Morphs from G3 to G8



  • mikekmikek Posts: 195

    I did restart DS and its a new scene where I add the genesis 3 base female, favorite the morph and run the script.

  • What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    Although a definitive answer would of course require further measurements, published species-wide averages of wing length and body mass, initial Strouhal estimates based on those averages and cross-species comparisons, the Lund wind tunnel study of birds flying at a range of speeds, and revised Strouhal numbers based on that study all lead me to estimate that the average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.


    What is the capital of Assyria?

    The four capitals of Assyria were Ashur (or Qalat Sherqat), Calah (or Nimrud), the short-lived Dur Sharrukin (or Khorsabad), and Nineveh. The ruins of all four ancient cities fall within the modern state of Iraq.

  • mikek said:

    I did restart DS and its a new scene where I add the genesis 3 base female, favorite the morph and run the script.


    That settled it. I was able to locate the issue to a for loop that isn't supposed to be there, at all. It's changing the output variable one step too early. Will post up tomorrow. Haven't slept.

  • Fixed. The corrected script is up

  • mikekmikek Posts: 195
    edited August 2017

    Fixed. The corrected script is up

    Its working now on my PC. I have never been so happy to see DS stop responding. Thank you for releasing this.
    The only issue I noticed is with the nails as you mentioned for extremer morphs. Strangley the nails on the right foot did work while the left and hand nails have small issues with strong nail influencing morphs but it shouldn't be a problem to fix those manually. Great work, thank you.

    Post edited by mikek on
  • mikek said:

    Fixed. The corrected script is up

    Its working now on my PC. I have never been so happy to see DS stop responding. Thank you for releasing this.
    The only issue I noticed is with the nails as you mentioned for extremer morphs. Strangley the nails on the right foot did work while the left and hand nails have small issues with strong nail morphs but it shouldn't be a problem to fix those manually. Great work, thank you.

    Probably not so strange. I did that all manually. The results should be pretty much mirrored, one to one across the mesh, but that was few hundred verticies, so of plenty of room for minor error. I haven't noticed anything in particular, but as I said, the script isn't really meant to do those, owing to the issue of the nails being so different.

    It's also possible that somone using zbursh to make a nail morph moved nail bed verts. This would transfer as a morph in the G8's nails because they follow G3's nail bed in the script but would not be visible on G3 (nailbeds being covered by nails). Not sure if I'll ever revisit that. It's not that it is impossible to get G8 to follow G3's nails, just that it would be extremely tedious to do. It was tedious getting the nail bed assignments. I believe trying for the nails would be 5 times as much work, minimum. G8's nails are modifications of the nailbed area on G3. So it's pretty straight foward to make one-to-one and one-to-many assigments between nails and nailbeds. G3's nails are not just separate meshes, but basically unrelated shapes. So, where I could use mesh tools to rapidly assign obvious matches, and handle the less obvious in groups of 4 to 7 manually by using the nail bed, with the nails I'd have to go through each vertex, one at time, by hand.

    Maybe, one day, but not soon.

  • mikekmikek Posts: 195

    Ok. For the left foot it seems to be only one vertex at the nail of the big toe which isn't moving with the morph. The hand looks like it will be more work to fix but if you wan't to look at the foot at one point in the future maybe this helps a bit to narrow down the location:

    It's only with extreme morphs so if you don't fix it it's not a big issue as for most morphs it won't be noticable.

  • mikek said:

    Ok. For the left foot it seems to be only one vertex at the nail of the big toe which isn't moving with the morph. The hand looks like it will be more work to fix but if you wan't to look at the foot at one point in the future maybe this helps a bit to narrow down the location

    Not really. Wireshaded would be more useful for that. Otherwise, there isn't a lot of context about the location.

    Unfortunately, this isn't something you easily fix with a ballpark. You have to be able to find exactly the vertex.

  • mikekmikek Posts: 195
    edited August 2017

    I was wrong its actually a group of vertices. There is one extreme but closer to the nail bet there are some more with smaller offsets. So never mind what I wrote. But the script works great for the majority of the morphs. Thanks again.

    Post edited by mikek on
  • 3DRT3DRT Posts: 62

    Will this script also work for the new Genesis 8 male?

