"Brace yourself, my dear wallet! There's always another Sale - and Glitches!"



  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057
    edited April 2017

    Posted by Lynara

    I played all week in the G2, DarkSeal and Poser Blowouts. I think I'm done for a while, barring any more major blowouts. Time to render some of this stuff. 

    The Daz sales team needs to give us all a breather so we can spend more time modeling and less time min-maxing discounts on sale items!

    Every time I thought I was done buying stuff this week, the Daz sales team one upped the ante on the sales!  Mere mortals (and their wallets) can only take so much of that!


    The good news is that once you have the stuff, it's not in your wishlist anymore to distract you.  I pared down my wishlist quite a bit this week, even after adding a whole bunch of other stuff to it as I spotted it scrolling theough the various pages.

    Post edited by tj_1ca9500b on
  • I was able to grab a bunch of older (v4 era) hairs by goldtassel for 50-60 cents each today.  These are very easily adaptable to the newer generations and look great with UHT2 in iray.

  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057

    I was able to grab a bunch of older (v4 era) hairs by goldtassel for 50-60 cents each today.  These are very easily adaptable to the newer generations and look great with UHT2 in iray.

    I did the same early this morning, and grabbed them quickly just in case it was a glitch or something.  The whole Western Bundle thing is a good indication that sales can be changed at a moment's notice, but of course the downside is that you may miss out on better discount stacking opportunities later on if you hold off for a few hours, if a newer sale 'stacks' with the promo you are looking at.  Can't win for losing I guess!

    Ahh well, like the thread title says, there's always another sale!


  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    If you've any interest in animations, the fast and furriest promo (70% off GoFigure with purchase of a featured new release) stacks nicely with the 70%/80% off poser sale. I picked up the scene optimiser and a whole bunch of aniblocks at very generous discounts. Animate2 is also in the M4 Leisuretime bundle, if you don't already own it. 

  • Well, think the animation promo is gone already.

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601

    All three of the current Gift Card discounts are stacking. 10% from today's Stonemason offer, 8% from the Wild West sale and 8% from the Barbarian Queen sale, for a total of just above 23% off Gift Cards. However, you would have to buy qualifying items in the range of $60-$70 to get that discount...

  • Hmm, did some cart bonanza and was close to doing crazy things (like spending hundreds), but at the end decided to empty my cart and stay reasonable just buying the Fallen One and the Scene Optimizer among some heavily discounted older stuff. It's a pity as a combination of all the promos would have triggered a nice overall gift card discount and a fine discount on even current DAZ orginal bundles.


  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779
    edited April 2017

    All three of the current Gift Card discounts are stacking. 10% from today's Stonemason offer, 8% from the Wild West sale and 8% from the Barbarian Queen sale, for a total of just above 23% off Gift Cards. However, you would have to buy qualifying items in the range of $60-$70 to get that discount...

    Yeah, bad timing for this...lol

    I wonder how this is supposed to work.

    1) So all week/weekend I didn't but ANYTHING. but just kept putting stuff in my wishlist....

    Today I see this awesome final deal and it becomes the day to strike...add all those pieces to my cart and ON TOP OF THAT, then go get a hefty gift card. - that I can't use with the currently loaded cart.

    2) have been jocking and swapping items all week and weekend until I can do the best I can with each offer. See THIS offer arrive LAST MINUTE and decide to get all the items I sorta felt 'could wait' JUST to get a savings on a gift card, I STILL can't use NOW, when I need it....

    3) Spend all weekend nickel and diming over a 60 cents swing on Daz originals - cause that's what decided what could stay in cart and what was removed....and now rejoice because the $1.99 items NOW BREAK INTO the sweet 'under a dollar' WILL BUY NOW endzone for scoring....[ignore gift cards AND stonemason because....]

    4) Daz decides to drop one of the best products EVER [aside from utilities and iconic figures, but you know what my hyperbole means at its root] from one its most-respected/beloved vendors ---

    For, at best discount I can tell, $27.97 - which would have translated to OVER 50 pieces yesterday (and porobably did for most lol) and you gotta get something else of his - probably a HIGHER PRICED ITEM you've been eyeing. Yeah, they drop his item at the END OF A BUYING BONAZAAAA.....

    5) As if MARCH MADNESS doesn't affect the very next month's budget. lol


    No matter what I do with this cart, there is no way not to get banged by today's deal.

    It requires me to take it and then come back for more. lol, not lol. angry crying

    Post edited by Griffin Avid on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    It's a Kobayashi Maru, I tell you! 

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484
    Llynara said:

    It's a Kobayashi Maru, I tell you! 

    Does that mean we can pull a Kirk and cheat? ;)

  • KinichKinich Posts: 884
    Llynara said:

    It's a Kobayashi Maru, I tell you! 

    Does that mean we can pull a Kirk and cheat? ;)

    Does this mean that the store software was written by a Vulcan?

    But That's illogical Jim!

  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,849


    Kinich said:
    Llynara said:

    It's a Kobayashi Maru, I tell you! 

    Does that mean we can pull a Kirk and cheat? ;)

    Does this mean that the store software was written by a Vulcan?

    But That's illogical Jim!

