[Released] Content Wizard [Commercial]



  • Thank you @DoctorJellybean!  I look forward to hearing what you think.

    So far (just a very quick look), even after installing the Smart Content, the Export Zip button doesn't become active. If I click Refresh Analysis, it becomes active.

    I would have liked an Export option for the Runtime\Support files so that one doesn't have to install it first.

    I forget why right now, but I needed to have the files installed in order to create the runtime support files.

    Maybe, instead of loading a zip, it can analyze a temp folder and create smart content for the files in the temp folder.

    I could possibly do this, but then nothing better be put in that folder that shouldn't be there.  At least with the zip files, I can verify things.

  • jedijudd said:

    I had just purchesed something like this at rendo, yours seems way more advanced and has smart content though

    Thanks.  I hope you like it.

  • So I'm having an issue. I've tried this on 3 Rendo packages and I am getting the same error each time when I try to install the metadata. They all give the same error. Here's one of the products I am trying with: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/?ViewProduct=141244

    The script installs the base package, analyses the content and successfully determines the compatibilty, item type, etc. The problem comes when I try to install the metadata. Below is the log, and I'll attach the config file.

    2020-02-28 11:32:54.154 *** Scene Cleared ***
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.232 DEBUG: Installing Product to Daz Studio...
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.233 Installing Product to Daz Studio...
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.235 DEBUG: Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.236 Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.236 DEBUG: Verifying "dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females" product does not exist already
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.237 Verifying "dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females" product does not exist already
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.238 DEBUG: Found existing product in Daz Studio: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.239 Found existing product in Daz Studio: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.239 DEBUG: Product: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.240 Product: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.240 DEBUG: Description: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.241 Description: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.242 DEBUG: URL: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=141244
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.242 URL: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=141244
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 DEBUG: Artists: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 Artists: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 DEBUG: Store: Renderosity
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.244 Store: Renderosity
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.244 DEBUG: Vendor: false
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 Vendor: false
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 DEBUG: GUID: 74e632b4-6003-4cae-ac3d-aaffd0ef2736
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 GUID: 74e632b4-6003-4cae-ac3d-aaffd0ef2736
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 DEBUG: Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) (Currently Installed: true)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) (Currently Installed: true)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 DEBUG: Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 DEBUG: Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.247 Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.248 DEBUG: Number of Assets: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 Number of Assets: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 DEBUG: Number of Child Containers: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 Number of Child Containers: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.893 DEBUG: Building product metadata...
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.893 Building product metadata...
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: Support File is Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: SaveMetadataXML F:/ContentWizard/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx F:/CW-Temp/
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 WARNING: QString::arg: Argument missing: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import, F:/ContentWizard/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 WARNING: QString::arg: Argument missing: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import, false
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.895 Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.896 DEBUG: There were errors during installation.
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.896 There were errors during installation.

    Ok, I will look at this tomorrow.  It is almost midnight my time.  I am sorry for the problem.

  • dkgoose said:

    this went in my cart right away, i also own the one from renderosity mentioned above.  This looks great and can't wait to try it, i'll still use DIM for the products I purchase here but can't wait to see how it works for the other products :)

    Thanks.  I hope you enjoy it.

  • It went into my cart as well. Never mind the bugs, this is something I have wanted for some time not. Thank you

    You are very welcome!  Enjoy!

  • HatB said:
    In my cart until I get home from work at the school and get to my computer. Looking forward to using it.

    Great!  I hope you like it.

    Dreams do come true! Thank you for making this! I hate having to do this stuff myself, and my backlog is quite.... stupendous. 

    LOL.  I hope it fulfills your dreams completely!

    jedijudd said:

    I have a huge backlog of stuff from rendo also, it just keeps pileing up because I hate installing it, so thank you very much for this

    You're very welcome!

  • Artini said:
    Could Content Wizard be combined with https://www.daz3d.com/content-package-assist

    to just add metadata to the packages and keep possibility to uninstall in DIM, when necessary.

