3D Art Freebie Challenge-September 2020-"In the Sky" -Main Thread Only
It took my donut! Daddy doesn't know what's coming for him ...
So, what's In the Sky? Greedy seagulls and other birds, planes, clouds, stars, thunderstorms, kites, or whatever else comes to your mind. And then show us your (mis)adventures with that!
The Rules For This Months Freebie Challenge are:
1. A minimum of (5) Freebies must be included in your image along with Links to the freebies you have used. For an item to be considered free it must be offered as a freebie for the whole month. The exception to this rule is all Daz Bi-Weekly Freebies will be allowed throughout the entire month in which they are free as well as the month following their release as a freebie (For a total of 2 months). Also, if a freebie is broken down into multiple downloads/links/parts (IE like if the freebie is broken down into 3 zips etc...)it only counts as 1 freebie, not 3.
2. There will be a Maximum of 5 purchased items.
3. Base figures (All Gen 2,3,4, and Genesis 1,2,3) as well as their general morphs packs (Morphs++ and similar) do not count as a purchased item or a freebie and may be used as needed
4.Your Rendered Picture must be a new render and postwork is allowed but you MUST include a before and after Postwork versions of your entry in the Entry Thread.
5. All DAZ 3D Programs are allowed (IE Bryce, Carrara, Daz Studio and Hexagon) plus Poser for the contest.
6. All entries are subject to the Daz3D TOS Found Here: Terms Of Service
7. You may enter a Maximum of 4 Entries per month.
8. You may edit your entry as much as you like in the main thread but once it is posted to the "Entries Thread" it may not be further modified. Also, if you edit or add things, be sure you update any links or freebie changes you make.
This Freebie Challenge will end Monday September 30st @ 23:59 Daz time.
*Please Note: Please allow 7 days from the Announcement of the Winners to recive your prize*
If you have not recived your prize, or have any questions, plz contact (ME) Saphirewild in a PM here on the forums or e-mail me at [email protected]
Post your images and freebie links here for link verification. Once the links are verified, you can post your image and links in Entries Thread for judging.
First Place: $15 store credit from KindredArts
Second Place: $10 store credit from KindredArts
Third Place: $5 store credit from KindredArts
Any other donations for prizes will be gratefully accepted. Please send a PM to Saphirewild
There is a change in the rules plz read them carefully!!
Past Freebie Contests:
October 2015 - TRICK OR TREAT TIME
December 2015 - It's Steampunk at the North Pole
January 2016 - The Day After
February 2016 - EleMENtary, my dear Watson!
March 2016 - It seemed like a good idea at the time...
April 2016 - When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Woodland Fairy
May 2016 - From This Hill I Can See...
June 2016 - Dawn of a New Day...
July 2016 - You Did WHAT With That Firecracker!?!
August 2016 - I Don't Want to Go to School!
September 2016 - The Leaves of Autumn Bring Changes
October 2016 - Double Bubble Toil and Trouble
November 2016 - I am so THANKFUL I am not...
December 2016 - How'd THAT Fit Down the Chimney!?!
October 2017 - MONSTERMASH Rehash
November 2017- Remembering The Fallen
December 2017- Waiting Up
January 2018- The Cement Jungle
Feburary 2018- Love Is....
March 2018- As Green As.....
April 2018-April SHowers Bring...
May 2018-Month Of The Dragons
June 2018-Beach Bum Days
July 2018- Camping Blunders
August 2018- Vacation Disasters
September 2018- Worst Day Of School
October 2018-Annual Monster Mash
November 2018- Time To Reflect
December 2018-Let It Snow
January 2019-Frozen In Time
February 2019-Strange Love
March 2019-Lady Luck
April 2019- April Showers Bring...
May 2019- Spring Flowers
June 2019- Summertime Pin-Ups
July 2019- Pool Party
August 2019- Best Friends forever
September 2019- Turning A New Leaf
October 2019- Monster Mash
November 2019- Playing Doctor
December 2019- Better Than Mistletoe
January 2020- New Beginings
Febuary 2020-Natural Love
March 2020- March Winds
April 2020- Easter Happyness
May 2020- >Flowers
June 2020- A Day At...
