free resource kit help (they s…
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Hexagon Discussion>free resource kit help (they s…
free resource kit help (they seem a bit off)

I downloaded this resource modeling kit from Share CG for Genesis, V4, M4, Kid 4
they seem to be off to me, and i"m not sure what to do
that one was from a $7 tutorial I bought from render
that's the pair of boots that came with the free V4 kit
As you can see...they seem off
How do I fix them before I start making my own stuff from them?
Post edited by assmonkey on
From the looks of it it seems you need to zero out V4 in order for them to line up. This is normal since V4 is not zeroed when loaded.
How do I zero her?
I'm only using Poser so I really don't know how to do it in DS. Sorry. :( Someone else have to pitch in on that or you can ask in the DS forum.
Never mind, figured it out
Thanks for the reply
Ok great. :)
You might wanna tell how you did it since other users might find it useful. ;)
If that free kit you downloaded is by chance the bundle by JoeQuick, he's a user here on the forums that may be able to help you if you have further issues with them.