    I have some products from Rendo, which get updates pretty often, so having posiibility

    to uninstall would be really nice.

    Ok, it looks like it is possible. The steps are a bit longwinded mind.

    1. Start Content Wizard.
    2. Select the Product zip and icon, fill in the Product Name, Store name and Product ID (make a note of the ID).
    3. Analyze and make changes as needed
    4. Install Smart Content
    5. For some reason the Export Zip button isn't active, so hit Refresh Analysis
    6. Export Zip to e.g. a temp folder
    7. Open the exported zip and extract it to e.g. the temp folder
    8. Open the original zip and add the extracted Runtime\Support directories to the original zip
    9. Start CPA and make sure that the last Environment setting "Auto Clean" (Settings window) is unchecked
    10. Create as usual, using the noted Product ID for the Package SKU

    You can use DIM to install the CPA package and hopefully the smart content will work. You'll most likely need to re-import the metadata in Daz Studio (Content DB Maintenance).

    If RiverSoft accept my suggestions to be able to scan a local folder instead of adding a zip, and add a smart content Export option, the above process can be shortened quite a bit.

    Interesting.  Thank you for sharing this.  I am keeping your suggestions in mind.  I will have to investigate.

  • veen said:

    I tryed a whole evening installing Renderosity products to my smart content pane without any luck, i only see a product icon. When i click on it i only see a square image with a yellow triangle. The log show only 1 item is installed. Any help would be appreciate it. I am pretty sure i configured everything correctly.

    For you information i am on a Dutch computer (remember the issue with the Text tattoo? it wont execute the script due to my language) just saying)

    You only see a product icon for Content Wizard or for an item when you try to Install Smart Content?  Can you post the log?

  • Havos said:
    Artini said:
    Could Content Wizard be combined with https://www.daz3d.com/content-package-assist

    to just add metadata to the packages and keep possibility to uninstall in DIM, when necessary.

    I have some products from Rendo, which get updates pretty often, so having posiibility

    to uninstall would be really nice.

    Ok, it looks like it is possible. The steps are a bit longwinded mind.

    1. Start Content Wizard.
    2. Select the Product zip and icon, fill in the Product Name, Store name and Product ID (make a note of the ID).
    3. Analyze and make changes as needed
    4. Install Smart Content
    5. For some reason the Export Zip button isn't active, so hit Refresh Analysis
    6. Export Zip to e.g. a temp folder
    7. Open the exported zip and extract it to e.g. the temp folder
    8. Open the original zip and add the extracted Runtime\Support directories to the original zip
    9. Start CPA and make sure that the last Environment setting "Auto Clean" (Settings window) is unchecked
    10. Create as usual, using the noted Product ID for the Package SKU

    You can use DIM to install the CPA package and hopefully the smart content will work. You'll most likely need to re-import the metadata in Daz Studio (Content DB Maintenance).

    If RiverSoft accept my suggestions to be able to scan a local folder instead of adding a zip, and add a smart content Export option, the above process can be shortened quite a bit.

    I want something like this aswell. I have bought this product, although I have not had time to use it yet.

    The problem with all the other Riversoft scripts that create smart content (eg Hair and Clothing converters) is that they only put the metadata into the database you are using. If you then want the same converted content in other installations (like I do on my laptop) then it is easy to share the converted content, but not the metadata that came with it. The only work around is to use the UserData export option, but I find this route poor as all sorts of lost and found and other crap gets stuffed into the UserData, and it is worse if the CMS database gets corrupted.

    Far better is the creation of a nice zip file with meta data inside. This can then be installed on as many machines as you use.

    For Content Wizard, you can save the product configuration file.  It is designed to be portable between computers.  Then you can use Content Wizard on the other computer to install your product.

  • Havos said:
    Far better is the creation of a nice zip file with meta data inside. This can then be installed on as many machines as you use.

    Content Wizard does export a zip, together with a self-installing script. The only possible problem with that is if the script gets lost, that zip is unusable. Which is removed if the zip, e.g. CPA package, can be installed using DIM.

