Ooh, very nice render, Ken. I like Martin's boots!
Loved your happy ending Totte. Can't believe the pair of you are already through a whole story though! I'm still getting ready to post my first one.
It's going to be interesting seeing what unfolds. I want to learn more about little Maggie and who beats who in Gemini vs. Omega...
Newbie Question: is postwork permitted?
Thank you Jindi! It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, inspired by that final scene in 'Romancing the Stone'. I also wanted to provide a bit of resolution for the previous image. (If you look closely, you'll see the crown, sitting on a skull, which would imply that the King is no more.) The texture hacking didn't work out as well as I had hoped (I was never able to identify that material zone along the back of the boot), but I thought somebody would get a kick out of it (no pun intended - well, maybe a little).
Wow, great start to this contest already. I'm really impressed with the speed with which you've got a whole story together already, Totte and Ken! (I'm still stalled on where to even start with mine.) And looking forward to the next installment(s) from Jaderail, Sasje and Jindi.
Wow, a lot of stuff up already. Great stories, Totte and Ken! Well, duh, sometimes I can't read very well - I thought we were only allowed 4 renders, like 3 in a story and then a forth one added on. And now I see that it is four stories. So I have to quit lollygagging. %-P
Here are my first two parts of story 1.
luci45 #1 parts one and two
My Missing Mother
Part One
My dad used to say, "Things could be a lot worse." He also used to say that things would come out in the wash and he said some stuff about the mills of the gods grinding slowly. He went to prison eleven years ago to serve a life sentence. He could have been executed so I guess things could have been a lot worse.
He was arrested when I was five. That's me being restrained by the policewoman. That chunky fellow is my dad, looking all indignant and trying to explain to these "representatives of justice" that, yes, my mother was indeed missing (as she often was), but that there had been no fowl play. Thier absurd claim was that he had murdered my mother made the body vanish somehow. Usually the justice system says "no body, no crime." This time it was different - some "incriminating circumstances" and a phoney witness were enough for a conviction.
My mother? Those marble statues on the right, yes, all three of them, are of her, lovingingly sculpted by my father. You may notice her rather unusual features and realize that she isn't from here. We tried to explain to the justice system how she is different and that she came here through a portal and, whenever she felt like, went back to that "other place". (She wouldn't let us use the word "dimension", it sounded too SciFi for her.)
used in this render:
FaceWeight For Genesis
Victoria 3.0 Head Morph Pack
Willow Spring
Also used:
Genesis 2 male and various morphs
Uniforms for Genesis 2 male
Town and Country with Fabricator Shader
Mean Streets Cap
M5 Beard
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female
Gun from LoRez Police
The Dress with Pimp My Prop marble shaders
50s Casual with difuse color added
Sports Trainer Shoes
Micah Hair
Growing Up for Genesis 2 Female
Filter Forge
My Missing Mother
Part Two
Here I am in the institution/boarding school. When I turned sixteen I thought about running away. Fortuneately though, before I had the chance, I heard from Dad that there would be a new trial. That was a few months ago and, well, to make long story story short - he is being released and real soon! This letter came from his lawyer today explaining it all. Also enclosed: a credit card and plane ticket. I will be out of here on Thursday afternoon!
used in this render:
Dream Home - Eclectic Master Bathroom Decor
Hither and Thither
Slacking for Casual Jeans and T-Shirt
West Park Ward
Also used:
Billboard background from the Neighbor's Yards
East Park Ward
Streetwear Sneakers
Light the Way lamp
Desk Clocks
Paperback book from Staning in Line
Envelope fom Postal props
Letter from Office
Modern Bed one pillow and duvet
zawarkal #01 : 1 of 3
|:| Game of Life - Making Choices |:|
In a realm not so different than our own there is an order to things, a random specificity controlled by choice. It is They who choose. It is We who live. For unbeknownst to us, We are their avatars. We walk though a momentary world of obstacles. We dodge. We run. We hide. And, then every once in awhile, We find joy. Every moment has been accounted, designed and set into motion by They. They are playing a game. They must make choices that They believe will cause us to feel the random emotion assigned in this game. We are born, We live, and We die each and every moment of this game. We are given our stories of what to believe in each and every moment. Past, Present and Future hold no meaning. The Moment is ALL that IS.
Here, now, you, the Observer, are watching as our game contestant, Avaris, has been assigned her Random pulls which she must now use as the base guidelines in the next Moment that she will design. It can be seen that she has drawn planet Earth with a setting in the Serengeti. The Emotion Randomizer has provided the desired emotional response to be a combination of Grin, Nervous, Surprise, Worried, and just a hint of Evil Grin added for good measure. Can she do it? Can Avaris select the pose, the clothes and the conditions of the Obstacles reflected against the background story to achieve the Emotional outcome desired?
Avaris' Avatar has been placed within the Womb of Life. A pose has been selected. And, the game is ready to commence.
Items Pulled:
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPCyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4
Expressions for Teen Josie
V4 Fairy Gown
Items Used in this Scene: (6 of 8)
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPcyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
Avaris for G4 - skin texture and head inj used on V4 figure
Expressions for Teen Josie - used G2F head posed with several expressions
V4 Fairy Gown
zawarkal #01 : 2 of 3
|:| Game of Life - Setting the Stage |:|
Alright now, anticipation is building. With just moments now before the game is ready to go live, we thought that we would take all you newcomer observers out there on a back stage tour to give you an idea of what is happening just beyond your imagination.
As you can see over here on the left we have the Avatar preparation. Avaris has written a life story for her Avatar. The Avatar is being told who her parents are, where she was born, where she lives, who her friends are, and well, just think about your own life experiences up until this time. And you should pretty much have an idea of everything that the Avatar is having programmed into her soul memory for the Moment of a Lifetime to come. All memories will be on the tip of her tongue should she need to access any of the information for her attempt at overcoming the forthcoming obstacle which is to be placed before her.
Front and center we can see the Director as she is attempting to set the stage for our Moment to come. The Stage Hands are loading all the scene elements necessary to make this Moment appear Real as per the Randomized Pull Items and the variable Choices selected by our contestant, Avaris.
What's that? Oh. I'm hearing now that final preparations are being made so let's make our way back to the observer seating area and we'll get this show started. Oh, and also by the way, for all you newcomer observers it may seem a bit awkward at first but we are sure you will get the hang of observing by being the trees, rocks, birds, flies, and other elements within the scenes.
Items Pulled:
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPCyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4
Expressions for Teen Josie
V4 Fairy Gown
Items Used in this Scene: (8 of 8)
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPcyc
Mon Chevalier Hair x2
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4 - skin texture and head/body inj used on G4/V4 figures
Expressions for Teen Josie - used choice mix expression on the Director
V4 Fairy Gown
zawarkal #01 : 3 of 3
|:| Game of Life - The Moment of Truth |:|
And here it is. The Moment of Truth. Avaris' Avatar finds herself in the Serengeti. She has been programmed with her BS, that is to say her Background Story or her Belief System. She is prepared to protect herself from any obstacle which might present itself.
