Zip files for the PC
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Zip files for the PC

Are the zip files for the PC being held up? When should we be able to expect them??
Are the zip files for the PC being held up? When should we be able to expect them??
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I believe so. Those I believe will be released or switched once they release the download manager things as well. I dont have a tentative timeframe on that though. I would suspect it won't be too long though (please note how gracefully I avoided the word soon LOL)
But you said it... the 'S' word ;-P
Why would you care about getting the .exes in .zip files? The mac .zips are just the same bitrock installers inside .zip files. All that does is add another step before you can run them.
I really hope that they don't put out the zips before the download manager because I am so not looking forward to dealing with zips.
I was hoping that zip files would be coming out with the new site. If we use the new manager system will we still have access to the zip files so that we can back them up to dvd/bluray or what not? (I do not think the burn to dvd option will come back right?)
Good to know, Thanks
Thanks Ann.........................Do us all a favor and lose the word, SOON............LOL
Zip vs exe - either way is fine for me, but can we please go back to seeing our entire item list and being able to filter mac/win files in available downloads?
I very much miss both of those things.
You understand that when all files are ZIP it will not matter what PC you are on, right? Zip is zip PC, Mac ect... so one file for all means no need to sort by PC type. Just give it some time.
Very happy that we now have Zips
All I need now is to filter out the Mac files
I think there are several reasons to switch to zipfiles.
(a) The problems with old mac installers not been able to run because they are one and sometimes two processor architectures old. Zipfiles can always be extracted.
(b) One, not two sets of files to maintain.
(c) All other stores uses zip-files.
(d) Specially for smaller installers, the 9MB overhead for a 2MB download is quite a toll on bandwidth
Its going to be so great, I have DS on a mac and a PC so downloading both versions is a right royal PITA (can i say that?) although i'm researching a network solution and a shared runtime, so i don't accidentely overwrite my mac runtime :-)
With installers broken, I'd prefer DAZ NOT wait for the download manager.
Rather annoying when you can't install a product you purchase or when it takes a half hour to get an installer to run.
well until they switch to zips for pc OR I get a landline (OR MAC!!!) I will have to pretty much accept resetting my downloads and retrying on my 3G mobile broadband at different times of the day
used up all my goes and resets just trying to download the Supersuit main file, forget all the rest of the pro package!!
still no suit
downloading never was good, usually 6 am Sunday morning is my best time, will retry then
the zip file downloads fine on my Android, unfortunately Mac only!!!!
I find zips excellent for that reason.
I'd like zip files for PC as I don't always want to install everything in a set.
My question is will the zip files be set up so they will unzip nicely into our runtime or will we have to manually place them in the correct folders? After someone from Daz sent me a zip file of an item that had an old installer that wouldnt work..the zip file put the files into a content folder rather than in my runtime so I had to manually place all the files. I was just wondering how they were planning to set it up?
The zips should have the same file structure as the installers, so unless the installer was wrong (which I know is the case for some items, particularly older ones which can have path errors), they should be easy. The Install Manager will probably protect against things like "My Library" being "Content" in DS3.
Wonderful news! Thanks! ;)
Excellent. This will be such a time-saver.
So will all products be updated to zips? If so, I'll have a lot of downloading to do as I'd like to archive them in zips. Hope DAZ brings back the burn to DVD offer. I'd be willing to pay for them burning all my orders and postage but I have a sneaking suspicion that won't happen.
As I'm currently just wishing for wishing sakes...
it would be awesome if DAZ Studio would just take the zips (or rar or another archive format) as is, like you have a Archive content folder and then the Program (DAZ Studio/Poser) just works with it without unarchiving! I would make things simpler for both file management and disk defragmentation (anyone try copying their content library to another drive? It take an awful long time vs copying a few dvd size file, those small file just take forever).
Updating products would be simpler cause you just add the new archive and replace the old, or even have the Program version it for you using the updated/changed files within.
This of course would be a huge changing of the current process, but like I stated earlier... just wishing.....
File Sizes no longer Given. They should be listed right up front with price!!!
Just for the record. I no longer see file sizes posted. For a number of items, such as Hair styles, and clothes, file sizes are important to me because this is one of the considerations that goes into my render times for an image.
If I am looking for something to complete an image I am working on I will often buy/not buy based on the file size. For Items that are V4 and Gn, I have been assuming that what I will use is about 50% of the file size listed.
This is a know issue and DAZ is aware of it.
Well we've lost out substantially in the ITEMIZED ORDERS. It's only 8 years waiting for ZIP files instead of executable installers. It's About Time! :)
The install manager should be out shortly.