July 2020- Only At The Circus
August 2020- Cats, Cats, All Kinds Of Cats
NAE (Not An Entry)
Loo Seat In The Sky...
Seat from DarkStar's Poser Toilet - https://www.sharecg.com/v/94221/gallery/11/Poser/Toilet
I need to find some diamonds*.
My original idea was a steampunk airship with the name "Lucy" emblazoned on her side, accompanied by a flock of steam-ornithopters with diamond logos.
But that was too much work.
And this idea was more stupid.
*(edit: after akmerlow's post) or possibly just dia...somethings. Die-cast, Dai Bach (the well known Welsh horticulturalist**), Dai-Oni (the well known demonic Japanese non-horticulturalist), dyads, diaphragms, dicotyledons, ... oh no... diarrhoea (what a horrible thought - an explosive evacuation, which could account for the loo-seat in the sky...) !
**Die-back for those unacquianted with Welsh horticultural puns
The gathering of winged creatures
This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
No count:
V4, GF8
Free ones here: https://www.sharecg.com/v/64999/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Ds4-Diamond
Thanks, but I was actually imagining something less literal and rather more lavatorial - a five card diamond flush perhaps ?
https://www.sharecg.com/v/63166/related/11/Poser/Jims-Playing-Cards and many others would probably do. Then to find three more freebies that fit the chosen theme, aerial toilet humour, which of course brings to mind the ejectable toilet from Kin Dza Dza*, which was of course missing from petipet's pepelats , which... etc
*trailer in Russian with German subtitles, but with one comment in English. Better than the new Dune and Foundation trailers together if you ask me.
Ah, you never disappoint with your tricky humour. Glad to see you continue participating in these challenges.
This is an NAE
Title: The Good Ship Flying Bathtub
Rendered in iRay. Post work to add sig.
I had the image in my head for last month's challenge but didn't get around to doing it. I think it fits both months. In this one I did some kit bashing, like using parts of Helmut Schaub's air vechile. I only used his under carriage for the bath tub all the rest of the model is hidden. Same for the balloon part of the ship. I used the balloon part of the Steampunk airship and hid the carriage and such. The mast is the banner in the Drakkorian Battle Gear and the wheel is the wheel from DM's freebie from last year's Renderosity's newsletter. I just hide the base. This is also a continuation of Lt. Mia's adventures. This time she is captain of the good ship Flying Bathtub with her trusted first mate Tobi. Both characters are Little Dragon's work. Tobi is a stand alone character and needs no additional figures to make her. With a bit of fussing you can get Victoria 2 clothing to work on her.
Character:Captain Mia:Actor * Millennium Catwoman v1.2 by Little_Dragon.
Character:Captain Mia:Hair * Amante Hair by AprilYSH.
Character:Captain Mia:Hat * M4 Bicorne Hat 02 by Varsel.
Character:Captain Mia:Spyglass Collapsible Spyglass by Stegy.
Character:Captain Mia:Texture * MilCatwoman Red Tabby Texture by Little_Dragon.
First Mate: Hair Flo Hair Version 2.1 by English Bob.
First Mate:Character Tobi 2.0 by Little_Dragon.
Shader:ship:Flying Bathtub:Gold * jewelry_iray_shaders by AllenArt LaurieA.
Shader:ship:Grid structure on Balloon * Iray car related shader presets 'megapack' by Tom2099.
Shaders: Spyglass * vMaterials 1.5 AEC IRay Shaders by MCDLabs.
Ship:Balloon * UV Mapped Steampunk Airship Model .obj format by Urdwolf.
Ship:Flying Bathtub * Flying bathtub by ghonma.
No Counts
Character:Captain Mia:Base * Victoria 2.0 by DAZ 3D.
Character:Captain Mia:Eyepatch * Cyber Punk 01 by Traveler.
First Mate:Clothing:vest and pants * RDNA Swashbuckler For V2 by Traveler.
Shader:ship:Flying Bathtub:Flag * AllenArt Shimmery Sheer Fabric - Iray by AllenArt LaurieA.
Ship:Mast * Drakkorian Battle Gear by SpiritFoxy.
Ship:Underbelly structure of Bathtub airvehicle by Helmut Schaub.