But, wait! What's this! The Holodeck Grid is visible! We have a twist in the game! Avaris, our contestant, has programmed her Avatar's BS, in this moment, to include the knowledge that She is an Avatar. The Avatar has been Awakened to the Nature of the Game of Life. What will she do with this knowledge?!?
Now remember, the randomized obstacle selected for this scene was the panther. And, you, as the observers, can now see as the panther makes it's way into this moment. The panther approaches. And now it would be very easy for the Avatar to feel the Emotions of nervousness and or worry, which as you recall are two of the five Randomized Emotional Responses required for a win. But, just how is Avaris going to achieve the other three responses of Grin, Surprise, and some added Evil Grin?
This is it. The Avatar has chosen to welcome the wild nature of the panther and to see the creature as just another player in the game. The Avatar has no intention of attmepting to kill the panther. She realizes that it just is not necessary to kill for her survival as nothing in this moment is actually real. And, look at this! The panther has bowed before the Avatar! The panther has sensed the kindness and has bowed in Thankfulness! The moment has become one of joy! There is surprise in this twist of events. And, the Avatar cannot help but grin with even that little evil grin twist at the fact that a wild animal has bowed before her. Avaris has done it! She has created the BS necessary to achieve the desired emotional responses in the Moment!
And, now all you observers out there... Does it make you wonder about this moment you are now in? All of you have had your life BS filters setup to observe the story written by our current contestant, Zawarkal. What Emotional Response did They just get from you?
Every step of your journey, ask yourself, "Did I get what I wanted?"
Items Pulled:
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPCyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4
Expressions for Teen Josie
V4 Fairy Gown
Items Used in this Scene: (3 of 8)
Serengeti MPCyc
Avaris for G4 - skin texture and head/body inj used on G4 figure
A question has arisen in my current pull (and story): If my story runs to more than the requisite three images (and my current one is on track to do exactly that - and I understand, extra scenes do not translate to extra credit), do all images (including those beyond the requirement) need to comply with the rules: to wit, at least two items from your draw, etc.?
It's not an issue with my current WIP (because at least two items will be in all of them, for the sake of continuity), but I just thought a clarification might be in order....
A question has arisen in my current pull (and story): If my story runs to more than the requisite three images (and my current one is on track to do exactly that - and I understand, extra scenes do not translate to extra credit), do all images (including those beyond the requirement) need to comply with the rules: to wit, at least two items from your draw, etc.?
It's not an issue with my current WIP (because at least two items will be in all of them, for the sake of continuity), but I just thought a clarification might be in order....
Just asking.
Tricky but if you make extra images I rule that they should include at least one pulled item.
and ran home.
At home, she grabbed her mother and yell Mom Mom I have saw something at the gate and told her mother the whole story of what she saw. (be continued)
Pull: 1
- the Girl 4 Base
- DVDs and Stand
- The Backyard
- Dystopia City Blocks 011-020
Story pull #2
#1184 Chilly Hair (with the Jayne Hat) (Rendo)
#2263 Killerwhale
#1116 Cassia for V4
#521 Secret Garden Repose
#3911 TreadZ for Genesis
#1341 CryoEnvironment
#2219 Jepes Rodan M4
#1808 Forbidden Zone (Rendo)
Scene one - Pulled items used - Cassia V4
- Chilly Hair
- Secret Garden Repose
Other items used Luzy: Generation-X + Interjection + Stalker Girl clothes + FM tank top + Lycan Hunter Bangles + Dental Plan + Daily nails Frank: M6 + Jepes Nathan + Micah hair + Horror Survivor (boots+pants) + Sir Worthington (west) + Urban Survivor (gun) + Journeyman Scout (wrist guards)
Forsaken for Secret Garden Repose
Dystopia Streets
Dystopia Nexus Streets
Firestarter Sedan
WWII Radios
Saving Willy, Again - part one
The resistance fighter heroine Luzy secretly meets with her boyfriend Frank at the old snake fountain when she gets a radio message from her best friend that is scouting the forbidden zone.
The Robotariens have set a trap and lured Willy into the inner lake basin, and they are now hunting for him. Willy is the most important of the killer whales and king of the sea and the resistance depends on him and the help from the sea to win this war against the Robotariens. The only person that can talk to Willy and that Willy trusts is Jack Tee, who is locked up in the Roboratian Statis CryoPrison downtown. They need to free Jack from the prison, and they need to free him now.
One Thousand and Two Nights
Cotton Candy for the Carousel The Conservatory - used
Pyrit Hair for Genesis 1 - used
Mitsu Hair for Aiko 3 - used
The Shelter - used
Deco Bed 1 - used
Pred Pack Poppies - used
Also used:
Flipmode Greenlands
Daydreamer outfit
MFD Wonderland
1930s Menswear
Mad Doctor
parts of Elven Warrior outfit
Infinite Gardens flowers, plus flower pot from Cloister
Shaders: Gemologica/Fabricator and add-on packs
Genesis 1 with: D5, Troll, Caleb, Aiko and S5 in various combinations
Story Title: Grandpa’s Whirlwind Romance
Picture 2 title: Someplace Else
"Turned out not a pane of glass broke in that conservatory while Frank and Gayle sheltered inside. For a while it seemed the whole world was spinning, though, and they sang songs to pass the time. Gayle couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but Frank didn't mind.
It felt like the storm would never end, then all of a sudden there was a thud and everything was quiet again. Gayle peeked out the door, a peculiar look on her face.
A voice rang out. "No, no, no. What in the name of Daz do you think you are doing?"
"Excuse me Miss...er... Mister. Can you tell us what place this is?" Frank asked the silvery figure who was hovering in the air.
"Shoo! Go away!" said the strange vision. "You've already gone and squished Yarg's flower garden. We don't want your sort around here."
"But go where? How?" said Frank, while Gayle tried in vain to comfort poor Yarg.
"Take a bed. How else! Wait your turn at the shelter. There will be another along in a minute. Just try not to squish anything else while you wait."
"But where should we go? We need to get back home... I made an appointment to see my dentist" whined Frank, who wasn't much of one for adventures.
"Home? What's Home? Never heard of it. There's only one person to ask: the mighty DAZ. And before you ask another stupid question, he's in the Sapphire City, same as always. Now tell your friend to stop clicking her heels, it's an annoying habit. Bed Stop's right over there."
"Er... thank you, I guess," muttered Frank, wondering just how he was going to explain to Gayle that they were going to have to share a bed..."
Here I am with Dad and a lot of pointy-eared people like me. Dad is fine. Prison didn't mess him up much and he has lost some weight. Also he somehow managed to do a lot of research about families like ours and contacted some people who, like me, had lost their mothers (and in some cases fathers.) They wanted to get together and pool our resources and knowledge, hoping we might be able to find our missing parents. Most of the women cover their ears like I do, but you can see the pointy ears on the guys. The lady we are talking to is the exception and I think she doesn't look too bad. Maybe when I am a little older I will change my 'do.