  • I'm working on a version of Redz transfer setup for Genesis 8 Female just in case the script won't work on Genesis 8 Male

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    Although a definitive answer would of course require further measurements, published species-wide averages of wing length and body mass, initial Strouhal estimates based on those averages and cross-species comparisons, the Lund wind tunnel study of birds flying at a range of speeds, and revised Strouhal numbers based on that study all lead me to estimate that the average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.


    What is the capital of Assyria?

    The four capitals of Assyria were Ashur (or Qalat Sherqat), Calah (or Nimrud), the short-lived Dur Sharrukin (or Khorsabad), and Nineveh. The ruins of all four ancient cities fall within the modern state of Iraq.

    Well then.... Thanks, I had no idea lol.

  • Almost got there until the Transfer Utility got hung up at 16% conversion. Right now waiting it out to see if it ever finishes. Hopefully it will. Otherwise I am open to suggestions.

  • Ok. Figured out what I was doing wrong and managed to get it to work. Thanks Redz for your awesome tutorial!

  • 3DRT said:

    Will this script also work for the new Genesis 8 male?

    Sadly I don't think so. I have spent a few hours substituting g3f for g3m and g8f for g8m following Redz's instructions which gave success with g8f but is only partially working for me with g8m. I am getting distortions with the tips of fingers on g8m which seem to be associated with hip morphs/movement, and I don't know enough about bones/vertices etc to understand what's happening. Hopefully Redz, as knight in shining armour, will come to our rescue again.


  • Yes, I also appreciate the work you put into this. Thanks


    AT RISK if you use this script on DAZ Connect products.

    Updated the script to support connect but I do not own connect content, so it is not tested. 

    Somewhat Unpredicitable results when there is more than one Library.

    This should not result in breakage, but transfers will fail. However, should is not equal to safe. Breakage of your stff is still possible.
    Updates to the script now allow correct handling of main library files if you have 2 or more libraries. It should also properly find and copy files from other libraries, but this is not yet tested. The script will only save files to your main library, so if you want to have the files in a secondary lib, you need to copy them there yourself.

    We now return to your regularly scheduled comment, already in progress


    IT'S DONE!

    No, actually it isn't. But it works. Props to mork for doing a lot of the heavy lifting so I didn't have to.

    What am I talking about? Well, way up thread I said I had a method for transfering Morphs with their ERC intact. Which I did... Do. You know what I mean. I also said it was too dangerous to be released into the wild. New-queue-lar levels of dangerous. I figured if I could work out a way to automate some or all of the process, then actually do that automation, I'd release that.

    Well, I did it.

    Let's talk limitations first.

    This software is so Alpha it's slightly Omega. Use at your own risk. It probably can't break anything, but they said the same about the RMS Titanic.

    Fingernails. Toenails. It won't do them. The geometry was too darned messy for me to work out how to reliably handle them, so I skipped it entirely. The nails will, instead, follow the nailbeds. As a result they should be free of distortion and well shaped, but they may not match exactly, and any special nail morphs won't transfer. However, the script doesn't know about this limit, so if a nail morph file is included in the process, it will process it. The results of that should be, effectivelly, an empty morph, but a possibility for error exists.

    The script is not interactive. No UI, no notification. I don't know how to do that stuff. This is my first Daz Script. (I don't think small, unfortnately.) If I do a later release, I may add something, but my main goal has always been just getting it to work. Still no reall UI but Progress bar is implemented. So far the longest time between updates to the bar is 2 minutes 11 seconds. So allow five or six minutes before worrying the script is frozen. At this point, try the cancel button on the bar. Note, it make take sometime before the cancel takes effect. 

    One user reported total fubar after forcequitting. I can't say how this script could cause that directly, but even so, it implies that Daz might be doing important stuff while it seem frozen, so only force quit as a last resort.

    It almost certainly won't handle Connect products. Right now it tries to write back to the same library it is working in. I mean to fix that at some point, after which it might be able to work with Connect. Should now handle connect properly, but I'll need feedback from Connect users to confirm.