Ship:Wheel * DM's Wheel by Danie marforno DM Productions.
Paid fors
Character:Captain Mia:Head * Millennium Cat by DAZ 3D.
Character:Captain Mia:Texture * Classic Cats Combo by LaurieS Lisa's Botanicals.
Character:Captain Mia:Top * Pirate, pants, top and hair for vicky 2 by PoserWorld.
Environment: Lighting and background * Skies of iRadiance - Sunny Sky HDRIs for Iray by DAZ 3D DimensionTheory.
Shader:ship:Balloon material * Equine Dreams by Jepe Muscleman.
* - Registration is required.
All of the No counts are products that are no longer available. The Classic Cats Combo and the Pirate, pants, top and hair for vicky 2 from the paid for list are no longer available to buy. If you had a membership to Poser World prior to the their new store opening then you do have access to the pirate top.
Can we perhaps include a list of a few freebie sites in the first post ? All the regular contestants know that there are loads of sites with great freebies, but I for one can never remember the names of (or find bookmarks for) most of them. A list of sites (plus notes on how to find the freebies if it's not obvious) might, as well as helping those of us with brains like sieves, also encourage entries from people who don't habitually scour the web for freebies.
Here's a few for starters:
(Don't forget Chohole's stickied List of freebie websites at the top of this forum)
DAZ 'weekly'-ish freebies - https://www.daz3d.com/free-3d-models#black - DAZ Studio, Carrara and Poser free stuff
ShareCG 'Shared' stuff - (no link as they now mix freebies and paid products, but it's sharecg dot com) - Special sections for DAZ Studio, Poser, and 3D Models (including OBJs and other stuff that DAZ Studio/Poser can import). Select 'DAZ Studio', 'Poser' or '3D Models' section, then hit the 'Shared' button to show only the freebies. If you do a search note that the search box top right searches the whole ShareCG site using Google, whereas the search box on the left under your selected section heading only gives results in that section (but the results may not seem relevant due to the odd way that this search works)
Fantasies Realm Free Stuff - https://fantasiesrealm.com/market/FREE-STUFF - link should be okay as this page is strictly freebies. Poser and DAZ Studio stuff.
Turbosquid - (no link as they mix freebies and paid products, but it's turbosquid dot com) - I don't think they have any DAZ/Poser models, but there are loads of OBJs, MAXs, C4Ds, etc that you can import (. Enter your search criteria, then on the results page change 'Sort best match' (near top right) to 'Sort lower prices' to show any freebies first.
You could also include links such as the following which already include a search term relevant to the month's contest theme. Who knows, somebody who's just casually viewing the thread may click on the link, and suddenly be inspired with an idea.
Turbosquid search for 'sky', lowest prices first so freebies are at the top of the list: https://www.turbosquid.com/Search/3D-Models/sky?sort_column=a5&sort_order=asc
ShareCG search for 'sky' freebies in DAZ Studio section: https://sharecg.com/b/21/DAZ-Studio/?keywords=%22+sky+%22&fsf=f -some rather odd results with apparently nothing to do with sky
Hmmm... an astronomical observatory, the moon, and a meteor - I feel another stupid idea beginning to congeal...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Might as well add a couple more NAEs, this time playing with a working title of "Hunting The Sky Kraken" or something similar, mainly inspired by Urdwolf's flying contraptions at ShareCG from 10 years ago and Aemi's easypose Squid for Poser, although KnochenKater's (AncestorsRelic's) Tentacurala MkII obviously had to join in the fun along with Sixus1's orc
All freebies from ShareCG as is usual with me.
Non-free DAZ Dragonfish, fantasy tri-spear, and RPG-7 (so old I can't find it in the store) also appear playing bit parts. I only used the RPG and tri-spear because I couldn't find any freebie harpoon, but I think it looks great !
