Not So Fast! Interactive Game ~~ DONE~~Read The Moves!



  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720

    Hey y'all,

    anybody fancy trying an NSF#3. "We Agree To Swap"  type swap ?

    I haven't seen any of those here yet (but I haven't really been paying attention, so I may have missed oneormore)

    This is what I believe I currently have (cut-and-pasted from Novica's "Current Standings" post as of the timestamp of this post) and they're all up for grabs:

    3dcheapskate  Had Old Hagred
    Set 1:         Set 2:  A Curious Hallway                  Crypta Sepultus
    Props: Steam Bike Pro  (Pile of Luggage)                        *Chainsaw
                 *Dystopian Console
    Character: She Freak for V4

    *(although I have an outstanding query about which of  "Chainsaw", "Dystopian Console" and "Ace of Spades Jack  (Backpack)" I really have in my hand...)

    Any offers will be considered, but there is no guarantee that bids will be accepted !

    P.S. That font style size thingy isn't very WYSIWYG is it ?

    I don't think anyone has yet.  I am trying to decide if you have anything I want.  (Not that I will get to keep it long, probably)

    Editted to add:  Is there anything I have you want?

    I'd just love to have that Porta Potty, but unfortunately I don't own it. In fact I don't appear to own any of the five items that you're holding sad

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406
    edited August 2018

    Old Hagred think I am so stupid I won't be able to get rid of her!


    Salt Lake city time 08:09

    LaPetiteVerita  you shouldn't have stollen her broom!




    650 x 600 - 730K
    Post edited by xmasrose on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @kismet2012  I see this one since I refreshed the page so instead of working on RGcincy I am doing yours first. It will take me a bit to research/confirm what you did. 

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Oh no the Fantasy Tavern! I thought I’d escaped you, is this going full circle???? Heh heh heh.

    I’ve done 4 types of NSF so my goal today is upping my interaction/move count. Probably with a lot of quick, simple chaos. Prepare yourselves!

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited August 2018


    "I want my Deaddy Bear ! "


    Oops! Sorry ! I didn't mean to shout - Mummy told me that I should always ask nicely. What I meant was:

         "I want my Deaddy Bear... please!"

    I can see a possible NSF#3. "We Agree To Swap" as you own all three props that I have in my hand (Novica has just confirmed that they are Steam Bike Pro  (Pile of Luggage), Chainsaw, and Dystopian Console).


    P.S. I should warn you about my Deaddy Bear - she's down-right dangerous unless you know how to handle her...


    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited August 2018

    Oooh ! Stormlyght has Sakura 8 plus a cyberdog with cyberwings - I'm getting a definite manga/anime vibe from those...

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406
    edited August 2018

    Player : IceDragonArt

    8. "Fetch It For Me, Thanks!"   Combining two moves, #5 Say Bye And Hi- and #2 We're Swapping Says Me. The person goes and gets an item you also own, and they give it to you when they get back. 
    First, make sure the product you have in your possession that you are swapping later with them, THEY OWN. (A) (This is the We're Swapping Says Me part.) 
    Tell someone what product they are giving up. CAN NOT BE A CHARACTER. 
    Tell them what item is replacing it. (B)  (Be sure you OWN IT. They are bringing it back over to you.) 
    Take it (B) (must be the one they fetched) and give them an item (A the one you checked to see if they own it.) Must be a prop or a set. Must be the same type item

    Dear IceDragonArt would you be so kind to fetch Disconsolation (Set), the weather is warm and I feel like going to the ocean. Youre gonna give up Old West Bath House because it's menacing ruins. Then will swap Disconsolation and Tree and Swing with me.

    So IceDragonArt sets will be  aMAZEing Journey Around The World   and Tree and Swing

    and xmarose's sets will be Bar Interior 2018 and Disconsolation


    FACTS :

     #4 RGcincy and Dreamfarmer  #5 nonesuch00  #5 RGcincy #2 RGcincy #5 Kismet2012 #7Dreamfarmer #5Barbult #6Novica #8 IceDragonArt

    4 moves out of 4    6 people out of 6    9 total moves out of 10

    passed along Hagred for Wonderland to 3dcheapskate


    Post edited by xmasrose on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @kismet2012  Would you mind redoing that one and use the steps in order? By saying "giving up" on the first line, it indicates giving it to the list (the first action that is supposed to be taken) but in the end, you say I have it. You have the steps out of order so I got bogged down right there. One thing I think you did if I read that right-  Only one person is going to be putting an item back in the list, and that is the person who goes to fetch the item. You have both people fetching and ditching? 

