I'm surprised dodger did not make the skull cap as well .
Well, until such time Dodger (or anybody else for that matter) decides to offer a more screen accurate version, here's a lil' something to fill that "gap".
A Wings3D box modeled skullcap in a "program neutral" .OBJ format.
Poser users can simply import it with all options UNchecked and it will load in place, scaled for Michael 4. (You might want to use a "no ears" morph or enlarge the model a bit to avoid "clipping" (poke through).) Oh, yeah, be sure to "parent" it to the figure's head.
As I am still a Poser Luddite, I'm not sure what users o DAZ Studio must do. I think there's some rescaling involved.
Originally it was all "quads", but for some reason there were several "black" polygons when previewed inUV Mapper Pro. In poser it looked fine, both in preview and when rendered, but I have no idea if those drak polys would prove a problem in DS. So, as a last resort, I triangulated the mesh, doubling the polygon count. Not that it's a HUGE model in any case: I just try to be "frugal" in my modeling..
Anyway, I'm hoping the zip will "attach" to the message.
DS users should be OK using the Poser preset in the OBJ import options, I would think.
BTW did anyone ever notice that I put a morph called "Jodie W" on my Elizabeth 2 figure?
thanking you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you
you are truly a scholar and a gentleman .
I haven't been able to find any figure that has a morph for the current doctor
thank you
I projected a screen cap from the approximate same angle adjusted a bit with Liquefy. So it only works from around that exact camera angle and only covers the face. Never useful for animation. Honestly I'm not even sure where I put it. It's not high res.
I projected a screen cap from the approximate same angle adjusted a bit with Liquefy. So it only works from around that exact camera angle and only covers the face. Never useful for animation. Honestly I'm not even sure where I put it. It's not high res.
Well sir, no offense meant, but isn't it a bit sneaky to give us a morph and no texture 2 actually complete the likeness , as well as what dial setting works best to give us 13
I would just like to get some good Doctor morphs for G8 (especially Jody Whitaker). I have enough G8 models that I could come up with a texture/skin somewhere.
Very impressive so far. I see you've addes a lot of the brass accents already.
It's just a shme that the "TARDIS Builders" site is currently off line after being majorly hacked. (Don't worry, gang; all the data was preserved up to the time of the crash.) The site IS returning; it's just taking a bit of time. It may be sometime in August before it's accessible again.
Point being, it is arguably the ultimate resource for anybody wanting to create a police box prop or the interiors like the roundel covered walls or one of the various consoles, be they sphysical structures or digital. Like Trek and Star Wars fans, these guys have researched publicity snapshots and screen captures, determing the detail of the BBC items down to the freakin' millimeter! Some threads present photos where a fan has extended horizon lines and perspective vanishing points a nd from there, show the math to argue "item X" is 10.6 centimeters wide rather than 10.54.
I would just like to get some good Doctor morphs for G8 (especially Jody Whitaker). I have enough G8 models that I could come up with a texture/skin somewhere.
That's what are used to say about Michael and Victoria 4 , and as you can see by scrolling through the thread from page one till now several people have come up with morphs for these characters depicting various doctors with the promise of sharing only to bugger off and never be heard from again. So good luck with that
It's one that mylochka sent me . I don't believe it's one that she's published anywhere .
if you want I can ask her if she would mind me sharing it with you
Hmm, so a "Missie" with a facial bone structure inspired more by Anthony Ainley's "square" features rather than Michelle Gomez's elongated "triangular" face?
I don't think one has to be a member to see the posts; one just can't post is not logged into the site. (I just tried it myself, making sure I tested a thread which I had not checked since the original "hack" and thus would not be in my cache memory. Even logged out, the posts and pictures display, so, yeah, even non-members can reference the the tons of information.)
This is making for a nice weekend. I should also receive some DW action figures today I ordered earlier this week.
I can only find pictures of three of the console panels. And they're blurry. For the two with buttons, it's 8 across x 4 buttons up but one of them seems to have switches at the top and the other is impossible to see if there's anything there. (The other has the 3 "mail slots" looking cubbies and small drawer.)
Doe anyone have any further reference for what goes in the other 3 panels? Or better pics of the "switches" on top?
If I can't suss it out, I will fake it (probably by making two more have drawers and another have some ... stuff, like a door lever!) , but I hate doing that if there's another option.
I also need the other side of the door (the interior door -- the exit door is vague and ambiguous like all classic console rooms). I am pretty sure I can get a decent reference by pausing the beginning of The Masque of Mandragora where they first stumble into the second/first console room.
Pure speculation as only three opening panels were ever revealed and the console itself was rotated from serial to serial, sometimes from scene to scene.
These two threads here discuss the panel and button layout in detail.
The corridor side of the inner door was shockingly plain, reflecting the "sterile" white walls with 'roundels" the rest of the hallway set had.
The first page of this thread has a photo reveaaling the door swung wide enough to show the "corridor" side. Obviously, it's not 4K sharp, but it appears smooth save for the roundel aligned with the stain glass insert on the console room side..
Just curious, maybe it's just an effect of the ortho' three/quarter view used, but is your TARDIS screen "flush" with the moulding around it? I thought it was rather "recessed" as can be seen in a few of these shots on this page?
Again, I'll admit it may just be an optical illusion that is confusing my faltering eyes.
Anyway, if you have any more questions, I'll try to provide references, though response times will be haphazard this weekend as family is arriving, disrupting my routine.