...and I've also just found a gorgeous baby sky-squid at Turbosquid (although it's been given the more prosaic name of 'Free Octopus', despite clearly being a hexapod which as any good sky-squid hunter (or pokemon afficionado) will tell you is the third post-larval instar of the greater celtic sky-craicken, which despite being a cephalopod can have instars because it's also an arthropod, being one of those rare Arthur O'Cephalopods) Note: I had to add two 'usemtl' lines to the OBJ so it would use the separate body and eye maps provided.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I also appear to have found my diamonds at last, although my loo seat's now gone AWOL
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And Hivewire's beanstalk (free till 30 Sep) is just crying out to be used for an 'In The Sky' themed render, such as this one of an invisible giant falling and about to squash the viewer.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(Thinks: only one entry so far, so two prizes still there for the taking...)
Thanks a lot for the suggestion @3dcheapskate I like the idea but the decision will be made by Saphirewild. I will let her kow
And thanks for keeping this alife with your posts. I'm a bit surprised there so little participation this time
I propably should mention that Pericolo's image had been approved, they accidentially posted to the other thread, so it's been approved there.
Sorry. I was busy with getting my diploma... And also was mostly after some good things in DAZ shop. Bad thing is that there were 2 sales with PC+ membership but only for non members :(...
Oh well I better get to work to make an entry :D
3D Art Freebie Challenge September 2020 "In the Sky"
Here is my entry for this month, lowest number of countable freebies ever used by me!
[Best watched at full size for details.]
"Was ist das?" ("What is that?")
Starring: Helena Harper and Jill Valentine by CheckerToo
The tale:
'Spezialagenten' (Special Agents) Helena and Jill received a call from headquarters to go immediately to Potsdamer Platz, there would be something strange in the sky, "Was ist los? Was ist das?" ("What's happening? What is that?") ...
Mo-Do - Eins Zwei Polizei (© 1994)
COUNTABLE FREEBIES: (Alphabetic order)
#01! Benzo FULL (also for poser) by Elele
https://www.sharecg.com/v/53796/browse/11/Poser/Benzo-FULL-also-for-poser **
#02! Earrings for G8F by Shonen_A
https://sharecg.com/v/96360/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Earrings **
#03! Helena Harper for G8F by CheckerToo
https://www.deviantart.com/checkertoo/art/Helena-Harper-For-G8F-848965118 **
[Free Download of Full morph, Materials, Hair, Cloths and Props.]
#04! Iray car related shader presets 'megapack' by Tom2099
https://www.deviantart.com/tom2099/art/Iray-car-related-shader-presets-megapack-539622361 **
#05! Iray Jewelry Shaders by AllenArt
https://sharecg.com/v/95893/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Iray-Jewelry-Shaders **
#06! Jill Valentine for G8F by CheckerToo
https://www.deviantart.com/checkertoo/art/Jill-For-G8F-DL-852699253 **
[Free Download of 2 Head morphs, Materials, 2 Hair types, Cloths and Props.]
#07! Pearl Earrings for G8F by Shonen_A
https://sharecg.com/v/96388/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Pearl-Earrings **
#08! Potsdamer Platz by Greg Zaal on HDRIHaven
#09! Super Morphing Tree 2020 by Design Anvil
https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/379371/da-super-morphing-tree-2020-oak-tree **
#10! Urban Streets Of Tomorrow by sfman
https://sfman.deviantart.com/art/Free-for-DAZ-Urban-Streets-Of-Tomorrow-by-sfman-723531345 **
[Scan Beam used only.]
--- Free Iray Outdoor Lights by Dreamlight
++ Toulouse Hair for Genesis 8 Female by Daz Originals
*1 E-mail address required
** Registration required
#x! Countable Items (Bold ones are used by me for the first time I think.)
--- No longer available freebies
++ Free with DAZ Studio (or the Essentials)
$x. Purchased/Paid For Item
Rendered with DAZ Studio (nVidia Iray)
Other free software used: GIMP v2.10.18 and Irfanview 4.54
Postwork: used the AltaLux Image Enhancement Filter (Effect) by Stefano Tommesani that comes with Irfanview. Also used mcjDenoise by mcasual. (https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts9/mcjdenoise)
"Was ist das?" ("What is that?")
And here is my entry. I hope I did everything good, I needed to redo part of it as my DS crashed.... Listened to this song by Miley Cyrus ...