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    @3dcheapskate that's tempting but Deaddy Bear is in the middle of a game with Baby Packy. Maybe later.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited August 2018

    @kismet2012  I see your error. You should have Novica retrieving the Urban Warrior (Prop Large Sword.)  That threw me. The person doing the fetching is the one giving up the item to the list. Okay, doing it now. Please edit your post.

    Again though- for these complicated moves, do them in order please. "Give up" to me implies giving it to the list if that is the first step to be taken (but the last line says someone ends up with it.)  So if everyone does the 1. 2. 3. 4 in order I can whiz through it. :)  I am frankly extremely pleased at how fast you all adopted/ used the combos. Great job! 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720

    @3dcheapskate that's tempting but Deaddy Bear is in the middle of a game with Baby Packy. Maybe later.

    Keep your eye on them - Deaddy Bear will probably try to eat Baby Packy ! surprise

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Novica said:

    @kismet2012  Would you mind redoing that one and use the steps in order? By saying "giving up" on the first line, it indicates giving it to the list (the first action that is supposed to be taken) but in the end, you say I have it. You have the steps out of order so I got bogged down right there. One thing I think you did if I read that right-  Only one person is going to be putting an item back in the list, and that is the person who goes to fetch the item. You have both people fetching and ditching? 

    I knew I messed something up in there...working on it now.

  • LaPartitaLaPartita Posts: 407

    Old Hagred think I am so stupid I won't be able to get rid of her!


    Salt Lake city time 08:09

    LaPetiteVerita  you shouldn't have stollen her broom!

    Probably not, but now I can return it so she can go visit @barbult!



  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128
    edited August 2018

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)

    3dcheapskate! Luggage. You don't need luggage. With that chainsaw what you need is a Regenerator. This is your new configuration!

    Set 1:         Set 2:  A Curious Hallway                  Crypta Sepultus
    Props: Regenerator    (Prop- Regenerator)         Chainsaw
                 Dystopian Console
    Character: She Freak for V4

    4 move-types, 7 moves, 5 interactions (3dcheapskate, saphirewild, icedragon, novica, xmasrose)


    Post edited by dreamfarmer on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited August 2018

    RGcincy receives an NSF5. "Say Bye And Hi" - the Public Indoor Pool (Lifesaver) is going off, and Stellar Fury (Prop- Interstellar Killsat) is coming on as asubstitute.

    RGcincy can now have vampire bats with frickin' lasers on their heads!


    And Dr Evil and Mini-Me can ride around in your golf cart !


    Status after this NSF:

    RGcincy: Sets: The Alcove, Summer Gazebo*; Props: Golf Course Props (Cart) , Jackson's Field (Fingerpost Sign), Public Indoor Pool (Lifesaver) Stellar Fury (Prop- Interstellar Killsat); Character: Vampire Bat by AM

    *this was from Kismet2012's NSF4 Dreamfarmer swaps Summer Gazebo for Fantasy Tavern with RGcinciy 2nd from bottom post of previous page (12)


    My eleventh NSF: six different NSFs (NSF1 once, NSF2 once, NSF4 once, NSF5 five times, NSF7 once, NSF9 twice) inflicted upon nine other people (IceDragonArt twice, Novica thrice, nonesuch00 once, LaPetiteVerita once, barbult once, Kismet2012 once, dreamfarmer once, stormlyght twice, RGcincy twice).

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Novica.  I corrected the NSF 9 post...hopefully it makes more sense now.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited August 2018

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)

    dreamfarmer need to have bigger dreams to farm. Replace the current Character:  HP Yuka (Aiko 8) with the more adorable Troll Beast (Gen8M)    (Character)  

    deleted to avoid repeat product

    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @xmasrose  I just want to point out how adorable I am. I am the only other person who owns that Deaddy Bear and I am not going to NSF #2 you and force a swap. :)  

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited August 2018

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)


    3Dcheapskate has been doing too many NSF's and needs some relaxation. No more tree cutting: remove Chainsaw (prop) and take time for a smoke by getting Morphable Meershaum  (Prop-Pipe) 

    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    RGcincy can now have vampire bats with frickin' lasers on their heads!

    ooh, sounds fun!!!

