No, that function. Clearly a better experience. Certainly as good as ... and I'd tend to say better than ... TC2.
I haven't had a reason to try it yet [...]
Can you try full-body map transfer from V4 to V5 and show how well it worked for you? Because the experience I'm getting is far worse than TC2
What settings did you use? I never had a quality issue but I set quality to maximum. Images looked great. Problem was how long it took to render for me. To do a full body it took over an hour. I don't have time for all that!
Fortunately most of my skins are V4, with a few being V5, so I've been ok.
No, that function. Clearly a better experience. Certainly as good as ... and I'd tend to say better than ... TC2.
I haven't had a reason to try it yet [...]
Can you try full-body map transfer from V4 to V5 and show how well it worked for you? Because the experience I'm getting is far worse than TC2
What settings did you use? I never had a quality issue but I set quality to maximum. Images looked great. Problem was how long it took to render for me. To do a full body it took over an hour. I don't have time for all that!
Fortunately most of my skins are V4, with a few being V5, so I've been ok.
I used the highest settings I could find and I'm getting bad black spots on thighs and other artifacts. But it certainly didn't take a hour for them to transfer either. With another hand, TC2 works very fast for me, maybe it is computer power thing.
I tried this again with the default settings and things went quickly for me, and I didn't have any black spots or artifacts.
Also I figured out I was supposed to do all the zones that belong on the same file at the same time...which means I only had to make 7 textures and not 20+. So I'm learning. Haven't had to do this much because most of my characters are V4, but for the one or two S5/A5/Hitomi textures I have it could be useful.
Load Genesis, apply texture set you want to convert along with setting the correct UVs as necessary.
Go to Surfaces Pane, dropdown menu in the top right corner of the pane, find and click on Map Transfer. Map Transfer Dialogue window will open. You can select which surfaces to include, then pick which UVs, from those your Genesis has, to convert the textures to and choose where they are to be saved (along with a quality setting, sizes etc). Then sit back and it will convert the textures and put them in the location you specified.
When I tried to do that just now, it said I needed to create a template. How do I do that?
Load Genesis, apply texture set you want to convert along with setting the correct UVs as necessary.
Go to Surfaces Pane, dropdown menu in the top right corner of the pane, find and click on Map Transfer. Map Transfer Dialogue window will open. You can select which surfaces to include, then pick which UVs, from those your Genesis has, to convert the textures to and choose where they are to be saved (along with a quality setting, sizes etc). Then sit back and it will convert the textures and put them in the location you specified.
When I tried to do that just now, it said I needed to create a template. How do I do that?
Click with right mouse button in template space
Okay, so I looked at both the tutorial and the video and they just confused me even more. According to the tutorial, I need to download special UV maps that I need to purchase a product to decode, and the video isn't very "step-by-step" as it not only goes to fast, but involves loading a UV set with an .obj file. Maybe someone can help me out with this in a more direct approach...
Let's say I want to convert a non-V5 Gen 5 female skin to G2F. What exactly action-by-action should I do?
Okay, so I looked at both the tutorial and the video and they just confused me even more. According to the tutorial, I need to download special UV maps that I need to purchase a product to decode, and the video isn't very "step-by-step" as it not only goes to fast, but involves loading a UV set with an .obj file. Maybe someone can help me out with this in a more direct approach...
UV set was loaded from .obj file just so author can get more than 1 UV set in same figure to showcase map transfer. Which we already have in G1 and G2F (while author used V4). As for "fast", a pause button in bottom left corner of the video screen is of some use. There is also a icon for Daz Studio 4 Map Transfer Mini Tutorial on the right side of the sickleyields tutorial page, perhaps that one would be more helpful. Let's say I want to convert a non-V5 Gen 5 female skin to G2F. What exactly action-by-action should I do?
I that case you would need genesis 1 with V5 product (for the V5 UV set for genesis) and that non-V5 UV set for genesis 1, so you can transfer non-V5 map to V5 map using genesis 1 and than use that V5 map with G2F. V5 is sort of meeting point between G1 and G2F as far as maps go. That is, if you bought V5.