    Make no mistake though, Content Wizard is an excellent product! I will certainly be using it.

    I don't understand.  The zip file still works and is usable.  What do you mean by "Which is removed if the zip...using DIM?"

  • jedijudd said:

    I could not get this to even open, I clicked on content wizard icon then there was a spinning wheel for over ten minutes

    That is strange.  Especially the first time, the start should be very fast.  Could you post a log?

  • Artini said:
    Could Content Wizard be combined with https://www.daz3d.com/content-package-assist

    to just add metadata to the packages and keep possibility to uninstall in DIM, when necessary.

    I have some products from Rendo, which get updates pretty often, so having posiibility

    to uninstall would be really nice.

    Ok, it looks like it is possible. The steps are a bit longwinded mind.

    1. Start Content Wizard.
    2. Select the Product zip and icon, fill in the Product Name, Store name and Product ID (make a note of the ID).
    3. Analyze and make changes as needed
    4. Install Smart Content
    5. For some reason the Export Zip button isn't active, so hit Refresh Analysis
    6. Export Zip to e.g. a temp folder
    7. Open the exported zip and extract it to e.g. the temp folder
    8. Open the original zip and add the extracted Runtime\Support directories to the original zip
    9. Start CPA and make sure that the last Environment setting "Auto Clean" (Settings window) is unchecked
    10. Create as usual, using the noted Product ID for the Package SKU

    You can use DIM to install the CPA package and hopefully the smart content will work. You'll most likely need to re-import the metadata in Daz Studio (Content DB Maintenance).

    If RiverSoft accept my suggestions to be able to scan a local folder instead of adding a zip, and add a smart content Export option, the above process can be shortened quite a bit.

    Thank you for checking on how both applications can be used together! The Content Wizard is going into my cart now smiley



    And thanks @DoctorJellybean again.

  • LaPartita said:

    I literally started shaking with excitment when I saw this product. My first-ever instabuy!

    Does anyone know how it handles products installed through Connect?

    Thanks.  I am glad you are happy.

    It needs the zip files for the product to be fed to it.  I am surprised you would need it for Connect products though.  I would expect all of those to have Smart Content already.

  • LaPartita said:

    I literally started shaking with excitment when I saw this product. My first-ever instabuy!

    Does anyone know how it handles products installed through Connect?

    Thanks.  I am glad you are happy.

    It needs the zip files for the product to be fed to it.  I am surprised you would need it for Connect products though.  I would expect all of those to have Smart Content already.

    I would have thought so, too.

    Most do have Smart Content, in fairness, but an irritatingly large percentage of that Smart Content is partial or incorrect. I actually have Daz installed on 2 computers and ended up using DIM on one computer and Connect on the other, and I haven't noticed any difference between the Smart Content on each computer. I've been trying to fix the metadata for months, and I was about ready to tear my hair out with frustration. Even if this only works on products installed through the DIM (which I think is what you're saying?), it's an AMAZING and sanity-saving tool.

  • To clarify... this will NOT work on older (v4 era) Renderosity products?

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    OK, I have done some stuff: slow but I can see why.

    I've added a clothing set from Rendo with some separate texture sets by other people. By itself the script recognises the texture sets but doesn't connect them with any thing. So I can manually make the link frm the top texture to the original top: and that should show up in smart content. I can use CNTRL to select multiple top textures, and assign those.

    Is there a way to get the script to automatically make the connections once I have made the initial connection: so if I link texture 1 for the top to the original top, the script would then link the top textures to the top, and other bits as well (pants or whatever) to the relevant bits?

  • surrealsurreal Posts: 181
    edited February 2020

    So I'm having an issue. I've tried this on 3 Rendo packages and I am getting the same error each time when I try to install the metadata. They all give the same error. Here's one of the products I am trying with: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/?ViewProduct=141244

    The script installs the base package, analyses the content and successfully determines the compatibilty, item type, etc. The problem comes when I try to install the metadata. Below is the log, and I'll attach the config file.

