MMX Lightsaber Collections - *** Updated 2022-05-04 ***

MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,972
edited May 2022 in Freebies

This is an ongoing collection of lightsaber models found on the net that are being converted for use in Daz Studio and each collections will unpack into the same folder structure instead of being seperate, which will create one large colleciton in the end.  All the blade colors and bloom effects are in the first set.  Most of the models do not have any textures as they were originally in STL format which is for printing.


Lightsaber Collection 01:

Update - 2021-07-19: Updated the pack to include Darth Mauls half lightsaber from the Phantom Menace.

Update - 2021-10-18: Fixed a minor issue.  The AT-SWR-Lightsaber-RH was loading the wrong saber.


Lightsaber Collection Set 02: -


Lightsaber Collection 3: -


Lightsaber Collection 4: -

Post edited by Mattymanx on


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