Do you need steps for transfering non-V5 map to V5 map using genesis 1?
Genesis has no UV map for Gen2F. so that you can not directly transfer Generation 5 textture (for each UV set)
for gen2F default UV. if you hope so,, you can not do it at current.
(untill daz or other vendor release gen2F morph with uv sets for genesis1)
but Gen2Fis offered with Vcitoria5 UV too , and genesis have Vicotria5 uv .(of course you need to buy Victoria 5,
but I know you have them,,)
So that you can convert A5, or S5 or HItomi, (generation 5) skin textures (bump diffuse, specular etc,,)
for genesis, which made for A5,S5 uv map,to the texture which fit to Vcitoria 5 UV.
after that,, apply each texture manually to gen2F, then change UV set to victoria 5,
it can work about A5, S5 etc.
every texture for genesis can be converted for Victoria 5. ,after that it can be use with gen2F I think.
I save them asnew material preset ,duf for Gen2F.
Though I have not converted many,, (It seems terrible work,, about all texture,,even though only about AIko5 UV textures,,
each cosmetic texture,, ,, eye ,, hand nail etc,,, )
but not so bad when transfer with higest quality option I think.
Okay, so I looked at both the tutorial and the video and they just confused me even more. According to the tutorial, I need to download special UV maps that I need to purchase a product to decode, and the video isn't very "step-by-step" as it not only goes to fast, but involves loading a UV set with an .obj file. Maybe someone can help me out with this in a more direct approach...
Let's say I want to convert a non-V5 Gen 5 female skin to G2F. What exactly action-by-action should I do?
Here's what you do. Since you probably already know where the tools are I'll just give you the short version.
Apply texture to genesis (say an S5 texture)
Load up the map transfer tool.
Create a template by right clicking in the left column
Drag over all materials that belong to the same texture to the new template (so all the 1_ for example)
Select the template and be sure to set the path to save textures somewhere you can remember
Select the target UV (I can't remember if this is done with each texture, or at the template level. It will be greyed out if you have wrong thing selected)
Press the accept button.
If you only do one surface area, say SkinHip, then it will only do that area. So you want to make sure you have all the torso/limbs/head surfaces dragged over at the same time.
I redid this for each material group, for me doing the entire assortment of textures at once did not work. I'm sure there is a way to get that to work, but failed for me.
Now I am transfering ,S5 texture for Vcitoria5 UVs to use with gen2F,,
so that can stuck some pic,,
then I needed always,, as larsmidnatt said,, convert template , one by one.
may better check saved texture ,, after transfered all texttures in template1
then you must better delete the template from the left pane after trasnfer maps of the template.
othewise,, ds transfer template1 map again even though there are template 2 already.
Hello, all.
I was surfing youtube for some tut and came across something that I would like to share.Not sure if anybody else know of this.
As some people know, there are some issues when transferring genesis morphs to G2Female. Such as YT5Jule. She gets all messed up. The process explained in this post is long and drawn out. Not that it doesn't work, its just a ton of steps thought have to go though and and re-right the files.
Well, guess what folks, there is an easier way and it is built right into DAZ Studio and it is WAY simpler to do. (no re-writings files/code). Studio will do it automatically. for you.
The posted render is just a quick test render to show the pose, not sure what is with the "red" look in there face is about (something to do with specular settings). And at this point, it doesn't matter at his point for what I am doing.
Continued from previous post.
I have tested her on quite a few of G2Female and V6 poses an had absolutely no issues with any weird deformations.
Also, just a thought, this trick may help with the bones in Gen4 and Gen3 characters converted to "weight mapping" as well. I have not tested it, but it should work.
This is the link to the youtube tut
I also for forgot to mention in the very beginning is that I used the "transfer utility" method posted at the beginning (Ben's method) for transferring my genesis and V4 morphs to g2f.
Sorry about how the images and there order. I posted them in there numerical order, but the forum decided to do it its own way.
I hope this helps out a lot of people.