    2020-02-28 11:32:54.154 *** Scene Cleared ***
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.232 DEBUG: Installing Product to Daz Studio...
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.233 Installing Product to Daz Studio...
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.235 DEBUG: Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.236 Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.236 DEBUG: Verifying "dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females" product does not exist already
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.237 Verifying "dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females" product does not exist already
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.238 DEBUG: Found existing product in Daz Studio: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.239 Found existing product in Daz Studio: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.239 DEBUG: Product: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.240 Product: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.240 DEBUG: Description: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.241 Description: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.242 DEBUG: URL: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=141244
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.242 URL: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=141244
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 DEBUG: Artists: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 Artists: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 DEBUG: Store: Renderosity
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.244 Store: Renderosity
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.244 DEBUG: Vendor: false
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 Vendor: false
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 DEBUG: GUID: 74e632b4-6003-4cae-ac3d-aaffd0ef2736
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 GUID: 74e632b4-6003-4cae-ac3d-aaffd0ef2736
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 DEBUG: Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) (Currently Installed: true)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) (Currently Installed: true)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 DEBUG: Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 DEBUG: Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.247 Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.248 DEBUG: Number of Assets: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 Number of Assets: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 DEBUG: Number of Child Containers: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 Number of Child Containers: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.893 DEBUG: Building product metadata...
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.893 Building product metadata...
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: Support File is Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: SaveMetadataXML F:/ContentWizard/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx F:/CW-Temp/
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 WARNING: QString::arg: Argument missing: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import, F:/ContentWizard/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 WARNING: QString::arg: Argument missing: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import, false
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.895 Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.896 DEBUG: There were errors during installation.
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.896 There were errors during installation.

    Ok, I will look at this tomorrow.  It is almost midnight my time.  I am sorry for the problem.

    That error is most likely that the ZIP(s) only contain POSER content and no DAZ content/assets.

    The only errors I have encountered (other than POSER only content) are Install Smart Content ones with products by DreamlandModels. Have not tried all their products just BARN ONE FOR DS,  SINGLE HOME 16 FOR DS and SINGLE HOME 17 FOR DS. Log indicates NUMBER OF ASSETS: 0 so suspect the problem relates to the structure of their DAZ file in the products.

    Oh I did get an Install Smart Content FAILED!!!...MAKE SURE ZIP IS NOT CORRUPTED error with DFORCE-FLIRTATIOUS FOR DS by Lully, have not checked those zip file yet.

    Excellent work RiverSoftArt.


    Post edited by surreal on
  • Havos said:
    Far better is the creation of a nice zip file with meta data inside. This can then be installed on as many machines as you use.

    Content Wizard does export a zip, together with a self-installing script. The only possible problem with that is if the script gets lost, that zip is unusable. Which is removed if the zip, e.g. CPA package, can be installed using DIM.

    Make no mistake though, Content Wizard is an excellent product! I will certainly be using it.

    I don't understand.  The zip file still works and is usable.  What do you mean by "Which is removed if the zip...using DIM?"

    Sorry for the misunderstanding. Yes, the zip is perfectly usable.One is just not able to self install the zip should the script gets lost.

  • Thank you @DoctorJellybean!  I look forward to hearing what you think.

    So far (just a very quick look), even after installing the Smart Content, the Export Zip button doesn't become active. If I click Refresh Analysis, it becomes active.

    I would have liked an Export option for the Runtime\Support files so that one doesn't have to install it first.

    I forget why right now, but I needed to have the files installed in order to create the runtime support files.

    So when a zip is added, and the analyze process is started, the zip gets installed? Or does it gets extracted to the working folder?

    Maybe, instead of loading a zip, it can analyze a temp folder and create smart content for the files in the temp folder.

    I could possibly do this, but then nothing better be put in that folder that shouldn't be there.  At least with the zip files, I can verify things.

    That would be up to the user to make sure the folder is empty.

  • gitika1 said:
    Artini said:
    Could Content Wizard be combined with https://www.daz3d.com/content-package-assist

    to just add metadata to the packages and keep possibility to uninstall in DIM, when necessary.

