The 2013 Stonemason Catalogue Contest



  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    dimeolas said:
    ...second entry...
    rendered in Vue11
    ...using various elements from streets of asia 1 and 2

    Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!! What more can I say. :-)
  • BnomSandyBnomSandy Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    My first entry.

    Title: “Wars Used to End
    Software used: DS4.5 Pro (straight render, no postwork other than sig & sat).
    Stonemason products used: City Ruins Bldgs. 1, 2 & 4 and Tin Pan Alley

    I have not been able to get this image out of my head. Very compelling.

    . . . and I have to say, I am REALLY impressed with the quality and artistry of the work turned into this contest. It is really cool to be a part of such a creative group of people.

  • BnomSandyBnomSandy Posts: 7
    edited March 2013

    With that said, here is my 2nd entry:

    Title: Fifty feet to Freedom

    Stonemason: Mech Enforcer 2012
    Software: D|S 4.5, Hexagon 2.5, PS CS2

    Other Items: Nerd 3d's Pipe & Tunnel Set, Cyber M4, Daz' Parkside Tube Station, Tori for V5, Georgina Hair, Dark Moods pants & boots by Ravenhair, Daz' Town & Country shirt, Tankini, Dystopia P94D Cleaver.

    1st work with volumetric lights, and dear lord, what an addition to the render times that makes. This was a 93 hr render. I was beginning to wonder if D|S was every going to give me my computer back.

    edit: added sig

    1920 x 720 - 722K
    Post edited by BnomSandy on
  • quickxoticaquickxotica Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    With that said, here is my 2nd entry:

    Title: Fifty feet to Freedom

    Stonemason: Mech Enforcer 2012
    Software: D|S 4.5, Hexagon 2.5, PS CS2

    Other Items: Nerd 3d's Pipe & Tunnel Set, Cyber M4, Daz' Parkside Tube Station, Tori for V5, Georgina Hair, Dark Moods pants & boots by Ravenhair, Daz' Town & Country shirt, Tankini, Dystopia P94D Cleaver.

    1st work with volumetric lights, and dear lord, what an addition to the render times that makes. This was a 93 hr render. I was beginning to wonder if D|S was every going to give me my computer back.

    Very cool. And 93hrs?!? Whoa.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507
    edited December 1969

    2nd entry.

    Dawn Shuttle: Caldari Prime

    Stonemason content:
    Greeble City Blocks 2

    Other content:
    Shuttle mode;: Spacebones

    Primary software:
    Bryce 7.1

    Auxiliary software:
    Modo6: walkway model
    DS4.5: bridge to Bryce
    Photoshop CS: customized windows trans map for Bryce

    Thanks for looking!

    600 x 1000 - 134K
  • BnomSandyBnomSandy Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    2nd entry.

    Dawn Shuttle: Caldari Prime

    Thanks for looking!

    This is gorgeous. Atmospheric.

  • DimeolasDimeolas Posts: 192
    edited December 1969

    Miss B said:
    dimeolas said:
    ...second entry...
    rendered in Vue11
    ...using various elements from streets of asia 1 and 2

    Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!! What more can I say. :-)

    Thx ma am, if I can figure out how to post pics , at least i remember there used to be posting of pics i`ll put a few up...

  • omradiocomomradiocom Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    The Showdown
    DazStudio 4.5 and Photoshop CS3
    Walled City

    Homage to Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo

    1280 x 400 - 86K
  • ChasCChasC Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    Title: Into the Dungeon
    Software: Poser Pro 2012, PS CS4
    Stonemason product: The Dark Corner of the Dungeon

    1024 x 857 - 350K
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited March 2013

    Super work, Dan...very believable, and your rays are so cool to suit this futuristic scene.

    Csampson...aha, love this oriental theme...wouldn't want to meet one of those guys in a hurry ;)


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • omradiocomomradiocom Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    Jamahoney said:
    Super work, Dan...very believable, and your rays are so cool to suit this futuristic scene.

    Csampson...aha, love this oriental theme...wouldn't want to meet one of those guys in a hurry ;)


    Many thanks. Many many layers. Thank god for PS screen mode,etc.

    And my subtitle for this would be "Two will arrive, but only one may survive"

  • imru2usa2073200imru2usa2073200 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    csampson said:
    The Showdown
    DazStudio 4.5 and Photoshop CS3
    Walled City

    Homage to Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo

    Very nice image, csampson. Love me some Kurosawa.

  • omradiocomomradiocom Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    Bri65 said:

    Very nice image, csampson. Love me some Kurosawa.

