October, 2022 - Daz 3D New Use…
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Thanks Kismet2012 for your really nice compliments on my images, I am glad you have enjoyed them.
Don't delete the attachment, the inline image is pointing back to it. You probably still see the image as you have a cached copy, but it is gone for everyone else.
Thank you Richard for drawing my attention to this issue.
Thank you Richard for drawing my attention to this issue.
Another great image. I really like all the details. I keep finding things in the image.
Richard is the best.
..and here is my 2nd entry for the Intermediate challange. I was playing around with the new Vicky 9, which is
I have added some background fog (with a depth canvas), as well as some dust (also masked by the depth canvas).
Rendered in Daz Studio with Iray:
Magic Crystal Ball
Rapt Attention
2nd Entry for Intermediate. Feedback welcome!
Thanks for the lovely compliments Kismet2012!
I hope you are having a nice October!

Beginner Entry: Atmosphere
Title: Soul
@Kismet2012 thank you so much for nudging me towards the details. It is VERY appreciated. I think when I first posed her, placing the mirror had been a frustrationg process and I lost site of the thought of seeing her whole head. I have adjusted the mirror in this image.
This will be my final revision. Thanks for all the help :- )
It's been a couple months since I had time to do one of these, but wanted to try for this month. I'm not sure if this is more for Atmophere vs the Ghosts and Special Effects, but I did use volumetrics to add rolling fog on the ground.
Title: The coming storm
Intermediate challenge
Any advice is welcome. Thanks!
Comments to others on the thread:
@aprilshowers2065 Great job on your Flameheart. For comments on your second entry, I think the little dragon is super cute, but maybe it would work better if it's face was pointing towards the light?
@Daedalus-7 I really like your second entry, Magic Crystal Ball. Very cool flow when viewing this, it makes your eyes roll around and get lost in the image. :)
@isis4444merlin great progression on your image. I really like the end result.
@RexRed very good job on the October theme! Only comment here is that I think the ghoul in the front could be rising out of the ground more. Is it possible to distort the ground to make it rise up around the ghoul?
@Shimrian Thanks! I blame it all on Vicky 9, she is quite eye catching :)
I like the mood of your latest entry, although something hard to do came into my mind, like having darkness and have as the only source of illumination the lightning? Maybe?
mission to the sun
intermediate challenge
I've created some transparent and emissive textures/ shaders to lit the scene and get the hologram and fire effect.
Everyone is doing a great job - here are a few of the images that really caught my eye this go-round.
@Shimrian This is terrific - moody - the lightening and rain very well done and convincing. It's great as is - one small suggestion. Perhaps you can think about make the central character a little lighter (not much) - for me blends too much into back ground and 'competes' with the ruins for attention. Because the ruins are better lit, my eye is pulled more to them. Again, great job as is.
@Daedalus-7 Everything is working here for me - the posing, the lighting of the orb. Your use of fog is really good here - the background elements are artistic and intentional, keeps our eye focused on the foreground, helping to the 'guide' the eye the way a good photographer or director does. Very well done.
@aki3d Amazing detail work - vivid, atmospheric. Just a thought - the color rim on the right side of the face is perfect, really well done - perhaps a subtle brightening of the left side, not much. It fades into the background while the metal of the body suit 'pops.' Also, the GUI graphics are excellent, convincing and really artistic. Overall terrific job.
All the work here is really great - thanks all of you for 'putting yourself out there' to grow and inspire others.
Great work with the dust. It is very believable.
The lighting is subtle and works really well.
I like the way her eyes are in deep shadow. It adds some mystery to the image and makes me wonder what exactly she is doing.
The glowing mushrooms in the background add some interest to the image and give your eyes somewhere to land.
Cute little dragon too.
I am enjoying this image. You have a bleak and hopeful feel at the same time. Bleak because of the pouring rain and storm but hopefull with his willingness to help someone in need.
Usually putting a figure way over to one side like that looks odd in an image. It works in this image because of the console in front of her and all the lights. The fire also draws the eye deeper into the image and then it's like "oh wait...there's a figure here too".
I love the intensity of her gaze.
Great work.
I agree. Everyone is doing a great job.
And I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to create these wonderful images and share them with us.
I've brightened the light on her face and changed a little bit the tone of the skin to separate the face more from the BG.
I think it looks better now. thanks for notice.
Yes! Perfect! - you did the perfect amount. It's organic and part of the scene - what's interesting is it gives this high tech scene a breath of humanity as well, now that I can see her espression better (It's very well done). Glad the note helped.
Thank you for the feedback and suggestion, @Shimrian and @Kismet2012. Redid the dragon's pose so you can see its face
I am always amazed the difference a subtle adjustment to posing, lighting, etc can make to an image. It doesn't always need to be a major change.
Really nice work @aki3d and @aprilshowers2065. Great suggestion @bohemian3
Good job, @aki3d. Very subtle difference, but it makes her face stand out a bit more. I love the blues and reds!
@aprilshowers2065, omg, the little creature thing looks soooo cute now! Great job on fixing the pose. I think the new image is much better.
Thanks everyone for your feedback! I made some adjustments so that the main source of light is coming from the lightning (or at least I tried). I also added a bit more light on the girl sitting down, but I'm not sure if that detracts from the lightning effect. I had to remove some of the fog because my new light source really made it glow too bright, but there is still some fog in there.
Edit: Now that I've uploaded it, maybe it's too dark? Here is another image with a little bit more of the original dialed in.
Hello @Shimrian - the evolution of an image is a magical thing. I think you are really close to creating a really dramatic image. Still consider making the seated figure lighter. I'm still not sure who's supposed to be the main focus - even with multiple elements, it's good to pick one.Another thing to consider is a dramatic rim light behind the standing figure - now since the ligthning is the main light source, that could add a lot of drama. Remember, even if you are using natural laugting, you can still 'cheat' a little with spotlights behind a figure (subtly) for dramatic effect.
I think the lighting of the rest of the elements is perfect - looking real good. Overall, great job - it's really special getting to see someone evolve their style and share that. Thank you for that.
The 3rd, slightly lightened version is the best IMHO. It is a nice balance between being too dark and too light. The details are there but so is the moodiness you had in the first version.
@Kismet2012 @bohemian3 Thanks a lot for all the input..and praise :)
Thank you! @Shimrian and @Kismet2012
ok, this will be my final version for The coming storm.
@bohemian3 - Thanks for your suggestions. I added more light on the girl (created my own ghost light from a tutorial) as well as a spotlight to try and bring out more edges on the man reaching down. I also purchased some new clouds from the sale, so added them to the scene for a more dramatic storm.