FaceWeight For Genesis
Redhouse Christmas Carol
Victoria 3.0 Head Morph Pack
Also used:
Genesis 2 Female
Philly Hair
M5 Beard
17 Chic Shirt
Growing Up for Genesis 2 Female
50s Casual male jacket
Pullover Sweater
Fabricator (Mach pack, Totally Bazaar, Ye Old Clothe)
Drivers Cap - Mean Streets
Lorenzo and Loretta LoRez and LoRez Policeman (retextured)
Freebie Christmas Hats (Rendo)
M2 with Santa Suit (PoserWorld)
V3 with Head Morphs
The Dress
Natsumy hair
Tables, Chairs and Stool from Old West Saloon
Coffee Mug from Diner stuff
This is the whole Pull:
Dream Home - Eclectic Master Bathroom Decor
FaceWeight For Genesis
Hither and Thither
Redhouse Christmas Carol
Slacking for Casual Jeans and T-Shirt
Victoria 3.0 Head Morph Pack
West Park Ward
Willow Spring
Point of Impact
Parkside Passenger Car
Precious Princess
Japanese Tea Garden by Merlin
Freak 5 Big Sweater
Fairytale Collection -- Fantasy Castle
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Barn Yard
#1184 Chilly Hair (with the Jayne Hat) (Rendo)
#2263 Killerwhale
#1116 Cassia for V4
#521 Secret Garden Repose
#3911 TreadZ for Genesis
#1341 CryoEnvironment
#2219 Jepes Rodan M4
#1808 Forbidden Zone (Rendo)
Scene two - Pulled items used - Cassia V4
- Chilly Hair
- TreadZ for Genesis
- Jepes Rodan M4
- CryoEnvironment
Other items used Luzy: Generation-X + Interjection + Stalker Girl clothes + FM tank top + Lycan Hunter Bangles + Dental Plan + Daily nails Frank: M6 + Japes Nathan + Micah hair + Horror Survivor (boots+pants) + Sir Worthington (west) + Urban Survivor (gun) + Journeyman Scout (wrist guards) Derek: Genesis + Generation X + SPEX + JeanZ for Genesis + Lone Wolf (vest) + Unshaven Genesis + Shadow Warrior (MP5) + M5 Firearms Poses Jack Tee: M6 + Bjorn + DA Bio Tank
Cryo Tube + Greta + DA Bio Tank + Esidor Hair
Cryo Tube + M6 + Neo Texture (D5) + Beautiful African Hairstyle
Many Advanced Ambient Lights
DAZ Droid + Real metals
Postwork in PS using many of Ron's things.
Saving Willy, Again - part two They make a quick call to Derek who hacks into the Robotarians Mainframe system and finds a way in to the CryoStatis Prison through an unused service tunnel. Derek also pinpoints Jacks location, floor three, block nine. He meets up with Luzy and Frank at the tunnel entrance and joins the rescue group. They crawl through the tunnel and then move up inside the building through an air vent shaft until they are on floor three. The cell blocks are not very well guarded but a handful robots are patrolling. Lucy makes a quick tactical plan, then they attack to rescue Jack. The fight is short but fierce and they successfully free Jack, then they quietly disappear as fast as they came, hearing the alarms sounding in the distance as they carefully move through the city to a safe hideout. It is not over yet, it has just begun and they have no time to waste, they need so set Willy free again.
...there's a good chance I may not end up submitting anything because I will probably be on the streets come 01-14 as my UC runs out at the end of the year and the emergency extension progamme is discontinued.
...there's a good chance I may not end up submitting anything because I will probably be on the streets come 01-14 as my UC runs out at the end of the year and the emergency extension progamme is discontinued.
Been fun guys.
That's terrible KK, I didn't know I was putting you into my second image of the first story.
One Thousand and Two Nights - used
Cotton Candy for the Carousel
The Conservatory
Pyrit Hair for Genesis 1 Mitsu Hair for Aiko 3 - used
The Shelter Deco Bed 1 - used
Pred Pack Poppies
Also used:
Millennium Cat 2
1930s Menswear / Mad Doctor
MFD Wonderland
Maclean's Morphing Primitives
Chair from Classic Deco Eclectic
EW Tunic
Shaders: Gemologica, Totally Bazaar, Ye Olde Clothe; AoA Metallic Glass
Genesis 1 with: D5, Troll, Caleb, Aiko and S5 in various combinations
Story Title: Grandpa’s Whirlwind Romance
Picture 3 title: In the Hall of Mighty Daz
"Now a bed is a wonderful thing. How much better, then, a bed that can fly? Frank and Gayle agreed that it was the perfect way to travel. It lifted them gently in the air and glided over poppy fields, woods and lakes. When they grew weary of watching the land unroll below, they were able to crawl under the covers for a nap. (But not both together. That wouldn't have been polite when they'd only recently met.)
Eventually they floated down into the audience chamber of the palace of Daz... whoever Daz was.
A being of the same race as Yarg (of the crushed flower garden) entered, by and by. He climbed up on a chair. Maybe he wanted to look more imposing? His coat was rich and he wore a kind of crown on his head. He was followed by a cat-like creature.
The crowned being spoke. "State your business with the mighty Daz!"
Frank explained their strange adventure. Meanwhile, Gayle was busy snapping her fingers and whispering "Here, kitty, kitty!"
They both jumped when the cat yelled, "Do not speak to the guard, speak to me. I am the mighty Daz."
"Oh, um, my humble apologies," Frank stuttered. Gayle had the good grace to blush.
"So," said the cat, "you came all this way to see me simply because you wish to return home?"
"Yes, exactly that, um, your high mighty-ness."
"Then why did you instruct the bed to fly you here? It will go anywhere you tell it to! All you had to do was tell it to take you home, you fool!"
"Oh!" said Frank. "I see."
"You may go. You may have the bed as a gift. The mighty Daz is generous that way, though I see you brought no gift for me in return," the cat said, looking rather miffed.
And so they left with many apologies and a promise to bring a heap of gifts if they ever returned. As far as I know, they never did. However, they did get married and lived a long and happy life, and so it was that Grandpa told me their tale of a whirlwind romance long ago. I saw the bed while I was there, so I know it must have been true."
I have seen several messages of people in loss across the forums. And the issue is that they are viewing it as loss.
I went through my loss also. Being on my path of enlightenment though I knew it as my fall. And the Fall is a wonderful event that I would wish upon everyone. During the Fall you lose everything that is unimportant or that defines your ego persona. When you allow the Fall to Happen and just Let Go, then you will begin to notice around you where there are hundreds of new doors opening. Every door that opens is one that a few years ago you would never have considered entering. But, when you are ready to Go With the Flow of what your spirit wants, you will find that these opportunities are the very things you need in your life to facilitate the change onwards and upwards towards a new and better life.
