WinterMoon Wants Attention.



  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,205
    TigerAnne said:
    Gordig said:

    Try mom's skin on her.

    "Moooom, I literally have nothing to wear. Can I borrow your skin? Does it suit me?"

    "I think I wore it better at your age."

    It is far too easy for me to imagine Alexandra being such a catty bitch, which may or may not be a credit to her creators depending on your perspective. To be fair, it looks like Josie also has mom’s normals, which are making her look prematurely haggard.  

    TigerAnne said:

    Here we've got the twins again, with neutral expressions. They're super similar. J7 on the left, J8 on the right. This will be their "default" skin as characters Allison (J7) and Ashley (J8). It's from Vyktoria's G3F character Faith.

    But we can't forget their younger sister, named uh... Josie. J6 was my first Josie, so she keeps the name. (Like my M7 is "Monique" and her sisters are "Denise" and "Ella.")  BTW, I've decided I absolutely love Haven Park, so expect to see it used as a background a lot.

    I keep passing over Haven Park for no real reason, since I think it looks great and can see myself getting a lot of use out of it. I should really snag it before the sales are over. 

    Despite never setting out to collect teen girls, I now have four of them, and I threw them all into a scene together for a quick comparison. I’ll spruce it up a little bit and post it here, if you’re interested. 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited December 2019


    Gordig said:


    It is far too easy for me to imagine Alexandra being such a catty bitch, which may or may not be a credit to her creators depending on your perspective. To be fair, it looks like Josie also has mom’s normals, which are making her look prematurely haggard.  

    I forgot to delete the normals. Ooops. angel The idea I've always had for Alexandra's character, whose final name is yet to be decided, is that she's a detective of some seniority, and that she really is quite snarky. Maybe not a bitch as much as a smart-Alex. You know those Inspectors whose Superintendents hate them, but they get away with almost everything because they solve their cases. That's pretty much her.

    Gordig said:

    I keep passing over Haven Park for no real reason, since I think it looks great and can see myself getting a lot of use out of it. I should really snag it before the sales are over. 

    Despite never setting out to collect teen girls, I now have four of them, and I threw them all into a scene together for a quick comparison. I’ll spruce it up a little bit and post it here, if you’re interested. 

    Yeah, I'd love to see more young characters. Teenagers are one of my favourite types of characters to play around with, because they're pretty much psycho and unpredictable. At that age you're experiencing samples of all known mental problems within a 24-hour periode, or so I've read. (It feels like it was true, back in the day....) In terms of storytelling, puberty monsters provide so many hilariously bad ideas.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    "Oh, you must be the new neigh-bours! Welcome to Northwell!"

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,205
    edited January 2020

    Here's the render of all the girls. From left to right: Tori for Genesis 8, Olivia HD for Genesis 8, Teen Josie 7 (Xtransferred) and Teen Princess Leila (XTransferred). I was a little surprised at the height differences: Tori and Olivia are pretty similar in height, then Josie and Leila are pretty close in height, but the former are much shorter than the latter. I may have to reevaluate my position that TJ7 is the most realistic base teen model, because looking at her among these other characters, her eyes look freakishly large. Leila's texture is just as good as her sculpt, with options for vein dilation on and off, which basically more accurately simulate skin translucency. Tori and Olivia's textures don't have nipples, which is a decision I can perfectly understand, but still disagree with.

    Teen Girl Squad.png
    750 x 1000 - 782K
    Post edited by Gordig on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Neat comparison, @Gordig! I was surprised too, at how tall the Josies are. They have that pixie-look, so I assumed they'd be petite and short. But many real teens are long beanstalks, and girls tend to have their final growth spurt somewhere between 12 and 15. Teen Jane is a little peanut. The Josies don't exactly tower over her, but they're all notably taller. J6 is actually a different scale than the later ones, so I always have to dial her size down when I use her in a picture. Josie 7's eyes are not only large, they're a slightly cartoony shape as well. I'm using the "Eyes Almond" dials on her, set to 100%, and have the eyes slanted a bit. Lowering her upper eyelid also seems to help a lot with her "1000-yard stare," which always makes her look a little scared or shocked. Out of the four girls in your picture, I'd say Olivia is the most realistic, followed by Josie, Tori and Leila in that order.