    I have some products from Rendo, which get updates pretty often, so having posiibility

    to uninstall would be really nice.

    Ok, it looks like it is possible. The steps are a bit longwinded mind.

    1. Start Content Wizard.
    2. Select the Product zip and icon, fill in the Product Name, Store name and Product ID (make a note of the ID).
    3. Analyze and make changes as needed
    4. Install Smart Content
    5. For some reason the Export Zip button isn't active, so hit Refresh Analysis
    6. Export Zip to e.g. a temp folder
    7. Open the exported zip and extract it to e.g. the temp folder
    8. Open the original zip and add the extracted Runtime\Support directories to the original zip
    9. Start CPA and make sure that the last Environment setting "Auto Clean" (Settings window) is unchecked
    10. Create as usual, using the noted Product ID for the Package SKU

    You can use DIM to install the CPA package and hopefully the smart content will work. You'll most likely need to re-import the metadata in Daz Studio (Content DB Maintenance).

    If RiverSoft accept my suggestions to be able to scan a local folder instead of adding a zip, and add a smart content Export option, the above process can be shortened quite a bit.

    All of my products created with CPA are already installed. (And I kept the CPA created zip files.)  It sounds like I would need to do steps 1-8 to have those back-up zip files accurate.  Am I understanding your information correctly?

    Unfortunately, yes. Actually, you would need to do all the steps plus a few extra ones. For existing CPA created packages, you would need to extract the Content folder to a temp folder and delete the existing Runtime\Support directories if it exists. Also make sure that the Manifest and Supplement dsx files created by CPA are not present in the temp folder, as CPA creates new ones.

  • veenveen Posts: 139
    edited February 2020
    veen said:

    I tryed a whole evening installing Renderosity products to my smart content pane without any luck, i only see a product icon. When i click on it i only see a square image with a yellow triangle. The log show only 1 item is installed. Any help would be appreciate it. I am pretty sure i configured everything correctly.

    For you information i am on a Dutch computer (remember the issue with the Text tattoo? it wont execute the script due to my language) just saying)

    You only see a product icon for Content Wizard or for an item when you try to Install Smart Content?  Can you post the log?

    My log:

    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Clearing Working Directory...


    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): ...Success

    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Extracting files from C:\DAZ Content Wizard Temp orginal zip\dForce Kitchen Lingerie.zip...

    11:29:08 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): ...Success

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Analyzing Product...

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Scanning "People" directory...

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Analysis Complete.

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Installing Product to Daz Studio...

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Verifying "d Force Kitchen Lingerie" product does not exist already

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Found existing product in Daz Studio: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Description:

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): URL: 139798

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Artists: OneSix

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Vendor: false

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): GUID: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:12:35 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)) (Currently Installed: true)

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:24:49 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd))

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Assets: 1

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Child Containers: 0

    11:29:54 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Building product metadata...

    11:29:54 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Creating Product Icon from C:/Users/****/Desktop/Nieuwe map/kitchen lingerie.jpg...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Creating support file...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Importing Product into Daz Studio...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product Created: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Updating Assets Compatibility Bases...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Description:

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): URL: 139798

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Artists: OneSix

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Vendor: false

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): GUID: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:12:35 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)) (Currently Installed: true)

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Released: Sat Feb 29 2020 11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd))

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Assets: 1

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Child Containers: 0

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Installation Completed Successfully


    log saying 11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER while i have Renderosity selected


    2991 x 1121 - 240K
    Post edited by veen on
  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    OK, I have installed some products and they appear in smart content.

    However I have a significant problem. One product was a Rendo Maddelirium character (MDD Theory) (G8). Now when I use Daz, Genesis 8 Female isn't linking to any items such as Wardrobe, so I can't Filter by Context to find anything. Genesis 8 Male is working as per usual. Genesis 3 female loads slowly, but is working with smart content. Genesis 8 Basic Female and characters appear in the smart content pane. However if I look in materials, I can see MDD Theory (+ one other which I've been meaning to uninstall as it appears with everything).