So, and please don't be upset with me, but I say Congratulations!!! Everything in your life is about to take a new and exciting turn. Enjoy the Moment! And to borrow from my story... remember to ask yourself when, from the other side, you look back upon this Moment... "Did I Get What I Wanted?!?"
Tag: karibousboutique #1, Picture 1 My Pull: 1229 Crazy Locks Hair for Genesis & V6 DAZ - USED
4520 Orkz Passages Entry DNA - USED
3742 M5 Casual Male Textures DAZ - USED
1755 Dragonfly Jewelry RO 655 Belly Chains RO - USED
1211 Country Dining Room Ps DAZ - USED
6355 The Cargo Hold DAZ 5442 Sarah DNA - USED
Also used Temple of Arklops
Rendered in DS 4.6, Postwork in Photoshop CS6
Story title: The Guardian
Image Title: Just Another Night at Home
I think I can safely state that I have the roomiest dining room on the planet. Sadly, the furniture isn't exactly something that Better Homes and Gardens would feature, nor is the space suitable for dinner parties. And, while the room never requires the use of a vacuum, it does frequently require the use of a firearm.
Truth be told, I can't blame my quirky dining room on the house. The unearthly terrain has followed me from one dwelling to the next for as long as I can remember. Of course, the location of the portal does vary from place to place -- my first apartment had one in the pantry, which made it very difficult to store groceries in any significant quantity.
The reason for my unique home decor is, in fact, genetic. As far back as anyone in my mom's family can remember, every female child has been born with the gift of Guardianship -- though I use the word "gift" rather loosely. Being a Guardian is usually more "curse" than "gift," even if it does keep things from getting dull. And while I suppose I could simply ignore the inter-dimensional doorway in my home, there seems to be a primal force in my head which instead sends me into one abyss after another as I hunt down the demons which threaten humanity.
I never know when I'll feel the tug of evil from beyond the dining room doors, nor do I know exactly what awaits me there. Tonight I was woken from a dead sleep by the familiar, urgent sensation of a situation in need of a Guardian. While still groggy, I slipped into my gear and grabbed the 9mm Beretta from the nightstand. I've been at this long enough to understand the subtle nuances of the magnetism which draws me to the dining room. Without thinking, I choose clothing and weaponry that will suit the occasion -- even when I have no conscious idea what "the occasion" might be.
So, here I am, standing at the threshold of an alien landscape, feeling the harsh sensation of evil on my skin like the blistering heat of an inferno. I'm not sure what will be required of me. I'm not even sure I'll return. But I am sure that I'm needed. Focusing on that thought, I take a deep breath and step into the unknown...
...unfortunately I don't have the the "street savvy" to survive out there, particularly with the approaching winter.
Looking for work and/or being homeless where I live is extremely tough as the economy here has shifted to one that caters more to an upscale living standard. The wokrforce is becoming very polarised here with minimum wage service and labour jobs on one end and high paying positions that require expertise, certifications, and/or education I don't have. I'm 60 and suffer from both severe arthritis and poor circulation so I am unable to perform a lot of common labour jobs or ones that require standing for long periods of time. That doesn't leave a lot of doors open.
The trend among companies today is to hire younger people fresh out of college because they feel they can get away with paying them less than someone who has decades of experience under their belt and "been around the block" a few times (a couple of our largest employers here are known to do this). Yes there are supposed to be regulations in place to prevent age discrimination, however they are almost unenforceable short of filing a civil suit. Even if such a case could be won, would you feel comfortable walking into the workplace of a company which you just took to court?
Oh, I haven't given up looking for work and hit the job boards on the Net every day (including weekends), one advantage I have while I still have a roof over my head, heat, power, food, and an ISP. With three weeks to go however, it doesn't look very encouraging.
I worked hard and put up with a lot of crap in my previous job for the few "comforts" I have, and believe me, it isn't all that much. However, it still means a lot to me for it offers a creative outlet and the means to pursue it, which is about the only remaining thing I have that gives me any sort of positive outlook.
...there's a good chance I may not end up submitting anything because I will probably be on the streets come 01-14 as my UC runs out at the end of the year and the emergency extension progamme is discontinued.
Been fun guys.
That's terrible KK, I didn't know I was putting you into my second image of the first story.
...no problem. I'm so numb from all this right now that the thought didn't even register.
Totte_ #1 - Love how this bizarre sequence of events comes full circle! (And the Bank Security of Nigeria was priceless!)
obanion #1 - I thoroughly enjoyed the journey from a speakeasy on the Lower East Side to the sad return of your "king-in-the-box" (ick)!
Jindi #01 - This was just like a perfect little fairy tale! Loved all the wind references and your nod to The Wizard of Oz, too! I especially enjoyed the way your tale was told in voice of a storyteller.
luci45 #1 The first paragraph of your first "chapter" was priceless -- I literally LOLed! Your images are always so delightfully detailed and bursting with characters -- and these were no exceptions. Awesome!
zawarkal #01 - I love the surreal feeling from both the images and the story. Very creative!
By the way - All of you are already done with 3 renders?!! Wow, you guys are quick!
Jaderail #1 - Superheroes!! Yay!! Love the "blurbs." I can hear them in my head as I read along!
Sasje #01 - Great idea so far! Love how you used the Dystopia city blocks!
Totte_#2 - Who could resist a story that involves an orca resistance leader, the old snake fountain, and Robotarians? Lol!! I absolutely love the smoke/debris effect on the second image.
Hope I didn't miss anyone. Jumping around the thread to catch everyone's story in the right order was a little challenging...
Tag: karibousboutique #1, Picture 1 My Pull: 1229 Crazy Locks Hair for Genesis & V6 DAZ - USED
4520 Orkz Passages Entry DNA - USED
3742 M5 Casual Male Textures DAZ - USED
1755 Dragonfly Jewelry RO 655 Belly Chains RO - USED
1211 Country Dining Room Ps DAZ - USED
6355 The Cargo Hold DAZ 5442 Sarah DNA - USED
Also used Temple of Arklops
Rendered in DS 4.6, Postwork in Photoshop CS6
Story title: The Guardian
Image Title: Just Another Night at Home
I think I can safely state that I have the roomiest dining room on the planet. Sadly, the furniture isn't exactly something that Better Homes and Gardens would feature, nor is the space suitable for dinner parties. And, while the room never requires the use of a vacuum, it does frequently require the use of a firearm.
Truth be told, I can't blame my quirky dining room on the house. The unearthly terrain has followed me from one dwelling to the next for as long as I can remember. Of course, the location of the portal does vary from place to place -- my first apartment had one in the pantry, which made it very difficult to store groceries in any significant quantity.