    Now that I'm rapidly approaching the big 4-0, I'm becoming a pearl-clutching old prude that my 23-year-old self would want to strangle, and I'm finding myself feeling uncomfortable when I'm using "anatomically correct" skins on child characters. I prefer using skins that come with a No-Brow version, and almost every single one I have came with an adult character. Yeah, I know real children have "parts" and that's natural and all, but since that should never ever be the focus in a picture of a child, I wouldn't mind having a "barbiefier" that removes details from skins.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    "You and your son will be comfortable in here. They change the hay bedding every day, the food is excellent and often locally grown, and the neigh-bourhood is generally quiet. We've got a pasture just out back, where we hang out when we're not on trips with the kids. Oh, and the kids are tolerable riders, generally well behaved as well. Life's good here, really."

    "~*~*Well. There's Benny.*~*~"

    "Yes, alright. Benny's the main caretaker. He doesn't appreciate jokes, and needs to be kept out of direct sunshine. We've also got some, shall we say, eccentric characters coming to visit ever so often. You'll get used to them soon enough."

  •  I wouldn't mind having a "barbiefier" that removes details from skins.
    darn, there's no [Like} button;
    Big project and great idea. 

    Too late for me... I'm still trying to figure out a good sorting system.
    used to keep the renders in one area and scenefiles in another but failed to keep the subfolder names in sync .. so now moving scenes and renders from that scene into the same folder. 
    Back up folder for renders and scene files 
    49,928 Files, 1,288 Folders
    136 GB (146,518,454,272 bytes)
    still elimating dups 



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I like your horse renders, lovely lighting. 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Big project and great idea.

    Not one I can even begin to consider taking on, unfortunately. I can't code, I can't texture and I can't even. crying


    Novica said:

    I like your horse renders, lovely lighting. 

    Thanks! You'll see more of the horses, because I've got many ideas for scenes to use them in. Some will be rural and romantically old-fashioned, and some... will be something else. laugh


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited January 2020


    "This is the smaller animals' room. The dogs get locked up here at night, for their own safety. During the day it's usually full of cats taking siestas, but right now there's just Taz in here.


    "Not to be rude, but is he a dog? I've never seen a dog like that before, although I know they come in all sort of shapes."

    "No he's not a dog-dog, like a hound-dog. He told us what he is once, but it was a strange name. I can't remember it now. Benny thinks he's a dog, that's why he's staying here."

    "~*~*He's from Australia. The most important thing is not calling him a Dingo. That hurts his feelings, that does.*~*~"


    "Zzzzwhut?? Dingos? Where?! Uh.... g'day?!

    "No dingoes here, Taz. You must have dreamt it.

    "~*~*He's still on Australia time, sleeps all day he does.*~*~"


    "The last room on this side is just Benny's shed, where he keeps tools. There's nothing edible or otherwise interesting in there, so we never try to open it."

    "Who's that limp geezer in the wheelbarrow? Is he from Australia too?"

    "Dusty... We're new here. Try to make a good first impression, please?"

    "That's Flumps McFlumperty. It's what happens when Benny names you. We're not sure what's wrong with him, only that he's kind of an odd fella. He seems to be having one of his more lucid moments, so let's not disturb him."

    "Yeah, let's go check out that field you were talking about."

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    If you think this lady looks suspiciously similar to Tara, you're not wrong. This is her mother, Agnes. The render didn't come out as well as I'd hoped. I was going for an early-in-the-day lighting, and it just looks like greenhouse light on an overcast day. Meh, whaddevah. I have a resolution to do more illustrations of my "real" original characters (not derived from Sims), and I've successfully modeled another of them. Only about 4998 to go?

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    "Oh just snap the picture already!"

    "Not while you're standing like that, Mom! It looks silly."

    "I'm posing gracefully. It lends an air of dignity to our bland family pictures. Now take the picture, my feet are starting to hurt."

