- - Little thief !! That kid p…
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- - Little thief !! That kid pick pocketed my Complaint Thread! - -
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LOL there's definitely an art to archery! I had the fortunate opportunity of using a few, LOL I was NOT a legolas!
Does PM lag behind in time or something? Should I start a thread in Art Zone? It might be faster?
I think PM's do lag a bit. But We are so close to you knowing it all now I think PM's are fine for now. I might do a TUT on making DS and Poser compatible props in the near future.
That's cool, Let me know when you do... (An prob put it in Art zone or something... It'll just get burred in commons.) I'm gonna make a word doc on everything you taught me lol. Since a new prop set I'm working on is really close, I'll be reviewing your instructions to do it all over again HAHA! (Best way to learn is to do)
Another old art that I sometimes get a chuckle out of when looking back at.
Was also when I was constantly putting clothes on the MilDragon XD
(Carrara this time. Was long before I had Cinema4D)
@Rizca: I like that one much, so much better than a bunch of dogs playing poker.
@Spyro: When I do the TUT, more than likely it will go in the General Freepozitory. With a PDF going up on ShareCG.
Was watching a friend stream her drawing this art of Portal, and I just kept thinking how much Wheatley looks like 343 Guilty Spark from Halo. Maybe they're related somehow XD
Also mentioned how interesting a Halo-Portal crossover would be :3
Or Halo-MassEffect since they both have big unimaginably large universes and history/lore.
Aww thank you <3<br /> I think a drawing of a buncha monitor lizards playing cards would be better than dogs :P
Reptiles aren't as stupid as many people tend to believe. Sure they might not play chess or something, but they're not all dumb as bricks either.
Murr.... Would be pretty cool to have an outfit like Yuyuko's to play with. Especially the hat :3
I like the pose she's making here too. Is cute :3
ETA that a prop of her famous fan would be pretty cool as well, but I doubt most freebie-providers would want to bother with the intricate pattern on it XD
Bliss to be in the surf with the tide going out as the moon rose tonight, Melbourne sure turned Spring on today. Apparently there is a monster storm on way from Antarctica, but right now is heaven :)
If you get a storm, then it'll reach me in a day or two... Today was a pleasant day... Bring on Spring! I over winter!
Saturday morning apparently, hail and freezing wind the thought is incongruous with a day like today :)
hehe *likes*
Course it gonna be Saturday and Sunday, That's my night-shifts outside in the cold at a university! I always get bad weather when I work there :down:
Course it gonna be Saturday and Sunday, That's my night-shifts outside in the cold at a university! I always get bad weather when I work there :down:
Well that doesn't sound fair. I'm tempted to leave town for the weekend, my 'hood will be invaded by zillions of football fans partying like it's 1999 :)
LOL Glad I don't get invaded by footie fans!
Wheeeeee. The catch-up sale has began.
Clicky click click Not a member so hope it does good :)
For Dragon Cave, it does not matter if you are a member or not for the clicks to count. Even just viewing the dragons is a big help.
I do not get paid until next Friday instead of this Friday.
Aw! Sadness. :(
Here is a sneak peak of my upcoming freebie! It's a 'fan' prop. Hunger Games LOL The bow is a fiberglass make by the way. :cheese:
For Dragon Cave, it does not matter if you are a member or not for the clicks to count. Even just viewing the dragons is a big help.
some of the icons I clicked this morning still show 0 views :(
Havent seen the movie but the model looks good :) Hey 1313 posts, that's gotta add up to something good, or bad
For Dragon Cave, it does not matter if you are a member or not for the clicks to count. Even just viewing the dragons is a big help.
some of the icons I clicked this morning still show 0 views :(
Those are probably the dead eggs or the leetle tree. The dead eggs are the ones that are half an egg.
some of the icons I clicked this morning still show 0 views :(
Those are probably the dead eggs or the leetle tree. The dead eggs are the ones that are half an egg.
Oh OK good, am klutzy with websites and didnt want to mess up ;)
PA catchup is simultaneously cleaning out my wishlist and bank account... :down:
New toys! :cheese:
i saved 10 bucks this morning, walking in the rain to the bus stop, instead of a taxi.
Daz site is loading really slow for me atm :(
Sorry about that, I went through every PA store. Literally. Man I got digital things dancing in my eyes now.
I would be too, but it's taking 2 mins to load one page.