The reason for my unique home decor is, in fact, genetic. As far back as anyone in my mom's family can remember, every female child has been born with the gift of Guardianship -- though I use the word "gift" rather loosely. Being a Guardian is usually more "curse" than "gift," even if it does keep things from getting dull. And while I suppose I could simply ignore the inter-dimensional doorway in my home, there seems to be a primal force in my head which instead sends me into one abyss after another as I hunt down the demons which threaten humanity.
I never know when I'll feel the tug of evil from beyond the dining room doors, nor do I know exactly what awaits me there. Tonight I was woken from a dead sleep by the familiar, urgent sensation of a situation in need of a Guardian. While still groggy, I slipped into my gear and grabbed the 9mm Beretta from the nightstand. I've been at this long enough to understand the subtle nuances of the magnetism which draws me to the dining room. Without thinking, I choose clothing and weaponry that will suit the occasion -- even when I have no conscious idea what "the occasion" might be.
So, here I am, standing at the threshold of an alien landscape, feeling the harsh sensation of evil on my skin like the blistering heat of an inferno. I'm not sure what will be required of me. I'm not even sure I'll return. But I am sure that I'm needed. Focusing on that thought, I take a deep breath and step into the unknown...
Thank you Jindi! It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, inspired by that final scene in 'Romancing the Stone'. I also wanted to provide a bit of resolution for the previous image. (If you look closely, you'll see the crown, sitting on a skull, which would imply that the King is no more.) The texture hacking didn't work out as well as I had hoped (I was never able to identify that material zone along the back of the boot), but I thought somebody would get a kick out of it (no pun intended - well, maybe a little).
Wow, great start to this contest already. I'm really impressed with the speed with which you've got a whole story together already, Totte and Ken! (I'm still stalled on where to even start with mine.) And looking forward to the next installment(s) from Jaderail, Sasje and Jindi.
Wow, a lot of stuff up already. Great stories, Totte and Ken! Well, duh, sometimes I can't read very well - I thought we were only allowed 4 renders, like 3 in a story and then a forth one added on. And now I see that it is four stories. So I have to quit lollygagging. %-P
Here are my first two parts of story 1.
luci45 #1 parts one and two
My Missing Mother
Part One
My dad used to say, "Things could be a lot worse." He also used to say that things would come out in the wash and he said some stuff about the mills of the gods grinding slowly. He went to prison eleven years ago to serve a life sentence. He could have been executed so I guess things could have been a lot worse.
He was arrested when I was five. That's me being restrained by the policewoman. That chunky fellow is my dad, looking all indignant and trying to explain to these "representatives of justice" that, yes, my mother was indeed missing (as she often was), but that there had been no fowl play. Thier absurd claim was that he had murdered my mother made the body vanish somehow. Usually the justice system says "no body, no crime." This time it was different - some "incriminating circumstances" and a phoney witness were enough for a conviction.
My mother? Those marble statues on the right, yes, all three of them, are of her, lovingingly sculpted by my father. You may notice her rather unusual features and realize that she isn't from here. We tried to explain to the justice system how she is different and that she came here through a portal and, whenever she felt like, went back to that "other place". (She wouldn't let us use the word "dimension", it sounded too SciFi for her.)
used in this render:
FaceWeight For Genesis
Victoria 3.0 Head Morph Pack
Willow Spring
Also used:
Genesis 2 male and various morphs
Uniforms for Genesis 2 male
Town and Country with Fabricator Shader
Mean Streets Cap
M5 Beard
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female
Gun from LoRez Police
The Dress with Pimp My Prop marble shaders
50s Casual with difuse color added
Sports Trainer Shoes
Micah Hair
Growing Up for Genesis 2 Female
Filter Forge
My Missing Mother
Part Two
Here I am in the institution/boarding school. When I turned sixteen I thought about running away. Fortuneately though, before I had the chance, I heard from Dad that there would be a new trial. That was a few months ago and, well, to make long story story short - he is being released and real soon! This letter came from his lawyer today explaining it all. Also enclosed: a credit card and plane ticket. I will be out of here on Thursday afternoon!
used in this render:
Dream Home - Eclectic Master Bathroom Decor
Hither and Thither
Slacking for Casual Jeans and T-Shirt
West Park Ward
Also used:
Billboard background from the Neighbor's Yards
East Park Ward
Streetwear Sneakers
Light the Way lamp
Desk Clocks
Paperback book from Staning in Line
Envelope fom Postal props
Letter from Office
Modern Bed one pillow and duvet
Great one Luci!!
Story pull #2
#1184 Chilly Hair (with the Jayne Hat) (Rendo)
#2263 Killerwhale
#1116 Cassia for V4
#521 Secret Garden Repose
#3911 TreadZ for Genesis
#1341 CryoEnvironment
#2219 Jepes Rodan M4
#1808 Forbidden Zone (Rendo)
This one needs some thinking but I see SciFi and Post Apocalypse coming -)
zawarkal #01 : 1 of 3
|:| Game of Life - Making Choices |:|
In a realm not so different than our own there is an order to things, a random specificity controlled by choice. It is They who choose. It is We who live. For unbeknownst to us, We are their avatars. We walk though a momentary world of obstacles. We dodge. We run. We hide. And, then every once in awhile, We find joy. Every moment has been accounted, designed and set into motion by They. They are playing a game. They must make choices that They believe will cause us to feel the random emotion assigned in this game. We are born, We live, and We die each and every moment of this game. We are given our stories of what to believe in each and every moment. Past, Present and Future hold no meaning. The Moment is ALL that IS.
Here, now, you, the Observer, are watching as our game contestant, Avaris, has been assigned her Random pulls which she must now use as the base guidelines in the next Moment that she will design. It can be seen that she has drawn planet Earth with a setting in the Serengeti. The Emotion Randomizer has provided the desired emotional response to be a combination of Grin, Nervous, Surprise, Worried, and just a hint of Evil Grin added for good measure. Can she do it? Can Avaris select the pose, the clothes and the conditions of the Obstacles reflected against the background story to achieve the Emotional outcome desired?
Avaris' Avatar has been placed within the Womb of Life. A pose has been selected. And, the game is ready to commence.
Items Pulled:
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPCyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4
Expressions for Teen Josie
V4 Fairy Gown
Items Used in this Scene: (6 of 8)
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPcyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
Avaris for G4 - skin texture and head inj used on V4 figure
Expressions for Teen Josie - used G2F head posed with several expressions
V4 Fairy Gown
zawarkal #01 : 2 of 3
|:| Game of Life - Setting the Stage |:|
Alright now, anticipation is building. With just moments now before the game is ready to go live, we thought that we would take all you newcomer observers out there on a back stage tour to give you an idea of what is happening just beyond your imagination.
As you can see over here on the left we have the Avatar preparation. Avaris has written a life story for her Avatar. The Avatar is being told who her parents are, where she was born, where she lives, who her friends are, and well, just think about your own life experiences up until this time. And you should pretty much have an idea of everything that the Avatar is having programmed into her soul memory for the Moment of a Lifetime to come. All memories will be on the tip of her tongue should she need to access any of the information for her attempt at overcoming the forthcoming obstacle which is to be placed before her.
