Morphs from G3 to G8
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Oh, all in all it don't look bad. LOL considering the original is for the G3 Male :)
Yeah, actually technically that's transferred G3M and Exile shapes (did them separately, seems to be the most sensible)
Going to experiment with sb3, I think.
My Anicinabe morphs comparison render:
On the left, the morph from last night, applying the female Anicinabe morph to the G3F setup, using Cross-Figure to give the morph the male shape. On the right is new morph created using the G3M setup, (the extra two steps outlined in my previous post.) The two guys next to each other look like brothers, or the left a younger version of the one on the right. Overall, the creating morphs from G3M characters is easy as from G3F characters. (Once I had my base G3M setup, I saved it, just as I did for the female.) The real issue is going to be skins for the male characters.You can use any G3F skin without makeup and remove the brows with Brow Remover. Then it's easy to add brows with Skin Builder 3, though only a few brow shapes are not obviously female. Or you could try using auto-fit to apply fiber-mesh brows. I haven't tried Oh My Brows for G3M yet, but I did use auto-fit for the G3F version and one other fiber mesh G3F brows I have, and they work perfectly, provided you select hair in the dialog. (I selected short hair. I did not try Shoulder-Length hair.)
I did manage to get a G3M skin on G8F. Can't remember if I posted this one here or not. I used Ahmad's djinn skin. There were seams though. No way to really get around that.
I've also tried Cayman's legacy UV's, first putting them on G3F and then autofitting to G8F. That part worked, but when you put the skin on, you can't smooth it out like you can on G3F, so it looks weird. That post is here:
Legacy UVs isn't going to work.
UV definitions are geometry specific. What Cayman did was create a whole new set of UVs for G3F. Because of the difference between G3's material zones and those of the previous generations, G3 can't use older textures "out of the box," as it were. So, in addition to the new UV layout, Cayman made geografts to handle the the different material zones.
To make it work on G8 you need to convert the geografts to G8, graft them, and then create a new UV layout for G8.
Even doing all that, there are still a bunch of bells and whistles built into the Legacy UVs products that mean the conversion probably won't have the same utility. I doubt there's a way around that unless you're a whiz at Dazscript.
Does anyone know how to remove the morphs out of the morph loader? I have redone some and although I deleted the actual morphs from the morph directory in my content library, when I get to the point after the ERC freeze point, I have to rename the morphs because they are still in the morph loader.
Yara looks great! What skin texture is that?
Wow! SO creapy! So cool! Excellent work!
Since the UV's are close, I thought it was worth a shot. I love the Legacy UV products and do hope Cayman makes versions for G8 at some point in the near future. I use those products a lot.
Oh nice! He looks great! Sexy guy!
It's from the Mousso character Yara. Her skin was more pale before I updated to the new version of Daz and also I used that shader script so she looks really tan now.
You'll be able to share any material made for G3 over to G8 because they are cut up the same way, but everything is a no go. Those Geografts in the Legacy stuff are mission critical. It just won't work without them. But as important, the UV layouts are totally different gor G2 and earlier. The legacy package actually changes G3's UVlayout to match the older v and then covers the gaps with geografts.
Also, you should be able to eliminate seams from G3M, V7, etc maps using the Map Transfer utility to convert the textures to G3F's UV layout.
The only way to convert older maps Involves Blender.
Select the morph so it is outlined. Right click on it as if you were going to ERC freeze, In the same menu as ERC freeze, there is a Delete Selected morphs command. That will remove it from the list.
If you delete the DSF files and restart Studio, the morphs are also gone. If your problem is that you are loading a new figure and the morphs are still there, it's because Studio has them in memory, that's why a restart will make them go away after you delete the files. The Delete selected morphs command removes them from active memory, but does not delete file, so they typically reurn if you load the figure again, or restart Studio
I'm confused, @Redz.
1) I don't understand what "Transfer Utility method" and "Morph Import method" are. I tried your revised tutorial, but it seems to use both the transfer utility and morph importing with morph loader pro, so is it one of those methods, or something else?
2) Does your revised tutorial already have this change to the Singular Blues type clone incorporated or do I hae to change the files you provided?
Thanks for all the tips in this forum thread.
