Daz Studio Pro BETA - version …
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How do you hide vendor categorization for assets in DS
The product FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7 has the figure incorrectly categorized in Figures>People>Male>Real World>FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7. It should be in the level above, Real World. So I right clicked and selected Categorize. I removed the check mark on the FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7 category and placed a check mark in Real World. However, the change I made won't stick. The categorization stays at Figures>People>Male>Real World>FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7. I have Show Hidden Vendor Categorizations unchecked in Preferences.
I thought the bug in was supposed to have been fixed in, so I guess I don't understand how to get rid of vendor assigned categories.
As you are fixing "failure to upgrade CMS database issues" could you tackle fault as reported by
2016-26-26 17:26:02.198 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Unexpected exception in upgradeDb: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "compatibility_base_content_content_id_compatibility_base_id_key"
DETAIL: Key (content_id, compatibility_base_id)=(121364, 149) already exists.
I had reported this as a bug report but gave up as the assigned admin was clueless on programming or scripts.
I don't have Edgar, but I looked for a similar incorrect categorization in another product. In this case an "info" icon was categorized under Figures/People... down to a vendor's custom category. It was also in a more suitable category and I tried to delete the incorrect one, but as you say, the change was not stored. I even went in to Edit Metadata and edited the category there (and checked purge unused categories)—no change. I'm sure this didn't use to be a problem in previous versions.
I don't like these custom categories that some vendors make specific to their product (i.e. it includes the product name). That in my opinion is not what Categories are for, and I don't see what use they are to the user, frankly. It's fine if they create a category because there isn't a suitable one for the asset, but it should be something generic that could be used for other assets should they come along.
I did fix it, by the way, but by the brute force method of deleting the custom category. That worked!
Thanks for confirming that it doesn't work the way I assumed it should work. I've submitted a help request.
Question for Rob or Spooky. On the Transfer Utility is there a way to add an option for Auto Follow to be checked off or on? I find when creating content that Expressions, regardless of the figure used, leaves all the Auto Follow and Limits off so if they are meant to be hidden followers they are exposed and no auto follow so stuff like masks, beards and other stuff like that won't follow along as expected!
Are you talking about morphs or bones? The Genesis 3 figures use bones for most expressions.
Morphs. This is not a DAZ figure.
Also, I need to understand the Memorize function. When I use it all the rotations go gray but the values are still present. If I save a pose out from a memorized pose will it save correctly or will be messed up?
memorise sets the values as those to be restored to using a restore command, it doesn't change the values needed for a rotation (unlike the bake rotations command). Poses work normally still.
Ah, OK. thanks for giving my mind some relief! lol
Well it sort of works. If I use symmetry to mirror the pose after I've made some changes to it .... looks very very bad, that's all I can say.
I've been going back and forth with customer service over this, and things are getting worse. They now tell me to delete the .dsx file from the Daz Connect cloud data folder and reimport metadata. This cannot be how this is supposed to work - manually delete files from Daz Connect cloud data????? I tried to do what they said, and the product lost its icon, and it didn't fix the problem. I'm frustrated.
I stumbled across a method to remove the vendor assigned category/categories and change to a preferred category/categories:
1. Select icon(s), right click and select Categorize.
2. Click the "Remove from All Categories" button to remove all existing categories
3. Assign your preferred category/categories and click Accept.
EDIT: Nevermind - the test I performed was for items assigned to the Lost and Found category, which isn't an issue removing and changing categories
EDIT 2: I had reported this issue on July 6th in this thread. I'll file a problem report too and see what response I get.
RAMwolff, the symmetry function will multiply any scaling done to the figure, be sure to uncheck Scaling and Translate boxes.
In rendo there are metadata packs for buy. I don't know if it sell well. Sell or share metadata sound as good idea for me, but not in packs because you can not own some of the products associated to some metadata in the pack. If the metadata is shared free, twice best. And I very able to make my own metadata, but de magnitude of this amount of work is frightening.
If the metadata is for products without metadata usefulness is more than obvious, and this is the type of metadata that I would want see being shared. If the metadata is for products with metadata it depends on what change are made.
Yes, well aware. This Memorize function and then using the Symmetry tool do not play well together from my own findings...
I agree—that was a poor response. I note we haven't had any input from DAZ staff on this thread for quite a while. Releasing public betas is essentially asking customers to put work into testing the software and I think a thread devoted to a beta deserves regular responses from the developers—I don't want to be a PIA but I am disappointed.
Can we expect sperical cameras that are available in iRay 2016.1 anytime soon?
Trying to get a public build failed for me. This smart content, download manager whatever is to much for me. I just don't get it. Can we get back to those good old times, where you just click "download to..." and then click on "install to..."? I have enough of all this cryptic stuff being put on my !!!Windows System only C-drive!!! without asking me. This is my computer and I want back controll over it.
The only thing that has to stay on your C: is the manifest folder and files. You can put everything else on a separate drive and just point DIM to it.
Is this Last Public Build still availeble? I cannot See ist in my DM. I Fan see Public beta add ons like the GoZ Plug in but no DS beta.
The manifest files can also be moved but it requires adding the path manually to an .ini file for DIM (this is for Windows, don't know how or if it can be done with Macs).
Thank you for your answer, but "???". I seriousley don't have any idea, what you are talking about. All this is way over my head. I feel like a newbie. I think, I give up on this. No luck with DS4.9. I'll go back to 4.8.
Again thank you for trying to help. :)
Does anyone know if when you load up a pre-made Genesis 1 character in DAZ from 4.8 to this new version that the foot size/legnth morphs "reset" with scaling leading to -10%? It was a bug in a previous beta.
Will this version support the 1070 and 1080 graphic cards?
That requires a change from NVIDIA which we don't have yet.
Thank you very much for the fast reply. Does this mean that a software update from NVIDIA and from DAZ3D is required to use these cards?
It might just be a driver change, it might require more. At this point in time it is too early to know what may or may not be needed.
What's the trick to getting the beta to show in this dim thing ? tried every and all filter, show hidden etc , nada , not a thing.
why no direct link like 99.9% of the rest of the internet ?
Have you "purchased" a beta before? Below is copied form the beta FAQ:
If this is your first time downloading Daz Studio Pro BETA, simply follow this link, click the "ADD TO CART" button on the page and then follow the checkout process.
Any news on IRAY support for 10 series cards?
I don't have one, just kinda curious as the new Titan is due soon, and my fingers are itching; Nvidia have crippled the new Titan as they felt it was taking sales away from the pro card, so want to be sure IRAY is in no way part of that; if so, it's colossal waste of cash.
Incidentally, not only is it a software 'fix' but the silicon used for the consumer card doesn't have the components (or greatly reduced numbers of them) on the pro card. Looks like it's more related to deep learning functions, but want to be sure.