!JS Flat - Pwtoon presets for Cel Shading and Anime Render

juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
edited October 2021 in Freebies

JS Flat Promo


Hi guys , I wanna share my pwToon and tools for DAZ users who love Cel Shading and Anime render styles (NPR)  . This is simplified version from my compilcated techique which I`ve ever shared in DAZ NPR forum several month ago . Now you can get aprrox same results with only using ONE Pass render . As you can see from Promo Images , those are straight render from DAZ and pwToon and NO post treatment at all except Layout - BG and Titte texts

Make sure you`ve already installed and get these lists below in your content library

  1. pwToon Shader .

  2. Free IRAY>3ddelight Converter 

  3. Free Geoshell Outline Shader 

  4. Unzip and put !JS FLAT Folder in your content library

Optional but recommended 

  1. CelShader V2 pwToon Presets by Crescent ( Freebie)

  2. AoA Light from DAZ Store

Please take a time to read Content info and Guide . Feel free to ask me if you have trouvle using those presets

Have Fun , Juvesatriani

EDIT INFORMATION : This preset only work in 3DELIGHT RENDER ENGINE , NOT IRAY . That also mean you`ll be using CPU only for rendering 


Upload simple guide video  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1beCBc_OrGCcwRJWiPdSASp_8tahmtSOx/view?usp=sharing

Sorry I couldnt make keycast working , but when apply G8M HMAT int that video I`m actually doing CTRL+CLICK .  

Post edited by juvesatriani on


  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432

    Definitely gonna be playing with this! Thanks!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,360

    thanks, looks good!

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    Hey, commented on DA, but easier to communicate here.  This was my first try with G8F, with Iray and then following the doc.  I hid the hair to save render time  :(  I did not see how #2 in your list above came into play?  It was not in the initial steps of the skin, unless I missed it.


  • 3dOutlaw said:

    Hey, commented on DA, but easier to communicate here.  This was my first try with G8F, with Iray and then following the doc.  I hid the hair to save render time  :(  I did not see how #2 in your list above came into play?  It was not in the initial steps of the skin, unless I missed it.


    Sorry for trouble ..If I`m correctlly guess Your character based on Sakura 8 ?  I`ll be posting specific setting for SAKURA 8

    About white skin and wrong color in your render  , would you posting skins - cloth material  setting from Surface TAB ? 


  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited October 2021


    Here some custom presets for SAKURA 8 ., I`m icluding the H MAT version and separate presets for each part of SAKURA . Same setting I`ve used in first promo image . 

    Just apply using CTRL+ CLICK . In Pop up Windows and  Image`s option change REPLACE into IGNORED   


    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    OK, Ill give it a try tomorrow, thanks!

  • SteveM17SteveM17 Posts: 995

    Hello. In the instruction it says apply with CTRL+Click and change to ignore in pop up window, but when I do CTRL+Click nothing happens, no pop up window appears.

  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited October 2021

    SteveM17 said:

    Hello. In the instruction it says apply with CTRL+Click and change to ignore in pop up window, but when I do CTRL+Click nothing happens, no pop up window appears.

    Upload simple guide video  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1beCBc_OrGCcwRJWiPdSASp_8tahmtSOx/view?usp=sharing

    Sorry I couldnt make keycast working , but when apply G8M HMAT int that video I`m actually doing CTRL+CLICK .  

    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    I am still getting the all white render on the skin.  It's not a big deal, I just wanted to give it a try.  I typically don't do toon style shading anymore, and if so use the VSS shaders.  Thanks anyway though, it looks cool!  yes

  • SteveM17SteveM17 Posts: 995

    I got the CTRL+Click to work, thank you.

    However I also get all white skin (tried it using Genesis 1).

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    I wonder if it has something to do with #2 in the list?  It says that needs to be "installed", but that is just a file, and so where does it get "installed"?  Seems you would just copy it to a Content folder, but which one and where?

  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited October 2021

    SteveM17 said:

    I got the CTRL+Click to work, thank you.

    However I also get all white skin (tried it using Genesis 1).

    May I ask if your G1 character in scene already loaded with Texture maps or just using white/grey Diffuse color ?  Since the default G1 from DAZ instalation loaded without textures , I think that caused white skin problems . I would like to debug the problems if you share screenshoot for your surface materials setting 

    Also make sure you` re already switch your render engine to 3Delight since those presets only work in 3Delight and 3delight compatible shaders .

    All base presets in DAZ Figure + MAP should be work without need to convert your character material ( IRAY ) into 3delight compatible shader first  . BUT those presets created/ dedicated for figures which already loaded with Texture map . Thats why CTRL +CLICK needed so the presets didnt overide your maps and only passing the surface/material settings

    Meanwhile for all non figure objects like wardrobes + hairs + props which came with IRAY materials, they should be converted in 3delight compatible shaders first before applying JS CLoth or JS HAIR presets ( using converter tool mentioned in first post above) 

    If you prefer working without textures , try presets from Folder 04_DAZ Figure NO MAP and start from there .  Unfortunately for now my freebie only have G8 presets for one click solution

    But you can easily build for yoursefl in you working with another Genesis line . Just select all skin surfaces ( exclude eyes - nails - teeth - mouth - etc) then apply one of presets from DAZ FIGURE NO MAP>SKIN Colors>


    Yeah for IRAY>3delight converter you just need to copy that script in content library . Sorry If I`m give you wrong impression . BTW I`m admirer of your works in both styles . Toon and Stylized Realistic style .