It's pretty far recessed-- as far as it can be without going out of the surrounding shape. The scanner is a paper thin box with the back flush with the back of that wall. Then the scanner covers are right in front of that, and then the "frame" with the round-and-square cutout, and then a gap to the front of the housing.
Oh, if you're a member there, on the one thing, the top row of buttons, they say "controls above the array of 32 buttons look like small wheels on cocktail sticks"
Those are super old-fashioned typewriter keys. I can see that a mile away.
DS users should be OK using the Poser preset in the OBJ import options, I would think.
Oh! Glad to hear, uh, read.
Give me time. I'm ADHD as hell. This distracted me.
BTW did anyone ever notice that I put a morph called "Jodie W" on my Elizabeth 2 figure?
No, I was not aware, but thanks for alerting us!
You have to get her textured right, of course, and I don't have that (that's not a full texture that I used).
I projected a screen cap from the approximate same angle adjusted a bit with Liquefy. So it only works from around that exact camera angle and only covers the face. Never useful for animation. Honestly I'm not even sure where I put it. It's not high res.
I'm no great texturer!
But the dial setting would be "1" -- its a Jodie Whittaker morph.
I would just like to get some good Doctor morphs for G8 (especially Jody Whitaker). I have enough G8 models that I could come up with a texture/skin somewhere.
Sorry, I don't do DAZ Studio stuff.
Bit by bit
Very impressive so far. I see you've addes a lot of the brass accents already.
It's just a shme that the "TARDIS Builders" site is currently off line after being majorly hacked. (Don't worry, gang; all the data was preserved up to the time of the crash.) The site IS returning; it's just taking a bit of time. It may be sometime in August before it's accessible again.
Point being, it is arguably the ultimate resource for anybody wanting to create a police box prop or the interiors like the roundel covered walls or one of the various consoles, be they sphysical structures or digital. Like Trek and Star Wars fans, these guys have researched publicity snapshots and screen captures, determing the detail of the BBC items down to the freakin' millimeter! Some threads present photos where a fan has extended horizon lines and perspective vanishing points a nd from there, show the math to argue "item X" is 10.6 centimeters wide rather than 10.54.
That's what are used to say about Michael and Victoria 4 , and as you can see by scrolling through the thread from page one till now several people have come up with morphs for these characters depicting various doctors with the promise of sharing only to bugger off and never be heard from again. So good luck with that
although its not perfect , i can live with this
Bluto? What hair prop/figure did you use for your Hartnell likeness?
im happy with this one too
Hmm, so a "Missie" with a facial bone structure inspired more by Anthony Ainley's "square" features rather than Michelle Gomez's elongated "triangular" face?
Interesting approach, it works.
In the words of Prof. Farnsworth, "Good news, everyone!"
The TARDIS Builders site is up and running again!
And here's the thread presenting what's arguably the most researched and detailed plans for the "Barry Newberry" interior, the "wooden" control room.
I don't think one has to be a member to see the posts; one just can't post is not logged into the site. (I just tried it myself, making sure I tested a thread which I had not checked since the original "hack" and thus would not be in my cache memory. Even logged out, the posts and pictures display, so, yeah, even non-members can reference the the tons of information.)
This is making for a nice weekend. I should also receive some DW action figures today I ordered earlier this week.
I can only find pictures of three of the console panels. And they're blurry. For the two with buttons, it's 8 across x 4 buttons up but one of them seems to have switches at the top and the other is impossible to see if there's anything there. (The other has the 3 "mail slots" looking cubbies and small drawer.)
Doe anyone have any further reference for what goes in the other 3 panels? Or better pics of the "switches" on top?
If I can't suss it out, I will fake it (probably by making two more have drawers and another have some ... stuff, like a door lever!) , but I hate doing that if there's another option.
I also need the other side of the door (the interior door -- the exit door is vague and ambiguous like all classic console rooms). I am pretty sure I can get a decent reference by pausing the beginning of The Masque of Mandragora where they first stumble into the second/first console room.
Pure speculation as only three opening panels were ever revealed and the console itself was rotated from serial to serial, sometimes from scene to scene.
These two threads here discuss the panel and button layout in detail.
The corridor side of the inner door was shockingly plain, reflecting the "sterile" white walls with 'roundels" the rest of the hallway set had.
The first page of this thread has a photo reveaaling the door swung wide enough to show the "corridor" side. Obviously, it's not 4K sharp, but it appears smooth save for the roundel aligned with the stain glass insert on the console room side..
Just curious, maybe it's just an effect of the ortho' three/quarter view used, but is your TARDIS screen "flush" with the moulding around it? I thought it was rather "recessed" as can be seen in a few of these shots on this page?
Again, I'll admit it may just be an optical illusion that is confusing my faltering eyes.
Anyway, if you have any more questions, I'll try to provide references, though response times will be haphazard this weekend as family is arriving, disrupting my routine.
It's pretty far recessed-- as far as it can be without going out of the surrounding shape. The scanner is a paper thin box with the back flush with the back of that wall. Then the scanner covers are right in front of that, and then the "frame" with the round-and-square cutout, and then a gap to the front of the housing.
Oh, if you're a member there, on the one thing, the top row of buttons, they say "controls above the array of 32 buttons look like small wheels on cocktail sticks"
Those are super old-fashioned typewriter keys. I can see that a mile away.
I think this covers the middle now.