    Any suggestions? I'm guessing that the cock-up occurred with the smart content install for MDD Theory, but I don't know that. There are a range of faults reported in the log, but there have been quite a few of those before.


  • LaPartita said:
    LaPartita said:

    I literally started shaking with excitment when I saw this product. My first-ever instabuy!

    Does anyone know how it handles products installed through Connect?

    Thanks.  I am glad you are happy.

    It needs the zip files for the product to be fed to it.  I am surprised you would need it for Connect products though.  I would expect all of those to have Smart Content already.

    I would have thought so, too.

    Most do have Smart Content, in fairness, but an irritatingly large percentage of that Smart Content is partial or incorrect. I actually have Daz installed on 2 computers and ended up using DIM on one computer and Connect on the other, and I haven't noticed any difference between the Smart Content on each computer. I've been trying to fix the metadata for months, and I was about ready to tear my hair out with frustration. Even if this only works on products installed through the DIM (which I think is what you're saying?), it's an AMAZING and sanity-saving tool.

    Hmmm.  Well, I hope it makes things easier for you.

  • To clarify... this will NOT work on older (v4 era) Renderosity products?

    It depends (if you are talking about the Smart Content feature).  If the V4 product only has stuff in Runtime directory, then there won't be any smart content.  If the V4 product uses the older, script-like files (.ds), then there won't be smart content for those either.

  • James_H said:

    OK, I have done some stuff: slow but I can see why.

    I've added a clothing set from Rendo with some separate texture sets by other people. By itself the script recognises the texture sets but doesn't connect them with any thing. So I can manually make the link frm the top texture to the original top: and that should show up in smart content. I can use CNTRL to select multiple top textures, and assign those.

    Is there a way to get the script to automatically make the connections once I have made the initial connection: so if I link texture 1 for the top to the original top, the script would then link the top textures to the top, and other bits as well (pants or whatever) to the relevant bits?

    Sorry, no.  

  • surreal said:

    So I'm having an issue. I've tried this on 3 Rendo packages and I am getting the same error each time when I try to install the metadata. They all give the same error. Here's one of the products I am trying with: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/?ViewProduct=141244

    The script installs the base package, analyses the content and successfully determines the compatibilty, item type, etc. The problem comes when I try to install the metadata. Below is the log, and I'll attach the config file.

    2020-02-28 11:32:54.154 *** Scene Cleared ***
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.232 DEBUG: Installing Product to Daz Studio...
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.233 Installing Product to Daz Studio...
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.235 DEBUG: Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.236 Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.236 DEBUG: Verifying "dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females" product does not exist already
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.237 Verifying "dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females" product does not exist already
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.238 DEBUG: Found existing product in Daz Studio: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.239 Found existing product in Daz Studio: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.239 DEBUG: Product: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.240 Product: dForce Selected Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.240 DEBUG: Description: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.241 Description: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.242 DEBUG: URL: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=141244
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.242 URL: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=141244
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 DEBUG: Artists: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 Artists: 
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.243 DEBUG: Store: Renderosity
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.244 Store: Renderosity
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.244 DEBUG: Vendor: false
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 Vendor: false
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 DEBUG: GUID: 74e632b4-6003-4cae-ac3d-aaffd0ef2736
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 GUID: 74e632b4-6003-4cae-ac3d-aaffd0ef2736
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.245 DEBUG: Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) (Currently Installed: true)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) (Currently Installed: true)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 DEBUG: Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 11:18:44 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.246 DEBUG: Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.247 Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.248 DEBUG: Number of Assets: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 Number of Assets: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 DEBUG: Number of Child Containers: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:54.249 Number of Child Containers: 0
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.893 DEBUG: Building product metadata...
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.893 Building product metadata...
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: Support File is Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: SaveMetadataXML F:/ContentWizard/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx F:/CW-Temp/
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 WARNING: QString::arg: Argument missing: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import, F:/ContentWizard/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_141244_dForce_Selected_Outfit_for_Genesis_8_Females.dsx
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 WARNING: QString::arg: Argument missing: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import, false
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.894 DEBUG: Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.895 Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.896 DEBUG: There were errors during installation.
    2020-02-28 11:32:56.896 There were errors during installation.

