- - Little thief !! That kid p…
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- - Little thief !! That kid pick pocketed my Complaint Thread! - -
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AMAZING! Great work Skiriki. You never fail to Inspire :)
Cute warcraft dragon posting before heading back out. (Srsly, is too cute to not share XD )
Poor guy. He never deserved what happened to him in the game :<</p>
Beautiful Rezca!
Question for you... Do you have Deviant Art? I'd love to add you :)
Complaint - Still no thieves here yet, no thieves guild, no little people, no kids, no stolen complaint threads, no old lady calling for the daz police, no pick pocketing! What's going on? LMAO
Was a picture a friend linked to me while we were talking <3<br /> He didn't link to the deviation page so I have no clue where it is and don't wanna go searching for it. (Not lazy, I just don't like searching DA anymore. Especially if dragons are involved.)
General rule of thumb: If I post something and don't explicitly say I made it, assume it is something I found elsewhere. The cuter-than-can-be drawing of the chibi-fied Malygos isn't something I did, but was something I wanted to do XD
Anyway to answer your question...
http://sylxeriaguardian.deviantart.com/ <--- Less views, most of my "normal" stuff. Gathering dust since no one seems to care.<br /> http://akaikosh.deviantart.com/ <--- More views (By thousands.), anything I don't feel comfortable uploading to my "normal" account.<br /> http://www.furaffinity.net/user/akaikosh/ <--- Is can find everything on my two DA accounts here sans 3D Art because of their unforgiving and poorly thought out Acceptable Uploads Policy that really hurts most digital artists (I assume none of the moderates there know squat about animation or anything that goes into digital art.)<br /> .
To clarify what I said about the stuff I don't want associated with my first DA account, is mostly stuff like this:
Not pervy stuff or gore ^_^;
I actually drew that first one as a gift for a friend over on FA because he was feeling depressed. It's his character and my character :3
Though you can't SEE mine as she's inside him XD (And she's fine by the way. Completely unharmed <3 )</p>
I'm not exactly too worried about people knowing I'm into that sort of uh "genre", as long as their knowledge of it does not come from the wikipedia article on the subject (Which is total BS. Out of seven people I regularly talk with on FA, none of them agree with it.)
I am, however, somewhat ashamed/embarrassed when I upload a lot of that sort of art and have people that Watch me that aren't interested in it :P
I added both of you (both being you of course LOL) As Ive mentioned before, I love ALL art HAHA!
It a shame that there are still sites that refuse to agree that 3d is art! - Those who disagree with 3d as art generally wouldn't have ANY experience with 3d! And obviously no realistic or academic knowledge of art. If you studied art, you would know that Art is exceptionally broad!! Even a dictionary defines art as broad spanning. But by the looks of furaffinity (despite I am not a user there) It appears to be focused on drawn and toon art, so it's understandable that 3d is not allowed there, much of the Anime and Manga industry has the same requirements.
No they don't refuse to acknowledge 3D as art, it was born largely from a LOT of screenshots from SecondLife and other games literally flooding the site, as well as a number of people uploading promo pics from stores (Like the biguana's pic of him climbing up that tree? Uploading pictures like that. Not even bothering to change them).
Eventually they had it so you can't upload it unless more than 90% of it is something you did. Modeling most of the scene but having say a Biguana would to some people warrant reporting it (As you did not make the biguana, nor did you heavily modify it or the textures). Most Vue art likely would get taken down because the focus point of it might be a raptor you bought but they'd ignore the rest of the scene just because of the raptor model.
Secondly, it was also *partially* response to the "Krystal Model Abuse" that flooded the site years ago. Some free model of a character from the Star Fox series was made available, then thousands of copy-paste Poser and Crap-tastic Photomanipulations showed up.
So while I do understand where they're coming from, it isn't really the best of solutions since animation especially is an entire different world that what most people there are used to.
Anyway, 3D art IS allowed there. There's a number of people who do sculpting in zBrush and upload their work. *Tries to dig up a particularly fascinating raptor he found*
Okay so I couldn't find the raptor sculpt. Oh well.
I did manage to find two other things.
A cute raptor-something hybrid, and a real sculpt a friend of mind did of her pet in WoW.
(Photos of sculpts and stuff are only allowed if the sculpt is something you did. Photos of action figures and the like are not allowed.)
