Linwelly's Grove



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @linwelly   @morimann  Gave your galleries a shout out on my thread. Very nice work!  :)     

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    @novica and @morimann

    Wow thanks a lot to both of you, mori you are a lovely soul :big hug:

    I most definitely need to catch up with all the other galleries as well and update my list

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996
    edited October 2018

    I'm all set up for my very first comic con :D

    Got a hoodie with my logo, my flyers, the "photo" booklet and some extra images I made for testing. What can go wrong?

    I'm very excited, will meet up with @BeeMkay on the 3rd of November for this.

    Making all that stuff sure was a learning experience, some things I will do better for the next time, some went through smoothly the first.

    2018-10-19 15.59.22.jpg
    5312 x 2988 - 7M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,781



    You are doing big things.

    Enjoy and I hope you feel the full weight of your actions and realize how great this all is.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996



    You are doing big things.

    Enjoy and I hope you feel the full weight of your actions and realize how great this all is.

    Full weight, not yet I think, I'm excited but I keep telling myself that I'm yet only a visitor, not really an exhibitor. Though having all that stuff on my hands it awesome, like that is really just coming from my imagination and got "real" :D


  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,781

    Yes, yes and yes. Merch makes it official.

    I did fridge magnets and calendars.

    I do need to make T-shirts.

    Congratulations again.

    Every so often, while cleaning up, I find an old doodad or post card.

    Always hits the spot. Take LOTS of pictures.

    I loaded my phone with contacts and also made sure I took a picture for their phone contact image.

    And I prefixed all the names with con20xx so I know where I met them and used a bit of notes to remember WHO they were and what they were doing.....

    because I won't remember weeks later when I finally go through the grab bags and swag.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    Thats good advice to keep track of contacts, reminds me I need to fill up my prepaid phone card and empty my phone SD card which is full with stupid stuff right now :D


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Woot how excting!  Congratulations!  I would be bouncing up and down all over the place with excitement lol.  Definitely take lots of pictures and make sure you keep us updated!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    Woot how excting!  Congratulations!  I would be bouncing up and down all over the place with excitement lol.  Definitely take lots of pictures and make sure you keep us updated!

    I tend to dissapoint people with the forms I express my excitement (eg when I get presents and people are watching me unpack) I know it can be unnerving, as my daughter is the same and often I asked her if she's not happy with what she got but she perfectly is.

    But I definitely will keep you updated as it's thanks to you people here that I reached this point and keep going. I wouldn't be doing this now without all the support I got from you.

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    I love that logo! 

    Have fun at the comic con :D

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited October 2018

    Nice looking promo materials you have there.  Have fun at the comic con!

    I stopped by your gallery and gave the last two images some love...

    I see that Diamonds and Pearls has 20 likes - that's pretty good.  I'm big smiles when my renders get that many likes.  

    Post edited by dracorn on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    "Great job with the conversion! Although when I look more closely at the cockpit it looks like it's on autopilot - somebody must be on a bathroom break..."

    I just read that and was laughing, so yupp even the cylonds are doing it ;) 

    It was only a test after all so I never bothered fitting someone in there.

    Thanks a lot for the kind words and the galleryvisit. I was a bit surprised when I found that the diamonds and pearls amounted to 20 likes. Usually when a render finds likes its within the first day, with luck the second, after that mostly they get buried too deep and rarely find more viewers. So that was a lucky change :D

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    just putting up my black hear moth here as well as I forgot that. It was made for  llola lanes october challenge.

    Got that wonderful arki outfit Miellyn as PC for one day (and lots more of them yesterday) I ade some changes to the wings to make them look moth like and added the black dots for the heart with LIE. The lady is Ceridwen, still one of the most exciting g3 ladies so far.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    She came out really great! Excellent work, also with the wings. smileyheart

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    This one started out with the rough idea of using the lighthouse I just got with the PC sale with its eight sides as one for Llolas challenge, but I guess as only four sides are showing Its not fit for Llola's (besides I have another idea for that one.

    Still I kept fidgeting around with it until I had that very mood I wanted. I had some postwork fun with it as well.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Love the point of view of the dragonfly lady, making her so small is really cool looking

    Wow, the lighthouse is just amazing!  Beautifully done!

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    Great composition on the dragonfly. Lovely colors. The lighthouse is a lonely citadel... it makes me wonder, though, what happened to the occupant of the boat? Great atmosphere and I love the light beam in the haze.
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    Thank you both a lot! @dracorn seems you found out what was lost (thats the title of the lighthouse render) :D

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    Here is a little bit  "making of" the lighthouse scene as I saw @Saphirewild experimenting with it and the light in the lighthouse and she mentioned it as comment on the image.

    I used Iray for this but can imagine that it works with a powerful spotlight in 3DL as well. What I did was using a flattened sphere made emissive and fitted into that light apperatus but in a way that the surface protruded the ribbed internals which otherwise tend to swallow all the light. I can post a screenshot later. To make the light really flash you would need to position the spotlight in front of that thingy.

    I used Marshians atmo cam to make the light visible in the fog but used a different camera and I had the atmothere largely increased in size and reduced the fog setting from the gray glum by half


    I made some postwokr with the render as well, with a bit of colour shift towards the blue

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    That's a great image.