    It will also probably fail if you have more than one library, if the source morph is not in your base library. Again, something I mean to fix, but I only have the one library, and don't feel like making a new one atm. It wasn't necessary to reach "it works." This is not trivial. To make it easy to use, I wanted to be sure to use the Studio UI to find morphs, rather than requiring the user to find them. But because of a quirk in the way morphs can be saved, so morphs own themselves, and don't seem to report their file location. So I had to hack around to make it work. Hacking the hackery to distinguish between Connect and non Connect makes me cry. Fixed, see above.

    As a result of this hackery, some files may not trasfer at all, ever. Basically, because they own themselves, and report their names generically, they may have the same "label," as far as the script method is concerned, as another file or files. This means the script will always find one of them and never find the others. I can't think of a way around that, right now. I did work around the most common way this happens by having the script first ask for the file's location and only hack around when it doesn't get an answer, but I don't have enough products, frankly, to test all the possible failure modes.

    I pretty much didn't document it at all.

    It reads compressed and uncompressed files but only writes uncompressed.

    Did I meantion no UI. Because no UI. At all. Well, a progress bar with history and cancel buttons, but that's all. It seems to take about 9 seconds, on average to run one morph. This would be about 4 to 7 minutes for an average character, and about double that for a typical Morph pack. During this time, Studio will be busy. Make a sammich or something. Call your mom, if you have one. These numbers are based on 50 to 100 morphs and my slow laptop, so your values will vary. But don't go forcequiting because something like 200 Plus is taking a long time. that's twice the size of any test I've run. Clicking new History button will allow you to see what the script is currently working on, and the progress bar attempts to display that info, anyway, but it might not fit.

    The script is attempting almost 24,000 operations per file. Mind you, when working with a file where most of those ops are invalid (most expressions, for ex) it will run much, much faster. But morphs tend to run slow.

    Reports of looping behavior have been diagnosed and corrected. The Script no longer attempts to deal with all Libraries, but will, draw on the last library it finds matching content in. The Base library is checked first. Connect is checked last. I can't predict more than that. This may lead to mismatch or issues if you have a single product in spread across more than one library. But, as far as I know, you shouldn't be doing that.

    How to Use

    1. Load Genesis 3 Female. Make sure it is selected.
    2. Find one (1 and only 1) Morph from the set you wish to transfer and mark it as favorite. (if you mark more, the script will only work with first one it finds, which may not be the one you want).
    3. Run the script
    4. Studio will lock up, and you will get the wait manipulator. It's thinking. Remember, 9 seconds per morph file. Ish
    5. Studio will become responsive. This means it's finished. It may have errored out, but it's finished.
    6. Load Genesis 8 Female. Find your morphs
    7. Report any misbehavior to this thread.
    8. Enjoy

    There's no ERC freezing, there's no trying to fix transfer related distortions (although the eyes might be slightly small, that related to the fact that G8's eyesballs are closed meshes and G3's are not). There's, in fact, nothing more to do. Once the Script finishes successfully, the figure will be fully set up, and all the links between the files will be maintained.

    This is true even with respect to files that link to other products, irrespective of whether you have transfered those other products. The script doesn't "tranfer" as much as it translates. All of the commands built into the G3 files are present in the resultant G8 files. This means it transfer whimsically misspelled name for Victoria 7, then transfer Victoria 7 later, the first product will be connected to V7 (after you reload the figure, if it is open).

    Good night, and good luck.



    2017/08/08: Updated script to correct type missmatch error in expressions/morphs containing links to Mouth Open Wide.
    2017/08/11: Updated to handle Connect, multi-library support and progress.
    2017/08/15: Updated to properly copy pngs, corrected nested for loops, maybe fixed process looping.
    2017/08/16: Actually fixed looping behavior.
    2017/08/19: Fixed bug created by inattention during last fix.

    I'm not getting it....

    I downloaded the script and copied it to "Scripts" in my Daz3D library.  But, I'm not seeing it showing up anywhere.  I did try to run it using the "Script Ide."  But, nothing happened.  What am I missing?