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited August 2018

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)


    IceDragonArt has had that comfy bed way too long. She gives up Gothic Bedroom  (Bed) and gets into action with Black Market Blades Silent Death  (Prop: Any Blade)

    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128
    edited August 2018
    RGcincy said:

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)


    dreamfarmer need to have bigger dreams to farm. Replace the current Character:  HP Yuka (Aiko 8) with the more adorable Troll Beast (Gen8M)    (Character)  

    Um, I have a question. Was this specifically trying to 'undo' the move I did where I put the Troll Beast back on the list in exchange for HP Yuka? I definitely feel like my single-use move was just 'cancelled', which is not technically against the rules but if that wasn't the intent, well, I wanted to point out it was done.

    eta: perhaps also worth putting out that while I love the efforts to get me more involved, mostly it's happening by restoring stuff to my list that was on it previously. Just something to keep in mind if you're really trying to shake stuff up. :-)

    Post edited by dreamfarmer on
  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Anyhow, whether or not it was an intentional 'cancel', RGcincy, I owe you. Help me out with my mad plans.

    NSF #5!

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)

    RGcincy     starts with:
    Set 1: The Alcove          Set 2:  Summer Gazebo     
    Props:  Golf Course Props (Cart)                 Jackson's Field (Fingerpost Sign)               
                 Stellar Fury (Prop- Interstellar Killsat)
    Character:  Vampire Bat by AM

    now has

    Set 1: The Alcove          Set 2:  Summer Gazebo     
    Props:  Golf Course Props (Cart)                 Jackson's Field (Fingerpost Sign)               
                Stellar Fury (Prop- Interstellar Killsat)
    Character:  Kincaid (Gen8M) 


    4 move-types, 7 moves, 6 interactions (3dcheapskate, saphirewild, icedragon, novica, xmasrose, RGcincy)

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited August 2018

    Um, I have a question. Was this specifically trying to 'undo' the move I did where I put the Troll Beast back on the list in exchange for HP Yuka? I definitely feel like my single-use move was just 'cancelled', which is not technically against the rules but if that wasn't the intent, well, I wanted to point out it was done.

    No, I didn't even see you had done that. I can pick something else for you.


    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited August 2018
    RGcincy said:

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)


    3Dcheapskate has been doing too many NSF's and needs some relaxation. No more tree cutting: remove Chainsaw (prop) and take time for a smoke by getting Morphable Meershaum  (Prop-Pipe) 

    Hilda likes that !

    824 x 824 - 44K
    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited August 2018

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)


    Let's have dreamfarmer get rid of that ugly old Troll Beast (Gen8M)   Character)   I just gave her and she can have cute Charlotte 8   (Character)  


    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    7. "You're A Thief" Tell another contestant (you chose)  they MUST steal a specific item (they own) from another contestant. (you chose.)  YOU'RE DONE. 
    The person that takes the item: (gets to chose)
    a. Must give up the same type item (a prop if they had to steal a prop)  to the list because they can only have 3 props, 2 sets, and 1 character. They may NOT give up the item they had to take.

    b. The MINUTE they post the item they are giving up, it is available, whether Novica has had time to get it to the list or not. First come first served, but note it does count as a NSF (#3 above)  whether it is on the list or not.

    c. Tells the person they stole from which item from the list will replace it. And of course, it must be the same TYPE of item.

    RGCincy you must steal the BBQ Grill Collection  (Grill) from Nonesuch00 - Nonesuch00 now needs to decide on what they will replace it with.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    Hilda likes that !

    Me too!

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672
    edited August 2018

    RGcincy you get to say BYE and HI!!

    5. "Say Bye And Hi"  Tell someone which product to give up to the list,  and which one to take from it.  The TYPE of item must be the same (a prop for a prop.)

    Set 1: The Alcove          Set 2:  Summer Gazebo     
    Props:  Golf Course Props (Cart)                 Jackson's Field (Fingerpost Sign)               
                 Public Indoor Pool (Lifesaver)       

    RGcincy that Golf Course Props (Cart) doesn't go with the rest of your theme giggles! Soooooo I am going to make you give t back to the list and Take Dream Home: Great Room Accessories (Prop: Bench)   instead. 

    Edited to Change the prop

    Post edited by Saphirewild on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited August 2018

    My current list as far as I can tell.  anyone interested in trading to use a #3 we agree to swap?

      Tree And Swing            Set 2:  aMAZEing Journey Around The World  
    Props:  Hood Huntress Collection         
                  New Colony Props (Module 3e) Black Market Blades Silent Death  (Prop: Any Blade)
    Character: Sharks By AM Great White Shark

    And I have done NSF 2,6.7,8,7

    against players RGCincy (2), 3Dcheapskate, Barbult & Nonesuch

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
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