Thank you for sharing your tips and posting the detailed screen shots. This technique is actually referenced in Kattey's first post in this thread. In step 10 there is a link to niccipb's bone adjustment and ERC freeze post. It doesn't have any visuals, though, so your screen shots help in understanding it.
Thank you for sharing your tips and posting the detailed screen shots. This technique is actually referenced in Kattey's first post in this thread. In step 10 there is a link to niccipb's bone adjustment and ERC freeze post. It doesn't have any visuals, though, so your screen shots help in understanding it.
Good thinks are very worth of repeating :)
My tutorials for some people are hard to follow (manywordness and clumsy wording -_-), so another tutorial might be way better understood. And it has pictures! :)
Thank you, timnaas, for your work!
Thank you for sharing your tips and posting the detailed screen shots. This technique is actually referenced in Kattey's first post in this thread. In step 10 there is a link to niccipb's bone adjustment and ERC freeze post. It doesn't have any visuals, though, so your screen shots help in understanding it.
Yea, and no, cause I believe they had more step( adjusting individual bones/freezing). Though I could be wrong (been a while since I read this).
This trick does it for you with fewer steps involved.
But you are welcome though.
And again, I'm not taking away what they done here. Just sharing what I seen and where I found it
Thank you for sharing your tips and posting the detailed screen shots. This technique is actually referenced in Kattey's first post in this thread. In step 10 there is a link to niccipb's bone adjustment and ERC freeze post. It doesn't have any visuals, though, so your screen shots help in understanding it.
Good thinks are very worth of repeating :)
My tutorials for some people are hard to follow (manywordness and clumsy wording -_-), so another tutorial might be way better understood. And it has pictures! :)
Thank you, timnaas, for your work!
Ha, thanks and your welcome. Again, not taking anything away with what you have done, it just seems like a shorter route to get there.
I was just automatic.
Again, it's been a while since I have read this and you may have covered it and I just didn't catch it right.
Is it just me, or does the transferred over Julie morphs really not mix well at all? If I try to add any breast morphs from either G2 or transferred over G1 morphs, the mesh just looks really bad. I had to create a new one on G1 with the breasts dialed up and shaped, save it as morphs asset, then transfer it over to G2 to get a good result.
Hello Katey and ben98120000,
I was wondering if the conversion process You suggested can be simplified if one wants to only bring head morphs from g1 to g2, so to only save data from the head (maybe also for the neck), but not for the rest of the body.
If I understood ben's method correctly for example, I would be exporting the whole g1body morph every time even if I just want to save a head morph...
Could this be achieved using Face Groups instead of Morph Targets within the Transfer Utility?
Hello Katey and ben98120000,
I was wondering if the conversion process You suggested can be simplified if one wants to only bring head morphs from g1 to g2, so to only save data from the head (maybe also for the neck), but not for the rest of the body.
If I understood ben's method correctly for example, I would be exporting the whole g1body morph every time even if I just want to save a head morph...
Could this be achieved using Face Groups instead of Morph Targets within the Transfer Utility?
Thanks for help!
Well, if morph has a separate head version you can transfer heads only by temporary moving everything else except heads out of respected data/daz 3d/genesis/base/morphs somewhere else outside of content folders (not deleting, moving). As for separating head from full body morph, RAMWolff, I think, knows the process in ZBrush that allows to create only partial morph.
Using face groups, hm, I don't know, but generally Face Groups have no relations to morphs - from what I know they are just for selection in viewport, when you click on a bodypart for a figure.
Meaning of the "face" from face groups is not "part of the body called face". Face groups are polygon selection groups, they include abdomen, abdomen2 etc.
In addition to Katteys method from tutorials and her previous post, you can also transfer all morphs, than apply just 1 and export figure as object to use it in morph loader pro to make that applied morph as a new morph. Havent tested that one tho.
With release of SickleYield's G2F clone for Genesis here is a note: if you followed tutorials, it might have the same name as your own clone. In my case because names were the same, DS lumbed both clones together.