    Thank you for the tutorial. Would really like to see a screenshot.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996
    edited November 2018

    Ups yes I forgot to do that sorry

    here is one version with the geometry. that white thing is the flattened sphere

    and in the second i have the surface of the sphere open to show which kind of power that light has.

    There are two more glowing spheres in the lower parts of the building to sho some living place but they are at a far lower luminance

    1242 x 954 - 744K
    1020 x 888 - 524K
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672
    Linwelly said:

    Here is a little bit  "making of" the lighthouse scene as I saw @Saphirewild experimenting with it and the light in the lighthouse and she mentioned it as comment on the image.

    I used Iray for this but can imagine that it works with a powerful spotlight in 3DL as well. What I did was using a flattened sphere made emissive and fitted into that light apperatus but in a way that the surface protruded the ribbed internals which otherwise tend to swallow all the light. I can post a screenshot later. To make the light really flash you would need to position the spotlight in front of that thingy.

    I used Marshians atmo cam to make the light visible in the fog but used a different camera and I had the atmothere largely increased in size and reduced the fog setting from the gray glum by half


    I made some postwokr with the render as well, with a bit of colour shift towards the blue


    Linwelly said:

    Ups yes I forgot to do that sorry

    here is one version with the geometry. that white thing is the flattened sphere

    and in the second i have the surface of the sphere open to show which kind of power that light has.

    There are two more glowing spheres in the lower parts of the building to sho some living place but they are at a far lower luminance

    Thanks for the tutorial @Linwelly I am certainly greatfull for this now I have to figure out how to convert this into 3Delight!!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    High time to get some updates on my comic presented here.

    First let me show you some foodp*rn ;) that got only small presentation time in the latest updates and deserves some more attention



    I hope you enjoy this, it was quite some metriculous arranging to have it like this.

    For some reasons my other two images are not yet showing in the gallery. I will get those two here once I solved that riddle

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    ok here are the ladies, no one is the evil sister of my main char in her "wedding" dress

    and a very white lady. I had her once before in another render

    In other news, I'm rather busy with teh upcoming Holiday time, which is connected with my current job, but some changes will come with the beginning of 2019

    I will let you know, once its upon us

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Linwelly said:

    High time to get some updates on my comic presented here.

    First let me show you some foodp*rn ;) that got only small presentation time in the latest updates and deserves some more attention



    I hope you enjoy this, it was quite some metriculous arranging to have it like this.

    For some reasons my other two images are not yet showing in the gallery. I will get those two here once I solved that riddle

    Gorgeous!  Now I want sushi and wine lol.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    So I finally treated myself with Scene Optimzer but I really don't seem to get the hang of it. I'm a bit in a rage mode right now

    I tried reducing textures by a large deal (:16) in a test scene. saved to a new scene and restarted DS to test. The calculation time before it even starts showing pixeld didn't seem to change any bit, what did change was the time until the render finished to the expected percentage of iterations.

    But it still takes kind of forever to even show a spot render in s alrger scene, meh!

    Plus now I suddenly have problems with a scull cap showing up in a scene I wanted to render leaving dark marks on my character forehead which it didn do on the unoptimized scene. And I didn't even touch the hair or scullcap textures of subdivisions on that. Now I'm fiddeling around for an hour with that stupid scene to even get it back to how it should look. rrraaaaggghhhh.

    I feel stupid and close to giving up on this for today.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996
    edited December 2018
    Linwelly said:

    So I finally treated myself with Scene Optimzer but I really don't seem to get the hang of it. I'm a bit in a rage mode right now

    I tried reducing textures by a large deal (:16) in a test scene. saved to a new scene and restarted DS to test. The calculation time before it even starts showing pixeld didn't seem to change any bit, what did change was the time until the render finished to the expected percentage of iterations.

    But it still takes kind of forever to even show a spot render in s alrger scene, meh!

    Plus now I suddenly have problems with a scull cap showing up in a scene I wanted to render leaving dark marks on my character forehead which it didn do on the unoptimized scene. And I didn't even touch the hair or scullcap textures of subdivisions on that. Now I'm fiddeling around for an hour with that stupid scene to even get it back to how it should look. rrraaaaggghhhh.

    I feel stupid and close to giving up on this for today.

    edit to add

    yupp went back to the original scene and there were no scullcap problems... le sigh

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    :16 is quite a bit, and it reduces already small maps to incoherent....

    I only use it to downsize maps that are huge; transparency maps are a problem sometime, so I just replace them with the original if they give me trouble. It's not helping much with the preperation times, as the maps still have to be loaded and all, though.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,996

    I used those :16 on maps that are not in the render but where I want the surface colour as it affects the environment. so that should be fine.

    I#m now rendering the sene as it originally was and notice in the hight resolution that this skull cap has problem even there (with highest possible subD) but they appeared by far more in the optimized scene without changing anything on them. So there seems to be a combination of two problems ... I have a huge talent on running into this kind of trouble :S

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Ah, okay.

    As for the skullcap, sometimes HD settings in the shaping tab mess with the fitting and cause intersections. You could try looking under invisible settings in the shaping tab if any HD morphs are turned on. Alternately, increasing the size of the cap would work, or not using autofit, but parenting to the head - well, you know the tricks. ;-)

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