Front and center we can see the Director as she is attempting to set the stage for our Moment to come. The Stage Hands are loading all the scene elements necessary to make this Moment appear Real as per the Randomized Pull Items and the variable Choices selected by our contestant, Avaris.
What's that? Oh. I'm hearing now that final preparations are being made so let's make our way back to the observer seating area and we'll get this show started. Oh, and also by the way, for all you newcomer observers it may seem a bit awkward at first but we are sure you will get the hang of observing by being the trees, rocks, birds, flies, and other elements within the scenes.
Items Pulled:
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPCyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4
Expressions for Teen Josie
V4 Fairy Gown
Items Used in this Scene: (8 of 8)
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPcyc
Mon Chevalier Hair x2
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4 - skin texture and head/body inj used on G4/V4 figures
Expressions for Teen Josie - used choice mix expression on the Director
V4 Fairy Gown
zawarkal #01 : 3 of 3
|:| Game of Life - The Moment of Truth |:|
And here it is. The Moment of Truth. Avaris' Avatar finds herself in the Serengeti. She has been programmed with her BS, that is to say her Background Story or her Belief System. She is prepared to protect herself from any obstacle which might present itself.
But, wait! What's this! The Holodeck Grid is visible! We have a twist in the game! Avaris, our contestant, has programmed her Avatar's BS, in this moment, to include the knowledge that She is an Avatar. The Avatar has been Awakened to the Nature of the Game of Life. What will she do with this knowledge?!?
Now remember, the randomized obstacle selected for this scene was the panther. And, you, as the observers, can now see as the panther makes it's way into this moment. The panther approaches. And now it would be very easy for the Avatar to feel the Emotions of nervousness and or worry, which as you recall are two of the five Randomized Emotional Responses required for a win. But, just how is Avaris going to achieve the other three responses of Grin, Surprise, and some added Evil Grin?
This is it. The Avatar has chosen to welcome the wild nature of the panther and to see the creature as just another player in the game. The Avatar has no intention of attmepting to kill the panther. She realizes that it just is not necessary to kill for her survival as nothing in this moment is actually real. And, look at this! The panther has bowed before the Avatar! The panther has sensed the kindness and has bowed in Thankfulness! The moment has become one of joy! There is surprise in this twist of events. And, the Avatar cannot help but grin with even that little evil grin twist at the fact that a wild animal has bowed before her. Avaris has done it! She has created the BS necessary to achieve the desired emotional responses in the Moment!
And, now all you observers out there... Does it make you wonder about this moment you are now in? All of you have had your life BS filters setup to observe the story written by our current contestant, Zawarkal. What Emotional Response did They just get from you?
Every step of your journey, ask yourself, "Did I get what I wanted?"
Items Pulled:
The Bone Dragon
Serengeti MPCyc
Mon Chevalier Hair
M3 Long Beard
Avaris for G4
Expressions for Teen Josie
V4 Fairy Gown
Items Used in this Scene: (3 of 8)
Serengeti MPCyc
Avaris for G4 - skin texture and head/body inj used on G4 figure
Very clever, Zawarkal. I enjoyed it, especially the final twist. Now I am off to think deep thoughts...
Thank you Jindi. I enjoyed making this one.
Hey, Totte....
A question has arisen in my current pull (and story): If my story runs to more than the requisite three images (and my current one is on track to do exactly that - and I understand, extra scenes do not translate to extra credit), do all images (including those beyond the requirement) need to comply with the rules: to wit, at least two items from your draw, etc.?
It's not an issue with my current WIP (because at least two items will be in all of them, for the sake of continuity), but I just thought a clarification might be in order....
Just asking.
Tricky but if you make extra images I rule that they should include at least one pulled item.
Tag: Sasje #01
Title: The Magic Gate picture 2
and ran home.
At home, she grabbed her mother and yell Mom Mom I have saw something at the gate and told her mother the whole story of what she saw. (be continued)
Pull: 1
- the Girl 4 Base
- DVDs and Stand
- The Backyard
- Dystopia City Blocks 011-020
For the rest:
- genesis + hair and clothes 2x
Scene one - Pulled items used
- Cassia V4
- Chilly Hair
- Secret Garden Repose
Other items used
Luzy: Generation-X + Interjection + Stalker Girl clothes + FM tank top + Lycan Hunter Bangles + Dental Plan + Daily nails
Frank: M6 + Jepes Nathan + Micah hair + Horror Survivor (boots+pants) + Sir Worthington (west) + Urban Survivor (gun) + Journeyman Scout (wrist guards)
Forsaken for Secret Garden Repose
Dystopia Streets
Dystopia Nexus Streets
Firestarter Sedan
WWII Radios
Saving Willy, Again - part one
The resistance fighter heroine Luzy secretly meets with her boyfriend Frank at the old snake fountain when she gets a radio message from her best friend that is scouting the forbidden zone.
The Robotariens have set a trap and lured Willy into the inner lake basin, and they are now hunting for him. Willy is the most important of the killer whales and king of the sea and the resistance depends on him and the help from the sea to win this war against the Robotariens. The only person that can talk to Willy and that Willy trusts is Jack Tee, who is locked up in the Roboratian Statis CryoPrison downtown. They need to free Jack from the prison, and they need to free him now.
Tag: Jindi #01
My pull:
One Thousand and Two Nights
Cotton Candy for the Carousel
The Conservatory - used
Pyrit Hair for Genesis 1 - used
Mitsu Hair for Aiko 3 - used
The Shelter - used
Deco Bed 1 - used
Pred Pack Poppies - used
Also used:
Flipmode Greenlands
Daydreamer outfit
MFD Wonderland
1930s Menswear
Mad Doctor
parts of Elven Warrior outfit
Infinite Gardens flowers, plus flower pot from Cloister
Shaders: Gemologica/Fabricator and add-on packs
Genesis 1 with: D5, Troll, Caleb, Aiko and S5 in various combinations
Story Title: Grandpa’s Whirlwind Romance
Picture 2 title: Someplace Else
"Turned out not a pane of glass broke in that conservatory while Frank and Gayle sheltered inside. For a while it seemed the whole world was spinning, though, and they sang songs to pass the time. Gayle couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but Frank didn't mind.
It felt like the storm would never end, then all of a sudden there was a thud and everything was quiet again. Gayle peeked out the door, a peculiar look on her face.
A voice rang out. "No, no, no. What in the name of Daz do you think you are doing?"
"Excuse me Miss...er... Mister. Can you tell us what place this is?" Frank asked the silvery figure who was hovering in the air.
"Shoo! Go away!" said the strange vision. "You've already gone and squished Yarg's flower garden. We don't want your sort around here."
"But go where? How?" said Frank, while Gayle tried in vain to comfort poor Yarg.