If you have this problem and want to have both options, to uncouple SickleYield's clone, go to data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morph/SickleYield/SRMSG2F and rename CloneGenesis2Female.dsf into something like CloneGenesis2FemaleSY.dsf
Then, open a file in any text editor, and change all lines that reference this clone accordingly by adding "SY" (or your variation of correction):
line 4, id line
line 16, id line
line 17, name
line 30, label
line 16626, id this line reads something like "id" : "CloneGenesis2Female-1" - changes go before "-1" part, so it reads "id" : "CloneGenesis2FemaleSY-1", for example (don't forget commas)
line 16627, url
It is possible that only change of label might be sufficient, but I wanted to be sure it works independently.
Can somebody with SickleYield's clone check something for me?
I'm getting a noticeable pokethrough with jacket-styled outfit (I used Frivolous 40s outfits) when I'm posing a morphed Genesis. Here is an example - on left is Genesis with SickleYield's clone (as per manual, I used no projection templates, saved to library and reloaded anew) and on right is that clone I've made in tutorials (using projection templates for shirt, skirt and loose boots). For fairness sake all smoothing modifiers were removed. Morph is 50% Basic Female and 50% V5, pose is a pose #13 (Reaching Right for a Book) from exLibris Pose set.
I'm getting same results even if I remove my clone from the system entirely and/or don't save to library or use same projection templates but my folders might be so messed up that they mess up SickleYield's clone anyway, so can anybody check it for me? I know SickleYield is committed to quality, this is why it weirds me out. Preferably if you don't have a G2F clone on your own or also temporary remove it from the system.
Can somebody with SickleYield's clone check something for me? I'm getting a noticeable pokethrough with jacket-styled outfit (I used Frivolous 40s outfits) when I'm posing a morphed Genesis . . .
I just bought SickleYield's G2F clone -- I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but because I have it I was going to get the Frivolous 40s outfit today. Should I, or aren't they compatible?
Can somebody with SickleYield's clone check something for me? I'm getting a noticeable pokethrough with jacket-styled outfit (I used Frivolous 40s outfits) when I'm posing a morphed Genesis . . .
I just bought SickleYield's G2F clone -- I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but because I have it I was going to get the Frivolous 40s outfit today. Should I, or aren't they compatible?
As long as they are not named the same (in name of dsf file and in label) SickleYield's clone and your own (in case if you made one) can co-exist. Frivolous 40s outfit is convertable, it is just SickleYields's clone gives me a lot of pokethrough while my own doesn't. If you can check if it acts the same to you I'll be much obliged.
Can somebody with SickleYield's clone check something for me? I'm getting a noticeable pokethrough with jacket-styled outfit (I used Frivolous 40s outfits) when I'm posing a morphed Genesis . . .
I just bought SickleYield's G2F clone -- I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but because I have it I was going to get the Frivolous 40s outfit today. Should I, or aren't they compatible?
As long as they are not named the same (in name of dsf file and in label) SickleYield's clone and your own (in case if you made one) can co-exist. Frivolous 40s outfit is convertable, it is just SickleYields's clone gives me a lot of pokethrough while my own doesn't. If you can check if it acts the same to you I'll be much obliged.
Thanks! But I'm not sure when I'll get back to my rendering computer (hopefully this weekend), or how much time I'll have available when I do. :red:
Can somebody with SickleYield's clone check something for me? I'm getting a noticeable pokethrough with jacket-styled outfit (I used Frivolous 40s outfits) when I'm posing a morphed Genesis . . .
I just bought SickleYield's G2F clone -- I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but because I have it I was going to get the Frivolous 40s outfit today. Should I, or aren't they compatible?
As long as they are not named the same (in name of dsf file and in label) SickleYield's clone and your own (in case if you made one) can co-exist. Frivolous 40s outfit is convertable, it is just SickleYields's clone gives me a lot of pokethrough while my own doesn't. If you can check if it acts the same to you I'll be much obliged.
Thanks! But I'm not sure when I'll get back to my rendering computer (hopefully this weekend), or how much time I'll have available when I do. :red:
Thank you :D You don't have to check the whole outfit, just jacket with arms up would be ok.