    Feel free to ask , so I can take a note and improving my future freebies





    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 753

    Thanks for the update. The packages provided are a bit different than shown in the video. Will do a quick follow along to see if i can duplicate your steps.

  • SteveM17SteveM17 Posts: 995


    I loaded G1 and the basic Jeremy texture from the start menu. Followed instructions and when I get to the change Replace to Ignore stage the figure turns white.


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  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited October 2021


    Trouble if pwToon Not Installed


     Sorry again if this freebie mislead you , i thought I`ve already mentioned in documentations ,

     it seem you`re not yet installed or have  pwToon Shader in your DAZ Studio .( special and old  3delight shaders created by posework for get TOON Render) .Check my notes in your screenshoot . If you`re already have pwToon installed , that information should be not said Shader: CUSTOM but  SHADER: pwToon instead

    @tugpsx feel free to ask or report if there are problems with this freebie 


    589 x 948 - 351K
    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • SteveM17SteveM17 Posts: 995


    If I have PWToon installled how do I get the shader to change from custom to PWToon as described?

  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited October 2021

    SteveM17 said:


    If I have PWToon installled how do I get the shader to change from custom to PWToon as described?

    if you`re already installed pwToon you can apply my presets . Check my video link in first post . See the surface tab area , and you`ll seeing those material change into pwToon after applying my presets 

    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 753
    edited October 2021

    Quick test of the Cell Shader effect. This is raw render no postwork yet.

    1000 x 1300 - 503K
    Post edited by Tugpsx on
  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited October 2021

    Tugpsx said:

    Quick test of the Cell Shader effect. This is raw render no postwork yet.

    Cool !! Try use UNIVERSAL RIM LIGHT from RIMLIGHT UTILITIES folder  for wardrobes , it will creating cool fx like we`ve seen in anime or cartoon movie. If you already used it , try change RIM Exteriror color . Lighter colors for brighter RIMlight fx 

    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 753

    Thanks for the info. i dont have a UNIVERSAL RIM LIGHT in the set you provided. Did i miss something?

  • Tugpsx said:

    Thanks for the info. i dont have a UNIVERSAL RIM LIGHT in the set you provided. Did i miss something?

    Just checking again my link , and it should be included in !JS Flat zip file . See the screenshoot attached  

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  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 753

    My bad, it appeares i have been using !JS Stylized all this time. will grab !jS Flat and give it a whirl.

  • Tugpsx said:

    My bad, it appeares i have been using !JS Stylized all this time. will grab !jS Flat and give it a whirl.

    The main difference between this one with previous presets is about shading styles ( hard shading vs Soft shading)   . But Feel free to mix and match between those presets to get result just like you wanted . Sometimes I`m using light presets from !JS Stylized if I want different toon vibes

    Thanks for trying this freebie

  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 753
    edited October 2021

    You are welcome. Here is another play with the cell shader. Its Animated but i dont think the forum supports that.

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    Post edited by Tugpsx on
  • Cool render!! love the red BG , Where I can see the VIdeo ?

  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 753
    edited October 2021

    This one uses a RIM light as you suggested (before i downoaded your new set)

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  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 753

    juvesatriani said:

    Cool render!! love the red BG , Where I can see the VIdeo ?

    Interesting enough the images are not showing up on Renderosity or DeviantArt either.




  • Hi! I'm trying to apply the Free Geoshell Outline Shader  and the result is this. The texture is from Mika 8. Could anyone tell why the skin looks whitish?


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  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited February 2022

    3D total said:

    Hi! I'm trying to apply the Free Geoshell Outline Shader  and the result is this. The texture is from Mika 8. Could anyone tell why the skin looks whitish?


    Would you share one or few skin surfaces screenshot ? My first guest is thats caused by rim light setting .

    Try this . Go to JSFlat>RimLight Utilities then ( with all surfaces selected ) pick Zero RIm Light or Default rim light .

    Please let me know if you`re still have trouble with this preset


    And About GEOSHELL OUTLINE Preset , that preset for Geoshell . So it should be applied in Geoshell surfaces , not in figures .

    To create geoshell >> Selecting your Figure in Scene tab . Then go to Create menu > pick Create New Geometry shell . .  In scene Tab make sure you`re selecting Geoshell , go to surface materials , select all Surfaces then apply Free Geometry shell outline preset

    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • 3D total3D total Posts: 2

    I got a satisfactory result even though I couldn't apply the GEOSHELL OUTLINE.
    Now, I'm so thrilled with the results and abusing your priceless talent, do you have any shaders specific to outdoors (scenes)?

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