    Dammit Jim!  I'm a Doctor, not an artist...  laugh

  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,507
    edited May 2017

    The Poser sale and the weekend DAZ discount seem to have ended early, it seems.


    edit: nevermind, it's still kinda working? A lot of the discounts don't show until the cart...

    Post edited by mtl1 on
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,564

    Yeah, that has happened this week already. Sales ended an hour or two short of the rollover. Glad I didn't wait much longer...

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited May 2017

    I highly recommend taking advantage of today's May Day sale. I wasn't planning on getting the three Daz Originals, but with 4 Aave Nainen/Sedor items in my cart, they were less than $1.50 each! Got the Iray Skies and several pose packs, too. All that for under $20...

    Happy May Day!

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,507
    Speaking of Sedor: does anyone know what the outfit in this pose pack is? https://www.daz3d.com/bwc-sport-poses-for-stephanie-6
  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919
    edited May 2017
    L'Adair said:

    I highly recommend taking advantage of today's May Day sale. I wasn't planning on getting the three Daz Originals, but with 4 Aave Nainen/Sedor items in my cart, they were less than $1.50 each! Got the Iray Skies and several pose packs, too. All that for under $20...

    Happy May Day!

    If I put the four new items in my cart the prices of the DOs don't change, despite Daz's chart claiming they would. I'll investigate with the 3 dos and back catalogue.

    ETA. Not working properly. 4 new items in my cart does nothing. 4 new items plus one back catalogue triggers 50% on everything, which may or may not be correct on the new items but isn't correct on the back catalogue item.


    1484 x 657 - 86K
    1480 x 786 - 98K
    Post edited by anikad on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,147
    anikad said:
    L'Adair said:

    I highly recommend taking advantage of today's May Day sale. I wasn't planning on getting the three Daz Originals, but with 4 Aave Nainen/Sedor items in my cart, they were less than $1.50 each! Got the Iray Skies and several pose packs, too. All that for under $20...

    Happy May Day!

    If I put the four new items in my cart the prices of the DOs don't change, despite Daz's chart claiming they would. I'll investigate with the 3 dos and back catalogue.

    ETA. Not working properly. 4 new items in my cart does nothing. 4 new items plus one back catalogue triggers 50% on everything, which may or may not be correct on the new items but isn't correct on the back catalogue item.

    You need 4 items from SEDOR OR AAVE NAINEN, not 4 new items to trigger the discount.

  • Peter FulfordPeter Fulford Posts: 1,325


    anikad said:
    L'Adair said:

    I highly recommend taking advantage of today's May Day sale. I wasn't planning on getting the three Daz Originals, but with 4 Aave Nainen/Sedor items in my cart, they were less than $1.50 each! Got the Iray Skies and several pose packs, too. All that for under $20...

    Happy May Day!

    If I put the four new items in my cart the prices of the DOs don't change, despite Daz's chart claiming they would. I'll investigate with the 3 dos and back catalogue.

    ETA. Not working properly. 4 new items in my cart does nothing. 4 new items plus one back catalogue triggers 50% on everything, which may or may not be correct on the new items but isn't correct on the back catalogue item.

    The extra discounts on the new items only work with qualifying back catalog. It doesn't say you get extra discounts with just the four new items in the cart.

  • Peter FulfordPeter Fulford Posts: 1,325

    Beaten by the duck, again. laugh

  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919

    Well clearly this is far too complicated for my little brain, so I'll quit whilst I'm ahead. By the way what is the 89% discount?

  • Peter FulfordPeter Fulford Posts: 1,325

    89% is from (30% with 60% with 60%)


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,147
    edited May 2017
    anikad said:

    Well clearly this is far too complicated for my little brain, so I'll quit whilst I'm ahead. By the way what is the 89% discount?

    Go down to the bottom of the promo page. You can click to access the two featured artists. Pick any 4 items from their stores, they don't even have to be new. Not 4 from each, but 4 total. This gives you the best discount for the day.

    If you pick Iray Skies, then you only need to pick 3 more, because that is already by one of the featured artists.

    Post edited by Ati on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,923
    edited May 2017

    Deleted; already posted elsewhere

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    We know.

  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    mtl1 said:
    Speaking of Sedor: does anyone know what the outfit in this pose pack is? https://www.daz3d.com/bwc-sport-poses-for-stephanie-6

    It's "Sexy Sporty", but it is no longer available - has been removed from the store a (long) while ago.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,514

    Am I the only one who breaths a sign of relief when the daily offerings don't included must have items. My debit card is smoldering from all the friction of the past month.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,147
    Greybro said:

    Am I the only one who breaths a sign of relief when the daily offerings don't included must have items. My debit card is smoldering from all the friction of the past month.

    No must-haves, but the three new DO items at 92% off do look inviting.

  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,507
    Sedor said:
    mtl1 said:
    Speaking of Sedor: does anyone know what the outfit in this pose pack is? https://www.daz3d.com/bwc-sport-poses-for-stephanie-6

    It's "Sexy Sporty", but it is no longer available - has been removed from the store a (long) while ago.

    Oh no, that's disappointing :( Thanks for the id though!
  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    Very sad that the March Madness sale was not marked as weekend-only and was pulled. :/  If they would just put an end-date or mark it as a weekend-only sale, I would have checked out early yesterday evening. Also tired of sales being pulled before midnight. grumble grumble

This discussion has been closed.