  • Singular BluesSingular Blues Posts: 737
    edited August 2017

    I't's been brought to may attention that my test script (One of many) and release script have significant difference at this time. This will cause the script to fail about 40-45% of the time. I've mostly fixed it, and will have it up in a few minutes of this comment. Most of the time, this doesn't come up, but in this case, tracking down another issue meant I needed to use smaller, more limited versions of the script to see exactly where the problem was coming from. In transfering the fix back to main script, I left a decision loop in that should have been removed, and moved a second loop to the wrong place. The second loop doesn't break the script, it just means work done to no purpose, sometimes. The first should make the script fail half the time, but seems to work when it shouldn't. I don't know why that is.

    Now, to the Question of the day.

    Nope. The script will not work with g8M. It isn't meant to.

    G8F/M have different Vertex order. This is important. G3F/M also have different Vertex order. Again, important. Finally, G3F and G8F also have different Vertex order. The script very literally takes G3F's vertex order and translates it to G8F's. 

    To make a working transfer between G3M and G8M you need to create a new translation between those two figures.

    Lastly, I am the script's author (I stood on the shoulders of mork, and some Daz samples. Perhaps not giants, but pretty tall). I am not Redz. In fact, I am Blues.

    Post edited by Singular Blues on
  • 3DRT3DRT Posts: 62

    I't's been brought to may attention that my test script (One of many) and release script have significant difference at this time. This will cause the script to fail about 40-45% of the time. I've mostly fixed it, and will have it up in a few minutes of this comment. Most of the time, this doesn't come up, but in this case, tracking down another issue meant I needed to use smaller, more limited versions of the script to see exactly where the problem was coming from. In transfering the fix back to main script, I left a decision loop in that should have been removed, and moved a second loop to the wrong place. The second loop doesn't break the script, it just means work done to no purpose, sometimes. The first should make the script fail half the time, but seems to work when it shouldn't. I don't know why that is.

    Now, to the Question of the day.

    Nope. The script will not work with g8M. It isn't meant to.

    G8F/M have different Vertex order. This is important. G3F/M also have different Vertex order. Again, important. Finally, G3F and G8F also have different Vertex order. The script very literally takes G3F's vertex order and translates it to G8F's. 

    To make a working transfer between G3M and G8M you need to create a new translation between those two figures.

    Lastly, I am the script's author (I stood on the shoulders of mork, and some Daz samples. Perhaps not giants, but pretty tall). I am not Redz. In fact, I am Blues.

    Thanks for the prompt reply. In that case, will you be making a script for G3M to G8M?

  • I't's been brought to may attention that my test script (One of many) and release script have significant difference at this time. This will cause the script to fail about 40-45% of the time. I've mostly fixed it, and will have it up in a few minutes of this comment. Most of the time, this doesn't come up, but in this case, tracking down another issue meant I needed to use smaller, more limited versions of the script to see exactly where the problem was coming from. In transfering the fix back to main script, I left a decision loop in that should have been removed, and moved a second loop to the wrong place. The second loop doesn't break the script, it just means work done to no purpose, sometimes. The first should make the script fail half the time, but seems to work when it shouldn't. I don't know why that is.

    Now, to the Question of the day.

    Nope. The script will not work with g8M. It isn't meant to.

    G8F/M have different Vertex order. This is important. G3F/M also have different Vertex order. Again, important. Finally, G3F and G8F also have different Vertex order. The script very literally takes G3F's vertex order and translates it to G8F's. 

    To make a working transfer between G3M and G8M you need to create a new translation between those two figures.

    Lastly, I am the script's author (I stood on the shoulders of mork, and some Daz samples. Perhaps not giants, but pretty tall). I am not Redz. In fact, I am Blues.

    The update worked...Thanks!

  • marth_emarth_e Posts: 182

    Wow, Blues. Just tried your script and it works like a charm. Thank you so, so much for sharing it. Really appreciate it.  :)

  • 3DRT said:

    Thanks for the prompt reply. In that case, will you be making a script for G3M to G8M?

    Yes, but I can promise no eta.

