Garibaldi Express: Hair and Fu…
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Garibaldi Express: Hair and Fur Plugin [Commercial]

The wait is over 'Garibaldi Express' for DAZ Studio is available from the DAZ Store. Make sure you make the most of the introductory sale discount and purchase your copy today.
'Garibaldi Express' is the complete professional hair solution for Daz Studio. Designed from the ground up to offer powerful yet easy tools. Anyone can create breathtaking hair and fur renders quickly.
Check out the previous Beta Testing forum for a wealth of extra information:
Thanks for answering my question in the beta thread!
No complicated activation, just good old Daz My Serials page registration!
Edited to add: maybe you should tell Daz to add your vendor name to the page ... at the moment it reads:
Shop more by:
and then nothing.
I hope you get the money nonetheless!!!
Moved my question to here. :)
What is the license details about number of computer per purchase and same ownership?
Sometimes I have to split render work across to a few other computers.. DAZ Studio doesn't support render farm -- what I usually do is have other computers to render different frames.
Well, that's an interesting one...
The license is associated with your personal use, it specifies that you may install the software on 'your' computer, the wording is loose so your computer could change (moving between multiple computers).
But using it on multiple computers simultaneous, well that's not specifically covered by the EULA at the moment.
My view is that if it is only 'you' who are using the multiple computers it's fine by me, I will look at updating the EULA for future version to be more exact. But what your suggesting is not something I have a issue with.
Awesome. I have just bought it, right after I have seen announcement in Daz 3D newsletter.
Well, that's an interesting one...
The license is associated with your personal use, it specifies that you may install the software on 'your' computer, the wording is loose so your computer could change (moving between multiple computers).
But using it on multiple computers simultaneous, well that's not specifically covered by the EULA at the moment.
My view is that if it is only 'you' who are using the multiple computers it's fine by me, I will look at updating the EULA for future version to be more exact. But what your suggesting is not something I have a issue with.
That is even better. I also use more than one computer with Daz Studio, but not at the same time.
The possibility to use the one license of your product on multiple computers owned by the same person
is very appreciated and I like you and Garibaldi Express even more.
Could anybody please post the link to the (optional) registration page. I did it not during the installation but I could not find the link again. (I tried this: but it doesn't work)
Thanks in advance.
That address is correct. I hope to make web based registration available in the next few days (for people who didn't wish to register during the installation process). Don't worry you're not missing out at the moment by not registering your product.
Remember registration of your product is completely optional.
Thanks for purchasing Garibaldi Express...
Edited to delete, because I misunderstood the question.
In case the vendor is following this discussion, the website has a downloads section with a demo hairstyle but the link doesn't work (404 error).
The Link is wrong.
Change the Download to
Thank you :)
Oh - and a quick question while I'm here (it has probably been covered in the Beta thread but there are dozens of pages to trawl through): I can see examples of fur and of course, hair styles, but how is it with human body hair (chest, legs, etc.)?
One little Question :)
It is possible to render the Hair with Reality ?
I think its no Problem but before i buy the plugin...
Yes, I wondered that too since I've started using Reality almost exclusively these days. I bought GH anyway so I'll find out soon.
Uhm ... you will have to use the export to obj to make it render in reality
Could you explain a little further please?
Just purchased this awesome plugin - I'm in love with it already :)
Refresh the page, is fixed. Has been a very long day...
Could you explain a little further please?
This feature is not currently documented... Garibaldi Express is primary designed for use with the build in Daz Studio Renderer.
A brief discution about this feature can be found around here on the old Beta forum topic.
Is the introduction sale really for only 2 days, please tell me its one of Daz's errors, I just bought the Aiko Pro bundle and there's no way I can afford this until next week at the earliest.
This feature is not currently documented... Garibaldi Express is primary designed for use with the build in Daz Studio Renderer.
A brief discution about this feature can be found around here on the old Beta forum topic.
Ahh - big pity. This is a show stopper for me I'm afraid. Apart from animations, I use Reality for all of my renders.
On my wishlist..
Looks like i could do my dream hair with that plugin*g*
Is that usually render faster then fiber meshes ?
ok here goes. bought it up right way. Right now my system is less then able to use it i know from beta testing it. I know i will be using it at some point. big question is this:
Any plans on expanding into the poser program other then obj import? maybe even using your hair as a styling for poser hair? to add to that same question about Cararra? I am glad about the price and would be willing to also buy the system for Poser and Cararra also
bought it as soon as I saw the newsletter :)
the link on the store page is showing as a 404 page not found
I was faster - I bought it before I got the newsletter. *grin*
As is the link to go to further info on the product page. Has been Flagged up
There are lots of errors on the product site. The link to download page is obsolate. I found this one which seems correct and gives direct access to the page where freebies can be downloaded (a single one for now but more to come):
I am so excited that this has now been released as I have been playing with it quite a lot during the public Beta and I found it such an easy plug-in to learn and use and the results are amazing.
Here is one of my recent renders with the last Beta... using the freebie hair style.
Off to install the release version now :D
Is there a way we can share the settings for different models? I.e. Let's say I do a real nice Horse 'fur' and mane. Is there a mechanism to export the settings for other people who own this plug-in?
I'm all for not having to re-invent the wheel. :)