    Thank you very much. Here's a frame snap of Yojimbo, this "long shot" became centerpiece of many Spaghetti Westerns, too. Stonemason set is perfect for this.

    640 x 288 - 36K
  • omradiocomomradiocom Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    Isikol said:
    this is not an official entry of mine....but it could be..if my other 2 wouldn't be so ..awesome :D (hehehe)

    I must say again, Isikol, dwarf me in skills, insight, and creativity. I so appreciate having the bar raised this high.
    I can hope my pieces achieve this level in the near future.

  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    dimeolas said:
    Miss B said:
    dimeolas said:
    ...second entry...
    rendered in Vue11
    ...using various elements from streets of asia 1 and 2

    Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!! What more can I say. :-)

    Thx ma am, if I can figure out how to post pics , at least i remember there used to be posting of pics i`ll put a few up...

    Just start a "Stonemason appreciation render thread"; it's sure to go down well and be busy.

  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    At last my first entry is nearly rendered...

    Talk about cutting it fine, the second one will take a while to get ready, should be up on the last available day if things go well.

  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460
    edited December 1969

    Totally different approach than my first effort, here's my second entry -

    Title: Sanctuary
    Software Used: DAZ Studio and Photoshop
    Stonemason products used:
    Worlds Of Fantasy : Island Castle
    Worlds Of Fantasy : Medieval House
    Winter Kingdom: Castle Ruins
    The Tower Remains

    the full-sized image is 6000x2553, which I'll post after competition is over.

    Cheers, and good luck to all

    "...they say that if a rider makes it as far as the tower remains, sanctuary is assured..."

    1500 x 844 - 540K
  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited March 2013

    My first entry: title "Rescued At Last". Stonemason products used were; City Ruins Building 1, City Ruins Building 3.

    I also used Michael 4, Xurge3D HAAS armour with my custom texture, Millennium Kids Young teens boy, Kids 4 girl, The Kurtis Outfit for Young Teens with my textures on it and bits of two Kids 4 outfits with my textures on. Also made the delicatessen sign in Blender and textured that, plus the graffiti on the roll-up door.. Figures posed in Poser and all rendered with Blender, in two files, then assembled in PhotoShop Elements. Rendering seemed to take an age...

    1500 x 844 - 857K
    Post edited by Fire Angel on
  • namretteknamrettek Posts: 168
    edited December 1969

    My Second entry -

    Title- Salvation 3.1
    Software used- Poser Pro 2012, Photoshop CS6
    Stonemason product- Urban Future 4 :Street Level

    A little twist on the damsel in distress...

    1500 x 1500 - 1M
  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    First Entry

    Title: The Eighth Wonder of the World
    Render: Poser Pro 2012
    Post Work: Paint Shop Pro X5 Ultimate, HitFilm Ultimate
    Stonemason Products: The Enchanted Forest, Jungle Ruins 2, City Ruins Building 02, Urban Living

    When I first got Enchanted Forest and City Ruins 2 my immediate inspiration was to do some Kong renders. Some how that project kept getting shoved to the back burner. So finally this contest gave me a chance to do the Kong renders I have had in my head for so long.

    1920 x 1080 - 309K
  • StorypilotStorypilot Posts: 1,681
    edited December 1969

    First Entry

    Title: The Eighth Wonder of the World

    Love the atmosphere, especially in the jungle one. He's one big gorilla in the mist. :)

  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    First Entry

    Title: The Eighth Wonder of the World
    Render: Poser Pro 2012
    Post Work: Paint Shop Pro X5 Ultimate, HitFilm Ultimate
    Stonemason Products: The Enchanted Forest, Jungle Ruins 2, City Ruins Building 02, Urban Living

    When I first got Enchanted Forest and City Ruins 2 my immediate inspiration was to do some Kong renders. Some how that project kept getting shoved to the back burner. So finally this contest gave me a chance to do the Kong renders I have had in my head for so long.

    Nice to see that happen at last, both of those images in that composition are well put together; I like the one in the forest best myself, there's something very convincing about it even though the gorilla is insanely large as Kong should be.

    Interesting thing is that my own second entry is an image that I thought of years ago and never got around to making, but here I am working at it just for this contest. Should be ready for Friday morning if I'm lucky...

  • StorypilotStorypilot Posts: 1,681
    edited March 2013

    Jabba101 said:
    Totally different approach than my first effort, here's my second entry -

    Title: Sanctuary

    "...they say that if a rider makes it as far as the tower remains, sanctuary is assured..."