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,077


    Correct. laugh

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    Hylas said:


    Correct. laugh

    Cool, I wasn't quite sure if it was a doggo or a pupper. laugh


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    If it wasn't for the adult relatives they're constantly exposed to, Iris and Lilo would probably be fairly normal kids. At least they have the dogs for moral support.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,205

    I’ve noticed that your renders seem to take place in a world experiencing permanent sunset. Is that a Norwegian thing?

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    Gordig said:

    Is that a Norwegian thing?

    It probably is! At least in art. In reality we have to suffer mornings, like everyone else. 


  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,077

    If it wasn't for the adult relatives they're constantly exposed to, Iris and Lilo would probably be fairly normal kids. At least they have the dogs for moral support.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    Hylas said:



    Thank you! smiley


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Edgar's camper wasn't built for the narrow streets of a Mediterranean town.

  • RainRain Posts: 335

    Edgar's camper wasn't built for the narrow streets of a Mediterranean town.

    Love it!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    spuffy said:

    Love it!

    Thank you, Spuffy! laugh


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited January 2020

    This is Michael McCormick, variously known as Mike Mac, Mike Mick or Mick Mike. I got the idea for this character by watching 80s music videos that were pretty awful by modern standards. I had flashbacks to the old-style, family friendly action TV-shows we used to be mesmerised by every Friday and Saturday. It was such a different world of storytelling. Heroes were morally upright, brave and infallible, because you weren't supposed to identify with them, you were supposed to aspire to become like them. They could solve any problem in no more than a two-parter (or a three-parter, if the writers were feeling adventurous and the show was already losing viewers) by talking sense and acting like adults. If they made mistakes, it would haunt them non-stop until the end of the episode, when everything was fine again. Despite having everything they loved and believed in challenged on a weekly basis, they never became cynical or lost their positive boy/girl-scout outlook on life. Even as kids we knew the real world wasn't that simple, but that wasn't the point. It was all about positive messages. These characters always had some quick and easy deep words of wisdom ready to throw the younger cast members (or plucky-kid-of-the-week), which never failed to prove true during the climax. And most important of all, they stayed the same character throughout the seasons.


    Mike (or Mick, depending on who's talking to him) is a living relic of that world. He rejects the moral ambiguity of the modern day and all that Game of Thrones crap. Although he's meant to be a fairly light-hearted and silly character, Mike himself is very serious. He takes the world very solemnly because he knows he's got to do his duty. Always prepared! He works in Search and Rescue, as part of a helicopter team. I'm still trying to decide whether he should have a loyal k-9 companion at his side, or if that would break his mould as a strong, lonesome hero. But keep in mind that he's lonesome because he's someone regular people find it hard to keep up with, because he's exceptional. He's not alone because he's socially dysfunctional or any of that Sherlock crap.

    Mike does not dress weirdly. There's a specific reason for everything he's wearing, and none of them come down to fashion sense. He gets a little annoyed when civillians ask about his gadgets, so please don't. 

    I used the André character as the base, but if I'm not mistaken I also dialled in some of Thorne's Luca in the mix.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Edgar's camper wasn't built for the narrow streets of a Mediterranean town.

    Now that render would be good for RRRR contest!!!!

    Excellent work as always!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited February 2020

    Thank you @Saphirewild. heart Although I'm not sure my work is always excellent, I agree that this gang would probably fit in well with the RRRR madness. They'll probably have to join the next one, once they have demolished that freckin bridge.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Thank you @Saphirewild. heart Although I'm not sure my work is always excellent, I agree that this gang would probably fit in well with the RRRR madness. They'll probably have to join the next one, once they have demolished that freckin bridge.

    I agree with you on that, the bridge needs to come down!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    I agree with you on that, the bridge needs to come down!

    "That's gonna take all day, Phil. It's better we do a controlled detonation."

    "Okay, my arms are kind of starting to hurt."

    "Right. Go back inside the steering room, and when I get onboard you can start to slowly back the rolling house away."



  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,267


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I agree with you on that, the bridge needs to come down!

    "That's gonna take all day, Phil. It's better we do a controlled detonation."

    "Okay, my arms are kind of starting to hurt."

    "Right. Go back inside the steering room, and when I get onboard you can start to slowly back the rolling house away."



    OMGG!!! Everyone better run fast when that thing goes off!!

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