva. Adding some caustics might neat, too. Oh, and the image of the figure (her?) in the green drink is very interesting. Is it a flection of her twin which we can't see directly, or is it a refracted image of her? It looks like we can see quite a bit of her body that is directly hidden by the table. You could use it to sneak a little subtle/hidden easter egg into the image ;)

    Anyway, gotta love Iray!

    - Greg

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772
    edited September 2016

    Nicely done!  I just commented on this one over in the Iray thread!  Glass and liquid are always some of the hardest things to render.  You did a great job with both!

    Thank you, Knittingmommy! :D That's sweet of you to say! *hugs*


    She drinkin alone? How sad! You need to render her a drinkin buddy . . .

    The froth and the fruit came out really good the way you lit the scene, Diva. Adding some caustics might neat, too. Oh, and the image of the figure (her?) in the green drink is very interesting. Is it a flection of her twin which we can't see directly, or is it a refracted image of her? It looks like we can see quite a bit of her body that is directly hidden by the table. You could use it to sneak a little subtle/hidden easter egg into the image ;)

    Anyway, gotta love Iray!

    - Greg

    Nah, she's not drinking alone - that's way too many drinks for one. lol :P 

    The reflection in the green drink is indeed her. This is a straight Iray render with very little post work (the only post work was on the pineapples to make them look more real, slight color adjustment, and added signature). It rendered the reflection like that and I thought it was really cool too! I was like - hey! I can SEE HER in the glass! lol And not only that but, as you said, it actually captured more of her dress, which I'm not sure how it did from that angle, one would think the table would be in the way or something. You can actually see like half her body, I have no idea how. Man, Iray is cool! :)

    Thank you for the sweet comments and the great feedback! :) 

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    I have this thing where as soon as I get something new I do a render or two with it right away (in the hopes that I won't ever forget what all I have). These renders just sit on my hard drive (as they probably should, as they are just quick renders that aren't anything really special). However, I rarely do what I should - so I think I'll start posting these ugly ducklings. Just so at least I can have a place where I can go back and be like - oh yeah, I have that. lol

    Anyway, if you guys really hate them or I get like no feedback (which means you guys hate them lol) then I'll stop posting them and just leave them on my hard drive. :) 

    So, hesitantly, here's the first quick "new acquisition" render. 

    The product is Technophilia Retro - Gynoids V3 - Rock-It. It's one of two items I got for free with my PC+ coupon while it was on sale in the Mega Fast Grab. 

  • I post my quickie test renders on my thread, it helps me keep track of what stuff looks like lol.  And sometimes will spark another idea when I am looking back through them.  I like this it looks very Flash Gordony. (On of my all time favorite cult movies and song lol)

  • I post my quickie test renders on my thread, it helps me keep track of what stuff looks like lol.  And sometimes will spark another idea when I am looking back through them.  I like this it looks very Flash Gordony. (On of my all time favorite cult movies and song lol)

    Flash! Ah-aw . . . lol

    I'm going to come and get you if that song is still in my head by the end of the day!

    - Greg

  • I don't know.  It certainly doesn't look like a quicky non real render to me.  Gotta love Flash Gordon!  I love her expression as she rides that rocket!

  • I like it!   I'd play with the emissives a bit more, they're kind of blown out right now, but other than that I think it's really cool.

  • I post my quickie test renders on my thread, it helps me keep track of what stuff looks like lol.  And sometimes will spark another idea when I am looking back through them.  I like this it looks very Flash Gordony. (On of my all time favorite cult movies and song lol)

    Flash! Ah-aw . . . lol

    I'm going to come and get you if that song is still in my head by the end of the day!

    - Greg

    Haha its hours later and its still in mine.  that should be punishment enough!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    I post my quickie test renders on my thread, it helps me keep track of what stuff looks like lol.  And sometimes will spark another idea when I am looking back through them.  I like this it looks very Flash Gordony. (On of my all time favorite cult movies and song lol)

    Yeah, I'm hoping it will help me keep track of stuff too. I've never seen Flash Gordon, I'll have to see about finding that when I get back (I'm currently out of town on my hotel's Internet). It's an older movie, right? I wonder if YouTube would have it.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    I don't know.  It certainly doesn't look like a quicky non real render to me.  Gotta love Flash Gordon!  I love her expression as she rides that rocket!

    Haha Thank you! I was shooting for manic glee. I'm not sure it came across that way as you can't see her that well. But, to me she looks like she's having fun. :)

    Thank you for the nice comment! :)


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,772

    I like it!   I'd play with the emissives a bit more, they're kind of blown out right now, but other than that I think it's really cool.

    Thank you, Jack!  Yes, the emissions did get too bright for sure. I'll have to be a bit more light handed with it when I do a "for real" render. lol Thank you for the critique and support! :)

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