    I was staring at this earlier trying to think of what this reminded me of, this interesting style, and I think it's something that triggers for me memories of the fantasy movies of the '80s. I think of Neverending Story with those oracle statues, and a little bit The Last Unicorn or Flight of Dragons... still not entirely sure why, but it definitely has for me a sort of nostalgic air to it that I really like.

    Post edited by Storypilot on
  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    Jabba101 said:
    Totally different approach than my first effort, here's my second entry -

    Title: Sanctuary
    Software Used: DAZ Studio and Photoshop
    Stonemason products used:
    Worlds Of Fantasy : Island Castle
    Worlds Of Fantasy : Medieval House
    Winter Kingdom: Castle Ruins
    The Tower Remains

    the full-sized image is 6000x2553, which I'll post after competition is over.

    Cheers, and good luck to all

    "...they say that if a rider makes it as far as the tower remains, sanctuary is assured..."

    Reminiscent of a water-colour painting more than anything. Very strong colour scheme.

  • Blaine91555Blaine91555 Posts: 148
    edited March 2013

    Hi all.

    I only found time for one entry, but wanted an excuse to play with the Stonemasons Modular Ruins. Work always interferes it seems :)

    I'm realy enjoying everyones entries.

    First entry.

    Title: Alas Poor Yorick!

    Daz Studio for posing and export.
    XFrog Basic
    Vue Infinite 11 for rendering, other maps and default content for ecosystem visible in the background.
    PhotoShop CS6 Extended for composite and postwork.

    Stonemason: Modular Ruins
    Daz 3D: Morphing Python
    Daz 3D: M4 Skeleton and dirty map from M3 Skeleton
    Daz 3D: Genesis Gorilla
    Vue Infinite 11 Content for ecosystem used in the background.
    XFrog trees from the Basic collection for foreground plants.

    Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him... ...a fellow
    of infinite jest...
    1500 x 844 - 947K
    Post edited by Blaine91555 on
  • MegonNoelMegonNoel Posts: 377
    edited March 2013

    Here's my entry - I thought Stonemason's Tribal Village Huts would look good with my 'living voodoo doll' girl :)
    Title: "Voodoo Child"
    Software: Daz Studio Pro 4.5 - Postwork in Photoshop
    Stonemason products used: Tribal Village Huts.

    1507 x 1002 - 1M
    Post edited by MegonNoel on
  • ParrisParris Posts: 392
    edited December 1969

    First Entry.

    Image Title: Fantasy Forge
    Software Used: Daz Studio and Photoshop.
    Stonemason Products Used: Lava Planet and Floater Bot

    At Fantasy Industries, we're blurring the lines between reality and whatever you can imagine. This image was inspired by Stonemason's Lava Planet and Movies like Total Recall (1990 and 2012), Westworld (1973) and Futureworld (1976). Anyway, the idea that something might not really be what it appears to be is a fun thing to play with in imagery.

    Hey, what great fun this contest is. I've really enjoyed seeing so many great entries and have gotten a real kick out of how each artist uses these amazing Sets and Props in a unique way. I'll bet Stonemason likes what he sees too. Good work and good luck to all!

    1920 x 1200 - 616K
  • DimeolasDimeolas Posts: 192
    edited December 1969

    dimeolas said:
    Miss B said:
    dimeolas said:
    ...second entry...
    rendered in Vue11
    ...using various elements from streets of asia 1 and 2

    Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!! What more can I say. :-)

    Thx ma am, if I can figure out how to post pics , at least i remember there used to be posting of pics i`ll put a few up...

    Just start a "Stonemason appreciation render thread"; it's sure to go down well and be busy.

    ...ok thx, i seem to remember back in the day there was a place to post renders, guess is gone...

  • ISIKOLISIKOL Posts: 386
    edited March 2013



    Items used:
    Enchanted Forest 2
    Jungle Ruins

    Once again i want to pre-thanks everybody for any mentions to my work...
    sorry for not replying to each one of just trying to keep the post as clean as i can...

    im wishing all the best to all the participants...

    hope you like it

    p.s. i strongly suggest you to enlarge it to see the details...

    1026 x 1500 - 1M
    Post edited by ISIKOL on
  • omradiocomomradiocom Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    Title: Alas Poor Yorick!

    First, congrats....nice, very nice composition and render.

    Second, thanks for killing my 10hr Gorilla in the Mist render...that now will...not be viable!

    Good work.
    (now on to another piece before deadline-Thank god I have tons already close, just have to finish lighting and composition...anyone doing anything with dolphins?)

    1500 x 750 - 2M
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