SereneNight’s Sci-Fi Fun Thread 3



  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,906
    edited August 2021

    Serene Night said:

    Don't worry about duplication. I enjoy your posts vwrangler.

    Did that character Zack come bundled with V8.1 ?


    No, neither V8.1 bundle included a male character. 

    Serene Night said:

    No Zak HD for Genesis 8.1 Male

    Came with the Brooke Manhattan Style bundle.

    Ah, OK. I didn't remember that. (And I even bought Zak.)

    And the posting thing happened again. The last post I saw was the first one I quoted, I made a post responding to that, and then the forum showed me the next three posts. 

    I think it's decided it doesn't like me today. 

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,511
    edited August 2021

    I did realize I have stuff that works with characters that have no anatomical elements.... Dragon as a shark;

    1619 x 1221 - 184K
    Post edited by nemesis10 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,364

    That was a very pricey bundle at $93 and change so I just picked parts of it I like for my wishlist.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692

    nemesis10 said:

    I did realize I have stuff that works with characters that have no anatomical elements.... Dragon as a shark;


    he looks super great. Nice job!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692
    edited August 2021

    Dragan for Genesis 8, includes eyebrows and high definition body. He is also sadly, not intact.

    I like this character, his skin is very choice and some of the HD Details are excellent. His torso is realistic but not especially exciting, he has some pronounced creases under his pecs but the detail on his legs and face are really well done.

    The copy describes Dragan as: "an immigrant in the United States that found work as an actor."

    1400 x 1800 - 883K
    1400 x 1800 - 895K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,271

    Could he be described as an eunuch in the United States who has found work as an actor, but not in mature audience films? laugh

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692

    LOL. Perhaps a wizened teenager?

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,906
    edited August 2021

    Y'all are almost making me want to buy Dragan so's I can make him a dingus and then he can follow his dream to be the adultiest adult film actor that ever adultied.

    But I shall resist! I already have one other kooki99 guy to make a dingus for, and another one that was included in another bundle -- which I bought for everything BUT him -- that I've declined to download, both because I don't want the additional morph overhead (my G8M/8.1M is GIGANTIC, morphwise), and I don't want to see that sad, dingusless crotch. (Hey, I may not use 'em all that often, but it's nice to know that the guy's got one, just in case, you know?)

    More seriously, it does look like there's some weirdness around his chest to produce that double-pec effect. I wonder if he's got a misfiring JCM there?

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692
    edited August 2021

    Well, he is 51 percent off right now. But the lack of Dingus is a big handicap. The poor lad will have a complex.

    I can't figure out the double line under the pec thing. It shows up in certain poses. It's got me flummoxed. I don't see any hidden morphs firing. It looks like top surgery or breast reduction of some sort.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,041

    Maybe he was heavy at some point and lost weight ,but the skin of his pecs never recovered

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,906
    edited August 2021

    Serene Night said:

    Well, he is 51 percent off right now. But the lack of Dingus is a big handicap. The poor lad will have a complex.

    I can't figure out the double line under the pec thing. It shows up in certain poses. It's got me flummoxed. I don't see any hidden morphs firing. It looks like top surgery or breast reduction of some sort.

     I just took a look at his page (... oh, hush!). Weird thing is, you can see the pec issue on his clay render.

    Looking at some of the other Kooki99 guys: You can also see it on the dingusless Ferris' clay render. It doesn't show up on Adeeb, Folco the halfling doesn't have either a shirtless or a clay render, it's hard to tell if it shows up on Otis (... that is a LOT of skin detail, that is), Fabian's clay render only shows his head, and a softer version of the issue shows up under Erik's pecs in his fully textured main promo. Apart from not making anatomical elements, I think Kooki99 may be doing something weird with their modeling -- maybe related to the fact that all their characters are meant to be used at very high SubD values.


    ... If we REALLY wanted to give Dragan a complex, we could always give him the dingus from one of the Faber guys. "Yay, I have one now! ... and it's ... pink. So very very very very very PINK!"

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692
    edited August 2021

    Now that you mention it he does have sort of an underwire moob thing happening. I can't say Dragan's torso is my favorite part. It is rather base-male-ish.  Like he skipped the top half of his workout, and his pecs sort of go in or something.   I did apply Dragan's HD to Boyd 8.1 and Cranked up the Sub D to 4... But it really added nothing to his look, except made him squarish. The HD might work on a different figure though. 

    ... If we REALLY wanted to give Dragan a complex, we could always give him the dingus from one of the Faber guys. "Yay, I have one now! ... and it's ... pink. So very very very very very PINK!"

    Lol! You gave me a dingus and   "Why Is iT so VeRy vErY PiNK?"   Boyd knows the feeling.

    Someone needs to sell some handy dandy abdomen tats to make the transition area look good.

    There is always Tate's gens which fig very well. There is just that transition area. See there is an untapped market for geoshell to make that not an issue.

    Fortunately, Tate's gens do work. You'd just need to give him some... Anatomical hair.  



    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692
    edited August 2021

    Owen and Boyd try to 'be normal' every so often and have a Date Night. This as often as not gets interrupted.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692
    edited August 2021

    I love the Diversea poses. They are a set of hierarchal poses that work with G8.1 Zale tail and G8M or G8M.1 as the tailless sailor. 