    Ok, I will look at this tomorrow.  It is almost midnight my time.  I am sorry for the problem.

    That error is most likely that the ZIP(s) only contain POSER content and no DAZ content/assets.

    The only errors I have encountered (other than POSER only content) are Install Smart Content ones with products by DreamlandModels. Have not tried all their products just BARN ONE FOR DS,  SINGLE HOME 16 FOR DS and SINGLE HOME 17 FOR DS. Log indicates NUMBER OF ASSETS: 0 so suspect the problem relates to the structure of their DAZ file in the products.

    Oh I did get an Install Smart Content FAILED!!!...MAKE SURE ZIP IS NOT CORRUPTED error with DFORCE-FLIRTATIOUS FOR DS by Lully, have not checked those zip file yet.

    Excellent work RiverSoftArt.


    @surreal Thanks.  I will have to look at the Dreamland ones.  I can confirm I have problems with Barn One, which I have.  It looks like the generated .dsx is wrong, though I am unsure how at this point.

    @stacywallace, it looks like your error is slightly earlier though.  Have you set the artist/vendor?  Could you save your configuration for this product and post it here?

  • Thank you @DoctorJellybean!  I look forward to hearing what you think.

    So far (just a very quick look), even after installing the Smart Content, the Export Zip button doesn't become active. If I click Refresh Analysis, it becomes active.

    I would have liked an Export option for the Runtime\Support files so that one doesn't have to install it first.

    I forget why right now, but I needed to have the files installed in order to create the runtime support files.

    So when a zip is added, and the analyze process is started, the zip gets installed? Or does it gets extracted to the working folder?

    For analysis, the product is unzipped to the working folder only.  Only when you click Install Content do any files get copied over.

    Maybe, instead of loading a zip, it can analyze a temp folder and create smart content for the files in the temp folder.

    I could possibly do this, but then nothing better be put in that folder that shouldn't be there.  At least with the zip files, I can verify things.

    That would be up to the user to make sure the folder is empty.


  • veen said:
    veen said:

    I tryed a whole evening installing Renderosity products to my smart content pane without any luck, i only see a product icon. When i click on it i only see a square image with a yellow triangle. The log show only 1 item is installed. Any help would be appreciate it. I am pretty sure i configured everything correctly.

    For you information i am on a Dutch computer (remember the issue with the Text tattoo? it wont execute the script due to my language) just saying)

    You only see a product icon for Content Wizard or for an item when you try to Install Smart Content?  Can you post the log?

    My log:

    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Clearing Working Directory...


    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): ...Success

    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Extracting files from C:\DAZ Content Wizard Temp orginal zip\dForce Kitchen Lingerie.zip...

    11:29:08 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): ...Success

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Analyzing Product...

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Scanning "People" directory...

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Analysis Complete.

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Installing Product to Daz Studio...

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Verifying "d Force Kitchen Lingerie" product does not exist already

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Found existing product in Daz Studio: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Description:

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): URL: 139798

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Artists: OneSix

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Vendor: false

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): GUID: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:12:35 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)) (Currently Installed: true)

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:24:49 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd))

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Assets: 1

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Child Containers: 0

    11:29:54 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Building product metadata...

    11:29:54 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Creating Product Icon from C:/Users/****/Desktop/Nieuwe map/kitchen lingerie.jpg...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Creating support file...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Importing Product into Daz Studio...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product Created: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Updating Assets Compatibility Bases...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Description:

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): URL: 139798

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Artists: OneSix

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Vendor: false

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): GUID: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:12:35 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)) (Currently Installed: true)

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Released: Sat Feb 29 2020 11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd))

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Assets: 1

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Child Containers: 0

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Installation Completed Successfully


    log saying 11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER while i have Renderosity selected


    Ok.  That looks good.  Can you save the configuration for this product and post that?  I want to see what you classified everything as.  