I was able to fit the grafts onto G8F via autofit, and put the skins on. It was the final step- smoothing the old UV onto the new one, where things go wonky. It doesn't know how to wrap correctly, probably because a step is missing in prepping the character and loading that new UV he created. The script won't load it on a G8F, hence the workaround. Worth a try though.
I don't know much about the Map Transfer Utility. Sounds like another adventure, LOL
Argh, can anyone remind me how to remove parts of a body from a morph?
I'm trying to bring over some facial morphs and for some reason it insists on adjusting the shoulders and hips (badly)
Also the belly button! I have only a few FaceGen morphs and nothing else I'd like to transfer. I'll buy what I want when I need it for G8 when it's available and needed.
How can I transfer just a FaceGen morph and absolutely not affect the navel or the rest of the body?
Ultimate Uwrap 3D repaint works a treat for transferring textures and its not dear, I even for a laugh transfered V4 purple bikini skin to Genesis 3 which would work on 8!
I'm not sure, I've never done it. But this tutorial:
sounds like it might work?
I bought both the Geograft Legacy UVs products and the Smith3D Texture Transformer and personally I feel the better solution is the Texture Transformer. It is much less aggravation and steps once you save the transformed textures and make material presets.
In fact I like it so much I have been waiting for these 2 products to go on massive sales:
So far, good luck with many tranferring via Redz tools. I am having odd issues in that while some will transfer to the G8 obj, some won't affect it at all. I haven't any idea what the cause of that might be, since if I make the G8 invisible and the G3 visible, I can see that the G3 is morphing as expected. But, the G8 is unaffected.
Any ideas about that?
Here a render of Alietta Sprite on G8F...worked perfectly on her. Skin is using NGS2 shaders as well.
Has anyone had any luck transferring facegen morphs over, when I load them on G3f nothing changes on g8f but it will Change G3f so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if it's just not possible
I believe you have to bring the morph over, mark it as a favorite then go into the Geometry Editor and remove the polys you don't want in the morph (which in your case would be the whole body except the head). Then do the rest as normal.
The most likely reason is that auto-follow is disabled for the morphs you are trying to transfer. The solution would be to enble auto-follow for the morph in the parameters tab. I think you would then need to refit your G8 Morph object to G3 before it will work.
Here's the description for removing unwanted vertices from your morphs
When I say Transfer Utility method I mean the method described by Sickleyield whereby you load a G3F and a G8F, then you favourite the G3 morphs you wish to transfer and use the transfer utility selecting the G3F clone and unchecking all but the morphs-favourites options. It's really fast but the default clone messes up the hands badly on body morphs and you can't transfer whole characters unless you make a full body morph for them on G3F first.
By the morph import method, I refer to the tutorial I posted. I'm don't want to claim ownership as it's directly pulled from methods posted here for previous generations, just packaged a little easier to follow.
No the current tutorial file has the default Genesis 3 Female clone dialled in on G8F. Making a new clone using Singular Blues method and dialling that in instead of the default clone would give better transfer results, but involves a few extra steps to make the clone.
hope that helps
What do you mean by "refit?" Do you mean I'd need to do "Fit G8F to G3F" after changing the parameter to "autofollow?"
EDIT... Yep...tried that and it worked.
1. I enabled "autofollow" under the parameter settings.
2. I "Fit to None" to remove the fit on G8F. (This step is necessary. It didn't work when I tried to do another "Fit to G3F" without "Fit to None" first.)
3. I redid "Fit to G3F" on G8F.
4. Those morphs that I added "AutoFollow" now work.
Thanks again, Redz!
Yes, thank you, that helps a lot!
I'm sorry Devilsatdust15, I don't know how I missed your comment! I transfered her via GenX2 from G2F to G3F, then used Redz tutorial to transfer her to G8F.
I have - I simply used SickleYield's old turtorial but I need to augment it a bit with the post 5 posts prior to this post to stop unwanted transfer of the navel morph and other such things.
It seems like characters with large eyes don't transfer well. The eyes end up looking pretty messed up. Does anyone know how to fix these scary eyes?
The upper lid gets this really weird droopy skin. Anyone know a fix for this?