    1400 x 1800 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,271

    This is an absolutely beautiful work of art.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,906
    edited August 2021

    And now Kooki99 has Yet Another Dingusless Guy out as part of the Bank Heist Bundle. Looks like he may also have a very slight issue with the underboob area, judging from his clay render. I really do think there's something odd that Kooki99 is doing with the modeling in that area. Apart from that, he looks like Dragan's older, slightly more buff, blockier brother.

    Don't know if I want that set or not. On the one hand, haven't really done any bank vault robbery capers -- haven't even really thought about it. But it might be useful. Plus, have a banner that makes an already cheap bundle very cheap indeed, for what's contained in it.

    Then again, don't need another guy who needs a dingus.

    Decisions, decisions...


    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,916

    vwrangler said:

    And now Kooki99 has Yet Another Dingusless Guy out as part of the Bank Heist Bundle. Looks like he may also have a very slight issue with the underboob area, judging from his clay render. I really do think there's something odd that Kooki99 is doing with the modeling in that area. Apart from that, he looks like Dragan's older, slightly more buff, blockier brother.

    Don't know if I want that set or not. On the one hand, haven't really done any bank vault robbery capers -- haven't even really thought about it. But it might be useful. Plus, have a banner that makes an already cheap bundle very cheap indeed, for what's contained in it.

    Then again, don't need another guy who needs a dingus.

    Decisions, decisions...


    The bundle is cheap and you get another bundle free with coupon code.
    The new guy is not as bad as the other guy with regard to underboob, I think.

    2000 x 2600 - 2M
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692

    I like his face, and the body is okay. I think the pec area is kind of squashed looking. Like there is a shelf there. Pecs should have a little shape, not just a big flat pancake with a deep groove underneath.

    That said, I like his skin, and overall build, so I may buy him. I bought a set of pec morphs at Rendo, to help change the pecs of 3d dudes, so may give that a whirl.

    One thing I want to know is whether the MASKS fit in the set.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692
    edited August 2021


    inquire said:

    This is an absolutely beautiful work of art.

    Aww! thanks!

    Barbult Said

    is cheap and you get another bundle free with coupon code.
    The new guy is not as bad as the other guy with regard to underboob, I think.

    That render is useful! Thanks!

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,916

    Serene Night said:

    I like his face, and the body is okay. I think the pec area is kind of squashed looking. Like there is a shelf there. Pecs should have a little shape, not just a big flat pancake with a deep groove underneath.

    That said, I like his skin, and overall build, so I may buy him. I bought a set of pec morphs at Rendo, to help change the pecs of 3d dudes, so may give that a whirl.

    One thing I want to know is whether the MASKS fit in the set.


    The masks in the props set are just props as far as I can see, They don't load in place on the characters, but you can rotate and translate them into place. The SWAT helmet works OK, but the other mask I tried had the strap lie inside the mask (as though the hard mask was sitting on a table or something). The strap did not go around the character's head.

    The masks in Morphing Heist Masks for Genesis 8.1 load "parented to" the character, but they don't fit Goran well when initially loaded. They are just props with morphs. They do not "autofollow" character head shapes, which is probably a good thing, because that is what causes terrible distortions. I have not yet tried the morphs,

    Goran with morphing heist mask.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 538K
    Goran with prop SWAT mask.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 569K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,916
    edited August 2021

    Rabbit prop mask on Goran. I scaled it down some to try to get the little eye holes to align with his eyes, but they don't. You can see the strap issue in these. There are no morphs in these prop masks. They are not designed to go on characters.


    Goran with prop rabbit mask.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 356K
    Goran with prop rabbit mask back.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 410K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692

    Bummer. That would have been an incentive to buy it. I do like the props in it though. Good money is hard to find. But I'm curious about whether bags can be carried etc.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,916

    I was able to scale and move the gas mask to fit, at least on a bald Goran. It has some strange looking mesh or materials near the center front top. I looked at the mesh topology and it is a frightning mess or triangles. It looks like another game asset dumped into Daz. From a distance, as a background prop, as intended, they are proably OK.

    Goran with prop gas mask.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 644K
    Goran with prop gas mask back.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 636K
  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,511

    Is Goran Willem Dafoe?

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,906

    I went ahead and purchased the heist bundle early on, and apparently that was a good thing to do. It roughly tripled in price later on the release day -- apparently the original posted price was an error, as was the coupon discount.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,916

    vwrangler said:

    I went ahead and purchased the heist bundle early on, and apparently that was a good thing to do. It roughly tripled in price later on the release day -- apparently the original posted price was an error, as was the coupon discount.

    Wow, I'm glad I bought early, too. I wouldn't have bought it with the current deal.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,205

    I probably would have bought it if I didn't already own all (or most of the items in) the bundles that appealed to me. At the new higher price, I'll just pass on it.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692

    I see a pricetag of 30 dollars. What pray tell did you pay for it?

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,906

    Serene Night said:

    I see a pricetag of 30 dollars. What pray tell did you pay for it?

    With PC discount and the banner, just over $9.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692

    See, now that I know that, I'm not buying. I'm not paying 20 bucks for two items, when the bundle was 9 earlier in the day.

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