Can you try full-body map transfer from V4 to V5 and show how well it worked for you? Because the experience I'm getting is far worse than TC2
Can you try full-body map transfer from V4 to V5 and show how well it worked for you? Because the experience I'm getting is far worse than TC2
What settings did you use? I never had a quality issue but I set quality to maximum. Images looked great. Problem was how long it took to render for me. To do a full body it took over an hour. I don't have time for all that!
Fortunately most of my skins are V4, with a few being V5, so I've been ok.
What settings did you use? I never had a quality issue but I set quality to maximum. Images looked great. Problem was how long it took to render for me. To do a full body it took over an hour. I don't have time for all that!
Fortunately most of my skins are V4, with a few being V5, so I've been ok.
I used the highest settings I could find and I'm getting bad black spots on thighs and other artifacts. But it certainly didn't take a hour for them to transfer either. With another hand, TC2 works very fast for me, maybe it is computer power thing.
I tried this again with the default settings and things went quickly for me, and I didn't have any black spots or artifacts.
Also I figured out I was supposed to do all the zones that belong on the same file at the same time...which means I only had to make 7 textures and not 20+. So I'm learning. Haven't had to do this much because most of my characters are V4, but for the one or two S5/A5/Hitomi textures I have it could be useful.
When I tried to do that just now, it said I needed to create a template. How do I do that?
When I tried to do that just now, it said I needed to create a template. How do I do that?
Click with right mouse button in template space
heres some tutorials:
sickleyield Tutorial The Map Transfer Utility
video - DAZ 3D - Map Transfer Step by Step in DAZ Studio
Okay, so I looked at both the tutorial and the video and they just confused me even more. According to the tutorial, I need to download special UV maps that I need to purchase a product to decode, and the video isn't very "step-by-step" as it not only goes to fast, but involves loading a UV set with an .obj file. Maybe someone can help me out with this in a more direct approach...
Let's say I want to convert a non-V5 Gen 5 female skin to G2F. What exactly action-by-action should I do?
I that case you would need genesis 1 with V5 product (for the V5 UV set for genesis) and that non-V5 UV set for genesis 1, so you can transfer non-V5 map to V5 map using genesis 1 and than use that V5 map with G2F. V5 is sort of meeting point between G1 and G2F as far as maps go. That is, if you bought V5.
Do you need steps for transfering non-V5 map to V5 map using genesis 1?
Genesis has no UV map for Gen2F. so that you can not directly transfer Generation 5 textture (for each UV set)
for gen2F default UV. if you hope so,, you can not do it at current.
(untill daz or other vendor release gen2F morph with uv sets for genesis1)
but Gen2Fis offered with Vcitoria5 UV too , and genesis have Vicotria5 uv .(of course you need to buy Victoria 5,
but I know you have them,,)
So that you can convert A5, or S5 or HItomi, (generation 5) skin textures (bump diffuse, specular etc,,)
for genesis, which made for A5,S5 uv map,to the texture which fit to Vcitoria 5 UV.
after that,, apply each texture manually to gen2F, then change UV set to victoria 5,
it can work about A5, S5 etc.
every texture for genesis can be converted for Victoria 5. ,after that it can be use with gen2F I think.
I save them asnew material preset ,duf for Gen2F.
Though I have not converted many,, (It seems terrible work,, about all texture,,even though only about AIko5 UV textures,,
each cosmetic texture,, ,, eye ,, hand nail etc,,, )
but not so bad when transfer with higest quality option I think.
Here's what you do. Since you probably already know where the tools are I'll just give you the short version.
Apply texture to genesis (say an S5 texture)
Load up the map transfer tool.
Create a template by right clicking in the left column
Drag over all materials that belong to the same texture to the new template (so all the 1_ for example)
Select the template and be sure to set the path to save textures somewhere you can remember
Select the target UV (I can't remember if this is done with each texture, or at the template level. It will be greyed out if you have wrong thing selected)
Press the accept button.