"Take a bed. How else! Wait your turn at the shelter. There will be another along in a minute. Just try not to squish anything else while you wait."
"But where should we go? We need to get back home... I made an appointment to see my dentist" whined Frank, who wasn't much of one for adventures.
"Home? What's Home? Never heard of it. There's only one person to ask: the mighty DAZ. And before you ask another stupid question, he's in the Sapphire City, same as always. Now tell your friend to stop clicking her heels, it's an annoying habit. Bed Stop's right over there."
"Er... thank you, I guess," muttered Frank, wondering just how he was going to explain to Gayle that they were going to have to share a bed..."
Wow -- I always seem to miss the RRRR threads until they're 5 pages long! Fantastic idea this month!! Okay, here's my pull:
1229 Crazy Locks Hair for Genesis & V6 DAZ
4520 Orkz Passages Entry DNA
3742 M5 Casual Male Textures DAZ
1755 Dragonfly Jewelry RO
655 Belly Chains RO
1211 Country Dining Room Ps DAZ
6355 The Cargo Hold DAZ
5442 Sarah DNA
luci45 #1
My Missing Mother
Part Three
Here I am with Dad and a lot of pointy-eared people like me. Dad is fine. Prison didn't mess him up much and he has lost some weight. Also he somehow managed to do a lot of research about families like ours and contacted some people who, like me, had lost their mothers (and in some cases fathers.) They wanted to get together and pool our resources and knowledge, hoping we might be able to find our missing parents. Most of the women cover their ears like I do, but you can see the pointy ears on the guys. The lady we are talking to is the exception and I think she doesn't look too bad. Maybe when I am a little older I will change my 'do.
FaceWeight For Genesis
Redhouse Christmas Carol
Victoria 3.0 Head Morph Pack
Also used:
Genesis 2 Female
Philly Hair
M5 Beard
17 Chic Shirt
Growing Up for Genesis 2 Female
50s Casual male jacket
Pullover Sweater
Fabricator (Mach pack, Totally Bazaar, Ye Old Clothe)
Drivers Cap - Mean Streets
Lorenzo and Loretta LoRez and LoRez Policeman (retextured)
Freebie Christmas Hats (Rendo)
M2 with Santa Suit (PoserWorld)
V3 with Head Morphs
The Dress
Natsumy hair
Tables, Chairs and Stool from Old West Saloon
Coffee Mug from Diner stuff
This is the whole Pull:
Dream Home - Eclectic Master Bathroom Decor
FaceWeight For Genesis
Hither and Thither
Redhouse Christmas Carol
Slacking for Casual Jeans and T-Shirt
Victoria 3.0 Head Morph Pack
West Park Ward
Willow Spring
Thanks, Totte. (from a few days ago.)
Next pull:
Point of Impact
Parkside Passenger Car
Precious Princess
Japanese Tea Garden by Merlin
Freak 5 Big Sweater
Fairytale Collection -- Fantasy Castle
Bellatrix for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Barn Yard
Scene two - Pulled items used
- Cassia V4
- Chilly Hair
- TreadZ for Genesis
- Jepes Rodan M4
- CryoEnvironment
Other items used
Luzy: Generation-X + Interjection + Stalker Girl clothes + FM tank top + Lycan Hunter Bangles + Dental Plan + Daily nails
Frank: M6 + Japes Nathan + Micah hair + Horror Survivor (boots+pants) + Sir Worthington (west) + Urban Survivor (gun) + Journeyman Scout (wrist guards)
Derek: Genesis + Generation X + SPEX + JeanZ for Genesis + Lone Wolf (vest) + Unshaven Genesis + Shadow Warrior (MP5) + M5 Firearms Poses
Jack Tee: M6 + Bjorn + DA Bio Tank
Cryo Tube + Greta + DA Bio Tank + Esidor Hair
Cryo Tube + M6 + Neo Texture (D5) + Beautiful African Hairstyle
Many Advanced Ambient Lights
DAZ Droid + Real metals
Postwork in PS using many of Ron's things.
Saving Willy, Again - part two
They make a quick call to Derek who hacks into the Robotarians Mainframe system and finds a way in to the CryoStatis Prison through an unused service tunnel. Derek also pinpoints Jacks location, floor three, block nine. He meets up with Luzy and Frank at the tunnel entrance and joins the rescue group. They crawl through the tunnel and then move up inside the building through an air vent shaft until they are on floor three. The cell blocks are not very well guarded but a handful robots are patrolling. Lucy makes a quick tactical plan, then they attack to rescue Jack. The fight is short but fierce and they successfully free Jack, then they quietly disappear as fast as they came, hearing the alarms sounding in the distance as they carefully move through the city to a safe hideout. It is not over yet, it has just begun and they have no time to waste, they need so set Willy free again.
...there's a good chance I may not end up submitting anything because I will probably be on the streets come 01-14 as my UC runs out at the end of the year and the emergency extension progamme is discontinued.
Been fun guys.
That's terrible KK, I didn't know I was putting you into my second image of the first story.
Wishing you all the best, Kyoto Kid. I hope something comes up. Nobody should have those kinds of worries this time of year.
Tag: Jindi #01
My pull:
One Thousand and Two Nights - used
Cotton Candy for the Carousel
The Conservatory
Pyrit Hair for Genesis 1
Mitsu Hair for Aiko 3 - used
The Shelter
Deco Bed 1 - used
Pred Pack Poppies
Also used:
Millennium Cat 2
1930s Menswear / Mad Doctor
MFD Wonderland
Maclean's Morphing Primitives
Chair from Classic Deco Eclectic
EW Tunic
Shaders: Gemologica, Totally Bazaar, Ye Olde Clothe; AoA Metallic Glass
Genesis 1 with: D5, Troll, Caleb, Aiko and S5 in various combinations
Story Title: Grandpa’s Whirlwind Romance
Picture 3 title: In the Hall of Mighty Daz
"Now a bed is a wonderful thing. How much better, then, a bed that can fly? Frank and Gayle agreed that it was the perfect way to travel. It lifted them gently in the air and glided over poppy fields, woods and lakes. When they grew weary of watching the land unroll below, they were able to crawl under the covers for a nap. (But not both together. That wouldn't have been polite when they'd only recently met.)
Eventually they floated down into the audience chamber of the palace of Daz... whoever Daz was.
A being of the same race as Yarg (of the crushed flower garden) entered, by and by. He climbed up on a chair. Maybe he wanted to look more imposing? His coat was rich and he wore a kind of crown on his head. He was followed by a cat-like creature.
The crowned being spoke. "State your business with the mighty Daz!"
Frank explained their strange adventure. Meanwhile, Gayle was busy snapping her fingers and whispering "Here, kitty, kitty!"
They both jumped when the cat yelled, "Do not speak to the guard, speak to me. I am the mighty Daz."
"Oh, um, my humble apologies," Frank stuttered. Gayle had the good grace to blush.
"So," said the cat, "you came all this way to see me simply because you wish to return home?"