And cartoony is obviously relative:
First pic is a dragon trying to push the other into the water as a prank. And not having much luck XD
(Lulz at the sleeping dragon being blissfully unaware of what's going on and the other one tying to use the tree as leverage to push her into the water XD)
And the second is a drawing of a wyvern and his mate on the beach. I luv how they can use their wings to walk XD
But I've never seen them used as a cape or for hugs D:
I've seen the gargoyles from that animated series do it, but never a wyvern <3<br /> .
I'd commssion hthe artist for stuff, but although the $120 or so prices would result in some awesome stuff, I'd rather learn to make purdy art myself :(
(Fullview is a must on the wyvern picture so you can see their cute faces <3 )</p>
Those are beautiful artworks! I imagine they're digital paintings, theres alot of skill in those!
Fyre might get a kick out of this one though. All of the classes in WoW played by whelps from the five (six) dragonflights. Six only if you're like me and consider the Netherwing to be included <3<br /> .
Normally I like the red dragons best, but I'm not too keen on playing a warlock. I'm a huntard through and through XD
Not too sure about being a green draggy but oh well. I like how the black deathknight whelp is fighting with an icecream cone XD
(THe artist is The-Six-Leaf-Clover, who is famous on FA for her "Munchies" dragon whelps. THese whelps are drawn in the same design, and are also obssessed with cooking treats. Hence the food and snacks in most of the images, like the cheese wheel on the Blue Dragon Mage, the Blue Dragon Priest blowing bubble gum, and so on)
I like how she replaced the picture of the planet with one of an egg XD
*edit* I can't identify the armor the netherwhelp is using, but I can tell right away the Green whelp Hunter is wearing the Dragonstalker armor from Classic XD
Quite fitting I think :)
i have to leave for work in 14 minutes. haven't gotten out of bed yet. doh
i hear rain outside. umbrella day
if i hadn't spent dbl budjet on the pa sale coulda played hooky today.
see ya on the other side ... at this rate will miss the bus, would save a lot of energy to stay home. doh, 9 minutes.
Complaint! Full of... yummylicious... noms... food coma... approaching.
Post-lunch nap-singularity begins.
Full of Avocado here *belch* :)
New Tribal Bow prop for Daz!! Made by me :cheese:
Test it out... Let me know that it all works lol
i was a good girl and came to work today.
seriously now, did hershey kisses shrink?
way to go :)
Couldn't have done it without You, Jaderail and Skiriki!
Had a little chuckle when Spyro referred to me as a girl XD
That would be the... Third time someone has done that :3
:bug: Oh my... I'm sorry. I think I sussed it out a while back, said some line referring to you as 'she' when this thread turned over, and nothing was mentioned. I'm very sorry LOL
The last person who thought I was a she was because I was constantly talking about a hoard of plush toys and puppets, and was really into DragCave and Dragonadopters (Both lil web games, but I've dropped the former. Moderation sucks, the forums awful, and the admin is an idiot. THAZ, Draconis, and Wyvern who run DragonAdopters are not only a lot easier to talk to even if you're not important, but they also run their site better. Yeah... One of "TJ"'s favored mods brushed me off because I hadn't donated to the site.)
Buut that was some time ago so I forgot who said that ^_^
It can be difficult to distinguish a gender when user names and Avatars are unisex. LOL there's a 50-50 chance you'll assume the wrong gender haha
Well the assumption was made based on what I talked about almost non-stop XD
How many people do you know that have like 7 plush toys they've named and sleep with on a nightly basis?
And most guys I know of don't openly talk about their favorite plush puppets like that either XD
Well that basis isn't a good one to assume ones gender. How would I know how old you are? and other than what you talk about, how do I know your not just a collector?... There are many many different hobbies. And sleeping with toys can be both genders. That's why I said it was a 50-50 chance I could get it wrong lol A non-humanoid Avatar gives you nothing to stand on when guessing a gender. And even that could give the wrong answer if someone has the opposite gender avatar lol
Even kindness and open mindedness can lead people to assume your a female, or a different sexuality if your a male. I have had that happen before. Though It's silly, because it's you don't have to be female to be Kind!
And some of us females can be downright evil, and go around clubbing unsuspecting forum members, just for the sheer hell of it :coolgrin:
LOL and it leaves bad bruises I might add ;-P
Moderators being mean? Sounds familiar...
Anyone happen to have downloaded my freebie bow? Just need confirmation that it works on a PC other than my own :)