    I had hoped there might some means of cutting down on the grunt work when G8M was released. There isn't. At present, I am modeling the necessary morphs to allow Studio to create the translation matrix. (Mapping, really, but matix looks cooler.) I have 2 or 3000 verts left to do, most of the tricky ones, though I've left the eyes for last. Because they are dead easy, and I found doing the really hard ones dead last killed my motivation, last time. After that, I'll have to write the matrix. If things go like G3F, that's going to be something like 23,400 instructions, give or take. Mind, I don't literally write all of them. There's a lot of spreadsheet involved. But it will take some time.

    The core functions of the script should just work, I think they're all generic. So once the new main loop is ready, I should not have to rewrite those functions.

    Probably couple of days. I could do it faster, but I actually have to do work that pays, so I can eat. Priorities.

  • 3DRT said:

    Will this script also work for the new Genesis 8 male?

    Sadly I don't think so. I have spent a few hours substituting g3f for g3m and g8f for g8m following Redz's instructions which gave success with g8f but is only partially working for me with g8m. I am getting distortions with the tips of fingers on g8m which seem to be associated with hip morphs/movement, and I don't know enough about bones/vertices etc to understand what's happening. Hopefully Redz, as knight in shining armour, will come to our rescue again.


    Sorry 3DRT,

    Having read Singular Blues previous post, I now realise that my answer to you was flawed because I have been using Redz G3F to G8F morph, and thought  your question related to that, but now see subsequent posts are relating to Singular Blues updated morph. Hopefully, we will see a G8 male version.

    Kindest regards, and sorry for the confusion.


  • 3DRT3DRT Posts: 62
    3DRT said:

    Thanks for the prompt reply. In that case, will you be making a script for G3M to G8M?

    Yes, but I can promise no eta.

    I had hoped there might some means of cutting down on the grunt work when G8M was released. There isn't. At present, I am modeling the necessary morphs to allow Studio to create the translation matrix. (Mapping, really, but matix looks cooler.) I have 2 or 3000 verts left to do, most of the tricky ones, though I've left the eyes for last. Because they are dead easy, and I found doing the really hard ones dead last killed my motivation, last time. After that, I'll have to write the matrix. If things go like G3F, that's going to be something like 23,400 instructions, give or take. Mind, I don't literally write all of them. There's a lot of spreadsheet involved. But it will take some time.

    The core functions of the script should just work, I think they're all generic. So once the new main loop is ready, I should not have to rewrite those functions.

    Probably couple of days. I could do it faster, but I actually have to do work that pays, so I can eat. Priorities.

    Understood. Take as much time as you need and thank you for this great tool!

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I was going to post I'd found a morph it didn't work on, but your update fixed it.

  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited August 2017

    I have been working to find a solution to transferring morphs from Genesis 3 Male to Genesis 8 Male and have successfully done so. Here is the method I used. It didn't blow up my computer or wreck my characters, laugh so here it is, for you to try at your own risk cheeky

    I will post some renders later, as I have tried this method to transfer face morphs, and extreme size morphs and it works perfectly for me with no distortions.



    Step 1
    Load Genesis 8 male into scene (with NO eyelashes) and select.
    Go into PARAMETERS TAB and change the characters resolution level to ‘base’.
    We are now going to put Genesis 8 male into the ‘T’ pose.
    Select LEFT SHOULDER BEND in PARAMETERS TAB and BEND to 46.5   Select RIGHT SHOULDER BEND and BEND to (minus)-46.5   Select LEFT THIGH BEND, SIDE TO SIDE and adjust to (minus) -6   Select RIGHT THIGH BEND, SIDE TO SIDE and adjust to 6
    Your G8M should now be in a ‘T’ pose with arms horizontal and legs nearly together.
    We are now going to export this character.
    Go to FILE - EXPORT - and save as G8M CLONE to your computer desktop as a Wavefront obj.
    The Obj EXPORT OPTIONS box will open.
    Top menu will say Convert from Daz Studio To: CUSTOM.   Uncheck WRITE GROUPS then click ACCEPT.
    Now delete Genesis 8 male from the scene.
    Go to FILE - IMPORT - and import your ‘G8M CLONE’ from your desktop. An Obj. IMPORT OPTIONS box will appear.
    Make sure it says FROM : DAZ STUDIO (1 unit = 1 cm)   click ACCEPT.