"Yes, exactly that, um, your high mighty-ness."
"Then why did you instruct the bed to fly you here? It will go anywhere you tell it to! All you had to do was tell it to take you home, you fool!"
"Oh!" said Frank. "I see."
"You may go. You may have the bed as a gift. The mighty Daz is generous that way, though I see you brought no gift for me in return," the cat said, looking rather miffed.
And so they left with many apologies and a promise to bring a heap of gifts if they ever returned. As far as I know, they never did. However, they did get married and lived a long and happy life, and so it was that Grandpa told me their tale of a whirlwind romance long ago. I saw the bed while I was there, so I know it must have been true."
KyotoKid... perception is everything!!!
I have seen several messages of people in loss across the forums. And the issue is that they are viewing it as loss.
I went through my loss also. Being on my path of enlightenment though I knew it as my fall. And the Fall is a wonderful event that I would wish upon everyone. During the Fall you lose everything that is unimportant or that defines your ego persona. When you allow the Fall to Happen and just Let Go, then you will begin to notice around you where there are hundreds of new doors opening. Every door that opens is one that a few years ago you would never have considered entering. But, when you are ready to Go With the Flow of what your spirit wants, you will find that these opportunities are the very things you need in your life to facilitate the change onwards and upwards towards a new and better life.
So, and please don't be upset with me, but I say Congratulations!!! Everything in your life is about to take a new and exciting turn. Enjoy the Moment! And to borrow from my story... remember to ask yourself when, from the other side, you look back upon this Moment... "Did I Get What I Wanted?!?"
Good Luck and Enjoy the Journey!
KK -- I'll pray for a little miracle to float in your direction. Try to hang in there.
Tag: karibousboutique #1, Picture 1
My Pull:
1229 Crazy Locks Hair for Genesis & V6 DAZ - USED
4520 Orkz Passages Entry DNA - USED
3742 M5 Casual Male Textures DAZ - USED
1755 Dragonfly Jewelry RO
655 Belly Chains RO - USED
1211 Country Dining Room Ps DAZ - USED
6355 The Cargo Hold DAZ
5442 Sarah DNA - USED
Also used Temple of Arklops
Rendered in DS 4.6, Postwork in Photoshop CS6
Story title: The Guardian
Image Title: Just Another Night at Home
I think I can safely state that I have the roomiest dining room on the planet. Sadly, the furniture isn't exactly something that Better Homes and Gardens would feature, nor is the space suitable for dinner parties. And, while the room never requires the use of a vacuum, it does frequently require the use of a firearm.
Truth be told, I can't blame my quirky dining room on the house. The unearthly terrain has followed me from one dwelling to the next for as long as I can remember. Of course, the location of the portal does vary from place to place -- my first apartment had one in the pantry, which made it very difficult to store groceries in any significant quantity.
The reason for my unique home decor is, in fact, genetic. As far back as anyone in my mom's family can remember, every female child has been born with the gift of Guardianship -- though I use the word "gift" rather loosely. Being a Guardian is usually more "curse" than "gift," even if it does keep things from getting dull. And while I suppose I could simply ignore the inter-dimensional doorway in my home, there seems to be a primal force in my head which instead sends me into one abyss after another as I hunt down the demons which threaten humanity.
I never know when I'll feel the tug of evil from beyond the dining room doors, nor do I know exactly what awaits me there. Tonight I was woken from a dead sleep by the familiar, urgent sensation of a situation in need of a Guardian. While still groggy, I slipped into my gear and grabbed the 9mm Beretta from the nightstand. I've been at this long enough to understand the subtle nuances of the magnetism which draws me to the dining room. Without thinking, I choose clothing and weaponry that will suit the occasion -- even when I have no conscious idea what "the occasion" might be.
So, here I am, standing at the threshold of an alien landscape, feeling the harsh sensation of evil on my skin like the blistering heat of an inferno. I'm not sure what will be required of me. I'm not even sure I'll return. But I am sure that I'm needed. Focusing on that thought, I take a deep breath and step into the unknown...
...unfortunately I don't have the the "street savvy" to survive out there, particularly with the approaching winter.
Looking for work and/or being homeless where I live is extremely tough as the economy here has shifted to one that caters more to an upscale living standard. The wokrforce is becoming very polarised here with minimum wage service and labour jobs on one end and high paying positions that require expertise, certifications, and/or education I don't have. I'm 60 and suffer from both severe arthritis and poor circulation so I am unable to perform a lot of common labour jobs or ones that require standing for long periods of time. That doesn't leave a lot of doors open.
The trend among companies today is to hire younger people fresh out of college because they feel they can get away with paying them less than someone who has decades of experience under their belt and "been around the block" a few times (a couple of our largest employers here are known to do this). Yes there are supposed to be regulations in place to prevent age discrimination, however they are almost unenforceable short of filing a civil suit. Even if such a case could be won, would you feel comfortable walking into the workplace of a company which you just took to court?
Oh, I haven't given up looking for work and hit the job boards on the Net every day (including weekends), one advantage I have while I still have a roof over my head, heat, power, food, and an ISP. With three weeks to go however, it doesn't look very encouraging.
I worked hard and put up with a lot of crap in my previous job for the few "comforts" I have, and believe me, it isn't all that much. However, it still means a lot to me for it offers a creative outlet and the means to pursue it, which is about the only remaining thing I have that gives me any sort of positive outlook.
Apologies for the derail.
Carry on and keep rendering.
That's terrible KK, I didn't know I was putting you into my second image of the first story.
...no problem. I'm so numb from all this right now that the thought didn't even register.
...and it is a very good scene.
Totte_ #1 - Love how this bizarre sequence of events comes full circle! (And the Bank Security of Nigeria was priceless!)
obanion #1 - I thoroughly enjoyed the journey from a speakeasy on the Lower East Side to the sad return of your "king-in-the-box" (ick)!
Jindi #01 - This was just like a perfect little fairy tale! Loved all the wind references and your nod to The Wizard of Oz, too! I especially enjoyed the way your tale was told in voice of a storyteller.
luci45 #1 The first paragraph of your first "chapter" was priceless -- I literally LOLed! Your images are always so delightfully detailed and bursting with characters -- and these were no exceptions. Awesome!
zawarkal #01 - I love the surreal feeling from both the images and the story. Very creative!
By the way - All of you are already done with 3 renders?!! Wow, you guys are quick!
Jaderail #1 - Superheroes!! Yay!! Love the "blurbs." I can hear them in my head as I read along!
Sasje #01 - Great idea so far! Love how you used the Dystopia city blocks!
Totte_#2 - Who could resist a story that involves an orca resistance leader, the old snake fountain, and Robotarians? Lol!! I absolutely love the smoke/debris effect on the second image.
Hope I didn't miss anyone. Jumping around the thread to catch everyone's story in the right order was a little challenging...
...really nice.
...and thank you for the encouragement.