Morphs from G3 to G8
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Perfection at last! Thanks @Singular Blues and @Redz, the current tut woks great with extreme shapes. Testing Nyrai and Pryia later.
I need some help here. There anyone get this issue when applying the "G1toG8F fixer pose"?
I saw some weird stuff like that back when this thread was just getting started. But not for quite some time. Are you working with Redz' latest tutorial? (Redz's Tutorial for Adding Clones to G8)
Yes! Using his fixing pose preset. It's weird, all fix poses presets worked fine, just Geneis failed.
I have to ask is that a typeO "G1toG8F fixer pose"? G1?? what fixer pose are you using?
Well! I restarted DS and this time the preset worked as expected. Weird, but it's working. Tjank you for the attention. ;-)
It comes with the Genesis 8 Clones tutorial: Redz's Tutorial for Adding Clones to G8
I'm happy to hear you got it working. Sorry it took restarting Daz Studio, though. but I guess that's better than having to reboot your computer!

I followed Redz tutorial and transferred Eva 7 Morphs to Genesis 8 Female. I ended up with deformed arms as you can see from this picture. Any ideas as to what I did wrong?
A question for people using Redz tools and getting distortions.
The tut requires you to create a wavefront object file. Hide stuff and do an export. These distortions you get in the final have to be in that mesh as well. You should see them before you export anything. Are you not seeing that?
(Note if you aren't and there are no distortions until you pose the figure, the answer to why you have issues is you didn't adjust the rigging or freeze the ERC. You gotta do those steps. This question is for people who have distorted figures as soon as they dial the morph.)
I'm not having any issues with the shape morphs so far. In the image below, can you tell which figure is Rune 7 and which is G8F? (No tricks; one is Rune 7, the other is G8F with Rune 7's shape, and materials via Map Transfer.)
Rune vs Rune
I've transferred 118 G3F's to G8F with no distortions or problems.
Holy cow!
I'm still futzing around with the textures.
I was a bit embarrased to realize how many characters I actually have...
G3, Left. G8 Right.
(I can see a few points of difference, but I don't Rune 7, so I can't dial that up and see which one matches. Based on a little problem I found with a G8 JCM--my problem, the JCM is fine--I'm making the guess above.)
I don't know which is which but do I get any points for recognising the Serengeti Millenium Backdrop?!
Sure. 10 points to Gryffindor.
I'm not saying you're right or wrong, at this point. I"d love to see a few more guesses first.
I will say I had a lot of fun matching the pose on the two figures. None of those "convert G3F to G8F" scripts come very close. I had to adjust bone after bone... and then I discovered the staff skewered the left breast on both. So I had to tweak the pose, and tweak the pose, and keep on tweaking until I had the staff not running through either breast and the pose so similar on both they had to be taking up the same space to see the differences!
Thanks for taking up the challenge!
I know, it is quite embarrasing to me as well
I'm so glad you said this cause I've read through this thread front to back about 3 times now and I still feel like everyone is speaking martian except me .......I really miss D3D
I found a typo?
"19. Delete Genesis 2 Female and MyG8Clone_G2F from the scene.
20. Make Genesis 2 Female visible again by clicking the eye symbol next to her in the scene tab."
I'm assuming by the pictures in step 19 you are supposed to delete G8F.
A little late, but cheers for this. :)
Me, too! I have a TON of characters. Which is why I am so darn PICKY about characters now. I dial-spin my own faces and bodies, so unless I see a particularly great shape, I typically don't buy for that. Great faces often form the basis of my characters, 'cause I rarely use 'em straight out of the box, unless I'm testing clothing or hair. I look at the skin - and like to have a selection of shades from light to dark. I also enjoy fantasy skin and really nice makeup will also catch my eye.
Some of my favorite characters are from V4 - some of the best fantasy skins and makeups come from V4. Guess who's happy about Cayman's new Legacy UV's V4 for V8?!
Me? lol I was thrilled to see that as well. I have a lot of V4 characters, the skin and make up options are astounding.
I tried to transfer a G2 Morph to G8 with Redz method. I did this before with another character and it worked. Now I did it exactly as in Redz tutorial. When I want to load the new G8 Morph with Morph Loader then ist says
"Loading morph NewMorph...
Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph."
Resolution is base and I didn't change anything on the via Transfer Utility created Morph. What causes this error? Has anyone had the same problem?
The error is caused because, well, the geometry doesn't match.
There 2 possibe reasons if you used Redz's file.
One, you exported the wrong figure. As varition on this them, you might have exported the right figure and attempted to import it to wrong figure.
Two, you exported a subdivide mesh.
There's one other possibility if you did not use Redz's file. In that case, it would be exporting the G8 eyelashes along with the figure.
For safety purposes, you should proceed starting with the file Redz provided, and do everything in the tutorial, double chcking each step.
Without having gone through this entire thread, if anyone has tried it, do morphs that've been transferred from V4 to G3F via GenX transfer well from the G3F conversion over to G8F?
Probably. No reason it wouldn't work. But it will be a copy of a copy, so it might be pretty random how well it works. The more extreme the change, the more likely it will be to come out badly, but otherwise, it should be fine.
Some transfer well, otheres don't. I've had some hits and misses. This one turned out "ok". It's Angel for V4 transfered to G3F via GenX then transfered to G8F via Redz tutorial.
Render stopped early - sorry for the grainy.
Then you didn't do exactly as it said. :) Or I would guess that...
The warning likely means that you exported something besides what you should do. Did you turn off Sub D and High Resolution (or make sure it is off); did you make sure that anything not to be exported was invisible?
I've transferred a couple; they went well - mostly.
Textures and morphs; I left out the hands from the transfer as they weren't transferring well and it was quicker that way and not discernably different.