If you only do one surface area, say SkinHip, then it will only do that area. So you want to make sure you have all the torso/limbs/head surfaces dragged over at the same time.
I redid this for each material group, for me doing the entire assortment of textures at once did not work. I'm sure there is a way to get that to work, but failed for me.
Now I am transfering ,S5 texture for Vcitoria5 UVs to use with gen2F,,
so that can stuck some pic,,
then I needed always,, as larsmidnatt said,, convert template , one by one.
may better check saved texture ,, after transfered all texttures in template1
then you must better delete the template from the left pane after trasnfer maps of the template.
othewise,, ds transfer template1 map again even though there are template 2 already.
@kitakoredaz Thanks for the screenshots! I think that should explain it all.
uu,,,tahnk you ladstmart to kind words ^^; I afraid if I need not to answer,, here,, dobule answered may be,, ^^;
Hello, all.
I was surfing youtube for some tut and came across something that I would like to share.Not sure if anybody else know of this.
As some people know, there are some issues when transferring genesis morphs to G2Female. Such as YT5Jule. She gets all messed up. The process explained in this post is long and drawn out. Not that it doesn't work, its just a ton of steps thought have to go though and and re-right the files.
Well, guess what folks, there is an easier way and it is built right into DAZ Studio and it is WAY simpler to do. (no re-writings files/code). Studio will do it automatically. for you.
The posted render is just a quick test render to show the pose, not sure what is with the "red" look in there face is about (something to do with specular settings). And at this point, it doesn't matter at his point for what I am doing.
Continue from previous post
Continued from previous post.
I have tested her on quite a few of G2Female and V6 poses an had absolutely no issues with any weird deformations.
Also, just a thought, this trick may help with the bones in Gen4 and Gen3 characters converted to "weight mapping" as well. I have not tested it, but it should work.
This is the link to the youtube tut
I also for forgot to mention in the very beginning is that I used the "transfer utility" method posted at the beginning (Ben's method) for transferring my genesis and V4 morphs to g2f.
Sorry about how the images and there order. I posted them in there numerical order, but the forum decided to do it its own way.
I hope this helps out a lot of people.
Thank you for sharing your tips and posting the detailed screen shots. This technique is actually referenced in Kattey's first post in this thread. In step 10 there is a link to niccipb's bone adjustment and ERC freeze post. It doesn't have any visuals, though, so your screen shots help in understanding it.
Good thinks are very worth of repeating :)
My tutorials for some people are hard to follow (manywordness and clumsy wording -_-), so another tutorial might be way better understood. And it has pictures! :)
Thank you, timnaas, for your work!
Yea, and no, cause I believe they had more step( adjusting individual bones/freezing). Though I could be wrong (been a while since I read this).
This trick does it for you with fewer steps involved.
But you are welcome though.
And again, I'm not taking away what they done here. Just sharing what I seen and where I found it
Good thinks are very worth of repeating :)
My tutorials for some people are hard to follow (manywordness and clumsy wording -_-), so another tutorial might be way better understood. And it has pictures! :)
Thank you, timnaas, for your work!
Ha, thanks and your welcome. Again, not taking anything away with what you have done, it just seems like a shorter route to get there.
I was just automatic.
Again, it's been a while since I have read this and you may have covered it and I just didn't catch it right.
Is it just me, or does the transferred over Julie morphs really not mix well at all? If I try to add any breast morphs from either G2 or transferred over G1 morphs, the mesh just looks really bad. I had to create a new one on G1 with the breasts dialed up and shaped, save it as morphs asset, then transfer it over to G2 to get a good result.
Hello Katey and ben98120000,
I was wondering if the conversion process You suggested can be simplified if one wants to only bring head morphs from g1 to g2, so to only save data from the head (maybe also for the neck), but not for the rest of the body.
If I understood ben's method correctly for example, I would be exporting the whole g1body morph every time even if I just want to save a head morph...
Could this be achieved using Face Groups instead of Morph Targets within the Transfer Utility?
Thanks for help!