    Step 2
    Load GENESIS 3 Male into the scene.
    We now need to pose him into the ‘A’ pose by selecting in the PARAMETERS TAB:

    Step 3
    You should now have in your scene your G8M CLONE figure in a ‘T’ pose and your GENESIS 3 male figure in an ‘A’ pose.
    Select SCENE TAB and go to the top icon that has 4 lines with a black arrow pointing to the top line.
    CLICK and select from the menu ASSETS - TRANSFER UTILITY. The TRANSFER UTILITY box will open.
    Make the SOURCE scene item from the drop down menu GENESIS 3 Male   make the TARGET scene item your G8M CLONE figure. DO NOT alter any other settings. Click ACCEPT.
    If you have been successful your GENESIS 3 male and G8M CLONE figure should now be together in the ‘A’ pose.
    Go to the SCENE TAB and select GENESIS 3 male and CLICK on the lefthand side EYE icon to make him invisible in the scene.

    Step 4
    Go to FILE - SAVE AS SCENE, and give the scene a name. You can then recall this scene in the future to save going through the previous 3 steps.

    Step 5
    We will now create a morph.
    Go to the SCENE TAB and SELECT the (hidden) GENESIS 3 Male and dial in your chosen GENESIS 3 Male character/shape/pose morph. Make sure your GENESIS 3 Male is still invisible in your scene. You should now see your Genesis 8 character become the shape of your dialed in morph.

    Now go to : FILE - EXPORT - and save as WAVEFRONT OBJ. to your computer desktop, and give it a name, then SAVE.
    The Obj EXPORT BOX will open showing ‘CUSTOM’ as before. Click ACCEPT.
    This will now be your saved G3M morph for G8M.
    We have now finished with this scene, so close it and open a new empty scene.

    Step 6
    Load in Genesis 8 Male.
    Select him, and go to EDIT - OBJECT - MORPH LOADER PRO. Make sure ‘Convert to Daz Studio says from DAZ Studio (1 unit = 1cm ) Click on CHOOSE MORPH FILES and select your saved morph obj. file that you created in Step 5.  Click ACCEPT.
    You should now find in the PARAMETERS TAB (with your G8 male selected) under MORPHS your new GENESIS 3 Male morph dial.
    Dial in your morph and you should see your GENESIS 8 Male character change to your new GENESIS 3 Male shape/morph.

    Step 7
    Before you can start posing your character you will need to adjust the RIGGING.
    Select your GENESIS 8 Male character and go to the SCENE TAB and again select the icon with four lines and a black arrow icon. Choose EDIT - RIGGING - ADJUST RIGGING TO SHAPE. The ADJUST RIGGING TO SHAPE box will open.
    Make sure ADJUST CENTRE POINTS and ADJUST END POINTS are ‘tick’ selected.
    (ADJUST ORIENTATION should be unchecked)
    Click ACCEPT.
    Your GENESIS 8 Male character can now be posed with his own G8 Male poses without any distortion.

    It is possible to save the various morphs you create within Daz Studio for permanent recall.
    I do not know the process for this, so have omitted this process.
    I am sure other forum users will have the knowledge to reliably guide you.


    Post edited by Musicplayer on
  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited August 2017

    A render to show the results from my tutorial above.



    Favourite G3M character morphs on G8M.jpg
    1162 x 812 - 746K
    Post edited by Musicplayer on
  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 830

    This works and its written in a clear and easy to follow way.  Thank you for sharing.  I did Lee7 as a trial.


    This is Lee 7 morphed to Genesis 8 base male.  Lee 7's iray skin is used and Lee 6's Peng hair.

    965 x 861 - 109K
    965 x 861 - 204K
  • 3DRT3DRT Posts: 62


    It is possible to save the various morphs you create within Daz Studio for permanent recall.
    I do not know the process for this, so have omitted this process.
    I am sure other forum users will have the knowledge to reliably guide you.


    You can permanently save morphs by going to File > Save As > Support Asset > Morph Asset(s)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,364

    A render to show the results from my tutorial above.



    good job. thanks

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    I had to close Studio in the Open a New Scene step, but once I did that, it worked like a dream. Thanks for the tutorial:)

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