  • veenveen Posts: 139
    veen said:
    veen said:

    I tryed a whole evening installing Renderosity products to my smart content pane without any luck, i only see a product icon. When i click on it i only see a square image with a yellow triangle. The log show only 1 item is installed. Any help would be appreciate it. I am pretty sure i configured everything correctly.

    For you information i am on a Dutch computer (remember the issue with the Text tattoo? it wont execute the script due to my language) just saying)

    You only see a product icon for Content Wizard or for an item when you try to Install Smart Content?  Can you post the log?

    My log:

    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Clearing Working Directory...


    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): ...Success

    11:29:07 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Extracting files from C:\DAZ Content Wizard Temp orginal zip\dForce Kitchen Lingerie.zip...

    11:29:08 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): ...Success

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Analyzing Product...

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Scanning "People" directory...

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie All.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Panty.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie Wristband.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): wearable File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Kitchen Lingerie.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Lingerie/Lingerie Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.duf

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:13 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Panty/Panty Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 01.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 02.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 03.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): preset_material File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.duf

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.duf.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): .png File: C:/DAZ Content Wizard Temp/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/OneSix/Kitchen Lingerie/Wristband/Wristband Style 04.tip.png

    11:29:14 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Analysis Complete.

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Installing Product to Daz Studio...

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Verifying existence of Renderosity store: true

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Verifying "d Force Kitchen Lingerie" product does not exist already

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Found existing product in Daz Studio: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Description:

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): URL: 139798

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Artists: OneSix

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Vendor: false

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): GUID: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:12:35 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)) (Currently Installed: true)

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Released: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:24:49 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd))

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Assets: 1

    11:29:50 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Child Containers: 0

    11:29:54 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Building product metadata...

    11:29:54 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Creating Product Icon from C:/Users/****/Desktop/Nieuwe map/kitchen lingerie.jpg...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Creating support file...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Importing Product into Daz Studio...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product Created: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Updating Assets Compatibility Bases...

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Product: d Force Kitchen Lingerie

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Description:

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): URL: 139798

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Artists: OneSix

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Vendor: false

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): GUID: dde7ead2-93ea-48d7-a25d-fb6fb241f2bb

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Installed: Fri Feb 28 2020 22:12:35 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)) (Currently Installed: true)

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Date Released: Sat Feb 29 2020 11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd))

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Copy: false, Delete: true, Insert: false, Modify: true, Rename: true

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Assets: 1

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Number of Child Containers: 0

    11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Installation Completed Successfully


    log saying 11:29:55 GMT+0100 (West-Europa (standaardtijd)): Store: LOCAL USER while i have Renderosity selected


    Ok.  That looks good.  Can you save the configuration for this product and post that?  I want to see what you classified everything as.  

    i am not understand **Ok.  That looks good.  Can you save the configuration for this product and post that?  I want to see what you classified everything as.**  can you explain a bit more what you need?



  • James_H said:

    OK, I have installed some products and they appear in smart content.

    However I have a significant problem. One product was a Rendo Maddelirium character (MDD Theory) (G8). Now when I use Daz, Genesis 8 Female isn't linking to any items such as Wardrobe, so I can't Filter by Context to find anything. Genesis 8 Male is working as per usual. Genesis 3 female loads slowly, but is working with smart content. Genesis 8 Basic Female and characters appear in the smart content pane. However if I look in materials, I can see MDD Theory (+ one other which I've been meaning to uninstall as it appears with everything).

    Any suggestions? I'm guessing that the cock-up occurred with the smart content install for MDD Theory, but I don't know that. There are a range of faults reported in the log, but there have been quite a few of those before.


    Nothing comes immediately to mind.  I am guessing G8F WAS linking to items such as wardrobe before using this product?  Or you hadn't tried in awhile?  I wouldn't think that installing MDD Theory could mess it up.  Can you post your CW configuration for MDD theory?

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