Well, if morph has a separate head version you can transfer heads only by temporary moving everything else except heads out of respected data/daz 3d/genesis/base/morphs somewhere else outside of content folders (not deleting, moving). As for separating head from full body morph, RAMWolff, I think, knows the process in ZBrush that allows to create only partial morph.
Using face groups, hm, I don't know, but generally Face Groups have no relations to morphs - from what I know they are just for selection in viewport, when you click on a bodypart for a figure.
Meaning of the "face" from face groups is not "part of the body called face". Face groups are polygon selection groups, they include abdomen, abdomen2 etc.
In addition to Katteys method from tutorials and her previous post, you can also transfer all morphs, than apply just 1 and export figure as object to use it in morph loader pro to make that applied morph as a new morph. Havent tested that one tho.
Morph loader video tutorial
With release of SickleYield's G2F clone for Genesis here is a note: if you followed tutorials, it might have the same name as your own clone. In my case because names were the same, DS lumbed both clones together.
If you have this problem and want to have both options, to uncouple SickleYield's clone, go to data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morph/SickleYield/SRMSG2F and rename CloneGenesis2Female.dsf into something like CloneGenesis2FemaleSY.dsf
Then, open a file in any text editor, and change all lines that reference this clone accordingly by adding "SY" (or your variation of correction):
line 4, id line
line 16, id line
line 17, name
line 30, label
line 16626, id this line reads something like "id" : "CloneGenesis2Female-1" - changes go before "-1" part, so it reads "id" : "CloneGenesis2FemaleSY-1", for example (don't forget commas)
line 16627, url
It is possible that only change of label might be sufficient, but I wanted to be sure it works independently.
Can somebody with SickleYield's clone check something for me?
I'm getting a noticeable pokethrough with jacket-styled outfit (I used Frivolous 40s outfits) when I'm posing a morphed Genesis. Here is an example - on left is Genesis with SickleYield's clone (as per manual, I used no projection templates, saved to library and reloaded anew) and on right is that clone I've made in tutorials (using projection templates for shirt, skirt and loose boots). For fairness sake all smoothing modifiers were removed. Morph is 50% Basic Female and 50% V5, pose is a pose #13 (Reaching Right for a Book) from exLibris Pose set.
I'm getting same results even if I remove my clone from the system entirely and/or don't save to library or use same projection templates but my folders might be so messed up that they mess up SickleYield's clone anyway, so can anybody check it for me? I know SickleYield is committed to quality, this is why it weirds me out. Preferably if you don't have a G2F clone on your own or also temporary remove it from the system.
I just bought SickleYield's G2F clone -- I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but because I have it I was going to get the Frivolous 40s outfit today. Should I, or aren't they compatible?
I just bought SickleYield's G2F clone -- I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but because I have it I was going to get the Frivolous 40s outfit today. Should I, or aren't they compatible?
As long as they are not named the same (in name of dsf file and in label) SickleYield's clone and your own (in case if you made one) can co-exist. Frivolous 40s outfit is convertable, it is just SickleYields's clone gives me a lot of pokethrough while my own doesn't. If you can check if it acts the same to you I'll be much obliged.
As long as they are not named the same (in name of dsf file and in label) SickleYield's clone and your own (in case if you made one) can co-exist. Frivolous 40s outfit is convertable, it is just SickleYields's clone gives me a lot of pokethrough while my own doesn't. If you can check if it acts the same to you I'll be much obliged.
Thanks! But I'm not sure when I'll get back to my rendering computer (hopefully this weekend), or how much time I'll have available when I do. :red:
As long as they are not named the same (in name of dsf file and in label) SickleYield's clone and your own (in case if you made one) can co-exist. Frivolous 40s outfit is convertable, it is just SickleYields's clone gives me a lot of pokethrough while my own doesn't. If you can check if it acts the same to you I'll be much obliged.
Thanks! But I'm not sure when I'll get back to my rendering computer (hopefully this weekend), or how much time I'll have available when I do. :red:
Thank you :D You don't have to check the whole outfit, just jacket with arms up would be ok.