Old story
1. Beanstalk https://hivewire3d.com/shop/we-are-all-in-this-together/beanstalk.html
2. Fantasy Castle http://www.sharecg.com/v/71904/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Fantasy-Castle
3. Goblin https://www.sharecg.com/v/26101/poser/Goblin
4. Campfire http://freedom-of-art.ucoz.com/publ/free_poser_ds/free_stuff/summoner_39_s_polar_express_2017_fan_art_for_poser_ds/10-1-0-578
5. Morphable boulder http://www.sharecg.com/v/46789/browse/11/Poser/Morphable-Boulder
Inactive freebies:
BSC Skies from DSC 3 http://issuu.com/philatdsc/docs/ds_creative_03 link 4eyes.code66.se/dsc/BWC_skies_DSC
Paid Products:
1. Genesis Gargoyle HD https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-gargoyle-hd
2. Versatile Terrain https://www.daz3d.com/versatile-terrain
3. pwToon https://www.daz3d.com/pwtoon
Ok, I have made it... Sorry for double post. Now everything is done and links posted. I hope You like it :)
Aerial Scouting
Made with Bryce 7.
1) Shukky's EM-EF https://www.sharecg.com/v/36340/
2) Lost City https://www.sharecg.com/v/5893/3d-model/Lost-City
3) Rusted Machinery http://www.bryce5.com/details.php?image_id=3668
4) ScorpionDoll https://www.sharecg.com/v/43656/
5) Concrete http://www.bryce5.com/details.php?image_id=3704
1) Sunless HDRI Skies https://www.daz3d.com/bryce-7-1-pro-sunless-hdri-skies
2) Ground Texture Tiles https://www.daz3d.com/bryce-7-pro-ground-texture-tiles-and-matching-terrain
3) Witches Night https://www.daz3d.com/witches-night
I'll check through all of these tomorrow!
I had a lot of trouble with this one for some reason, it took me forever to get it right!
First Flight
As their mother cheers them on, these little ones are already ready for their very first flight!
Wyvern’s Nest - https://sharecg.com/v/96341/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Wyvern-Nest#
Iray Skies Volume 1 (Sky 16) HDR - https://www.deviantart.com/kittenwylde/art/Iray-Skies-Volume-1-522179745
Scaley Mats for Dragon 3 #2 - https://sharecg.com/v/76533/favorite/21/DAZ-Studio/Scaly-Mats-for-Dragon3-2
Scaley Mats for Dragon 3 #3 - https://sharecg.com/v/76548/favorite/21/DAZ-Studio/Scaly-Dragon-Mats-for-Dragon3-3
4 Egg Props - https://sharecg.com/v/75522/favorite/11/Poser/4-Egg-Props
WTP Stucco Shader (it’s from one of these shader packs, I can’t figure out which) - https://sharecg.com/v/86001/favorite/7/Material-and-Shader/WTP2-Will-Timmins-Perlin-Shaders-for-Iray or https://sharecg.com/v/87095/favorite/7/Material-and-Shader/WTP3-Will-Timmins-Procedural-Shaders-for-Iray
IBLM Master for Daz Studio - https://www.daz3d.com/ibl-master-for-daz-studio
DAZ Dragon 3 Fantasy Poses - https://www.daz3d.com/daz-dragon-3-fantasy-poses-18639
DAZ Dragon 3 - https://www.daz3d.com/daz-dragon-3
Wyverdreki - The Wyvern - https://www.daz3d.com/wyverdreki-the-wyvern
I tweaked some materials, the light and the poses. Set up and rendered within Daz Studio Iray. Postwork done in Pixelmator, just color and light correction and watermark. I have attached Pre-post (the one that says "Render") and the final Postworked versions.
Apologies in advance JackyBrown... but my muse made me do it !
Easy Mistake...
Alien Ensign: "Shall I extend the landing gear, Captain?"
Alien Captain: "Make it so!"
[pause... ]
[muffled tittering* from Alien Ensign]
Alien Ensign: "Whoops! I accidentally hit the death ray button instead, Captain!"
Alien Captain: "Again!"
[Alien Ensign and Alien Captain both chuckle* into their pedipalps]
The same Pottzdammerplatz HDR that JackyBrown used plus Zippo's Adamski UFO freebie from ShareCG https://www.sharecg.com/v/75126/related/11/Poser/Adamski-UFO with some DIY textures. The death ray's just a long thin stretched out cylinder with a DIY texture
*I'm imaging a Muttley-style muffled titter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxo5g_xn2oc
All Freebies approved, please move to entries thread!
Tha places you find the freebies keeps me being amazed :D
All Freebies approved, please move to the entries thread
All Freebies approved, please move to entires thread!
It's a rare thing to have someone use Bryce, so I'm very happy that you found us!
All freebies approved, please move to entries thread
Apologies for what? I can't think of a reason! All
I actually kinda stumble into them accidentally! "Hey, what's this? Let check this out..." :)
Seeds in the sky
Made with Poser Pro 11
1) Skydome: https://sites.google.com/site/bagginsbill/free-stuff/environment-sphere
2) HDRI: Cayley Lookout: https://hdrihaven.com/hdri/?h=cayley_lookout
3) Grass free 3D model: http://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/architectural/other/grass-832ac65a-0663-46a1-ba53-4c11bf94f2b6
4) Blowball: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/blowball/42762
5) Dandelion & Seed: http://www.shar3d.com/ (in page 3)
6) Dandelion: https://blog.richard-potter.co.uk/page/3/
7) Butterfly: http://www.ageofarmour.com/3d/free/index.php
8) Light: https://sharecg.com/v/86639/gallery/11/Poser/Studio-Portrait-Lights-for-Poser-11-Poser-11-Pro (Sun)
split from: 3D Art Freebie Challenge-September 2020-"In the Sky" -Entries Thread Only.
it seems you image was lost, please try to post it again
Thanks Cho!
Perhaps attaching it using the Daz tools would be better. A lot of images don't display when uaing 3rd party sites.
Here's my Entry for this month.
When Tommie is accosted by a Yakusa thug, Kageto becomes...
Death from Above.
Die_trying's V4 morphs for Genesis (Tommie, Kageto)*
Pin-up Girl Pack (Tommie)*
Ghastly's General Purpose Anime Team Morphs ( Kageto)*
Ultimate Shader Pack (Chrome shaders—with reflection maps removed—for Tommie's wristwatch and necklace, Wrecker)*
V4 Wrist Watch (Tommie)*
Cross My Heart tenth down (Tommie)
Ella V4 (Tommie's eyes)*
Sandra for V4* (Tommie's skin)*
G2F Socks (Tommie's Socks)*
The Major for G8F (Tommie)*
M3 Baseball Cap (Tommie)*
Stud Earrings for Poser (Tommie)*
Genesis Lacy Female Underwear (Tommie)*
Samantha Hair for Genesis (Kageto)*
Windwalkler Accessories (Headband) (Kageto)*
Satin shaders (Kageto’s headband,)*
Super Shine Shader pack (Kageto's, cyberarms, Wrecker)*
M3 Baseball Cap (Tommie)*
HFS EVAN Expansion set (Kageto's cyberarms)*
Stud Earrings for Poser (Tommie)*
G2F Elie Cosplay (Kageto)*
G2 Sportdress pt 1 (Kageto)*
G2 Sportdress pt 2 (Kageto)*
Morgan's Glass Shaders (Tommie's Earrings, Windows)
White Road Wrecker (Top Left) (wrecker)
Tink's Cafe (Setting)*
Sky Dome (sky)*
Paid For Items
Ryuu International (Kageto, Yakuza)
Willow for Genesis 2 Female (Tommie)
Marja Hair for Genesis (Tommie)
Cyberpunk for M4 (Yakuza)
No Count Items
Genesis Starter Bundle (For Genesis Evolution head and body Morphs) (Tommie and Kageto)
Ramwolf's Genesis Morphs (both figures)
Bossy Boots for Genesis (Tommie's Boots)
Shadoblade Tabi (custom by me)
All Freebies approved, since your post is already in the entries, that's fine now as well :D
I get a 404 for this one Morgan's Glass Shaders (Tommie's Earrings, Windows)
everything else is fine and since there are way enough accountable freebies we just take that one as not counting item and with that
All Freebies are approved, please move to the entries thread!
Sorry for the delay and thanks for the reminder!