Pose Builder & Pose Converter …
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Ok we have it fixed. Here is the fixed camera file in the meantime until we do the official update.
Simply copy this file into the Scripts\Pose Builder\Resources folder and replace the existing DSPoseBuilderCamera.duf file.
Thanks again for bringing this to our attention:)
Welcome ... and thank you for the fix. :)
By the way, do you have any comment on the other part of my post back there .., the way the PB camera works as compared with the Viewport cube? I'd appreciate your advice.
We cannot duplicate that type of camera rotation where it just spins around the figure. Believe me we tried lol. It's why we added the figure rotation option. Only way to get that damn thing to rotate properly is to move the PB camera directly into or close to the figure.
Yep, again I suspected that might be the case and I did decide that the figure rotation was my best bet. Sorry for concentrating on the things that I have doubts about but I'm sure I'll make good use of this tool as I get used to it.
If only DAZ could find a way to allow scripts to run without blocking the interface. And renders too! :)
Cool and thanks for the feedback:)
Very useful utility
Hi, I just bought this during one of the recent MM sales opportunities, so I'm new to it. The first thing I noticed was that it deleted all my cameras. I came here via the support link, and voila, there is already a fix available via Dropbox. Fantastic! You two provide some of the best support for DAZ products!!!!
I do have a noob question: I found a lower body pose that I liked for the legs, but it was a lying down pose, so when I applied it, my character was then lying down (Duh!). I tried to find an adjustment to stand him up but I couldn't find one within the script interface. is there a way to do that? Within the script, I could not find a hip adjustment option. I had to exit the script and clear the X and Z rotations in the parameters tab.
I'm off to explore it more now. This looks to be very useful!
I think I figured it out. If I go to the Misc tab and uncheck the hip rotation and translation BEFORE applying my lower body pose, the character does not lie down and the legs take the position I wanted.
Product update now live. Contains new camera that won't replace existing ones in a scene. Thanks:)
When the update support M4 & V4, M5 & V5?
That will be great. :)
The product supports all shapes for Genesis1&2, meaning m5 and v5 are supported. There wont be any direct support for V4 and M4 because those poses do not translate well and need to be converted first before they can be used on Genesis1&2.
Thank you.
I just forget it does support M5&V5; because it supports Genesis.
This script seems really cool, thanks!
Can I just copy all my poses from everywhere (I'm assuming anything ending in .duf + similarly named .png from a Poses directory?) to one folder and then point all my folder requests in the script to that one directory?
If the answer to the question above is "yes", make a "set all Select Pose folders to this folder: " button.
Add some text about suggested places to look for poses, and switching to Thumbnail View, in the manual.
Maybe long term, make a file locator/library builder that searches a drive for all compatible poses, and adds them all.
In answer to your Question. No
the .duf file format is everything that DAZ Studio can load..... from pose presets, material presets on up to full Scene saved.
I tried it out (dumping all poses into one collector directory) and it works great. The only slow part is where two authors used the same name for a pose, so you have to rename (or skip) it. You're right, you still need knowledge that it's a pose directory but there're plenty under "People/.../Poses/". . You can go into the collector directory when done and trim out anything useless (eg. face poses & weapon/prop poses) and/or sort hand/feet poses into their own directories to clean things up. One thing I can't figure out is how to make the icons larger in thumbnail mode. For the Mac on Mavericks, CMD-J works to adjust thumbnail size but doesn't seem to work within the script. Any ideas?
Is that possible adding the following functions in the future?
1. Zero "Head and Neck's pose".
2. Lock & unlock "face expression".
I see Draagonstorm has just released a V4/M4 version. I can't find a separate thread on it, but it's existence make me wonder if the translation issue has been addressed?
She is currently in hospital, but when she gets out I'm sure she will answer any questions. I will alert her of any messages.
Zero head and neck should be easy to add, however face expressions is a bit tricky, specially if the expressions are custom presets or 3rd party morphs. We will look into this.
Can you tell me if the Pose Builder for V4.2 can do the following please?
If I have a pose for V4.2 in poser and open it in Pose Builder, does the .duf export button mean this pose is now good for use with Genesis 2 figures?
Will it work perfectly?
I have so many V4.2 poses that just don't work on G2 female figures, arms going through the body, feet twisted, it seems a shame not to be able to use them EASILY on a G2 figure.
I would gladly purchase your product if it does this with the push of just one button?
The .duf will work, however you need a script that edits the pose so it works for Genesis1\2. http://www.sharecg.com/v/60135/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Genesis-V4-pose-adjust-script. It's not 100%, but works much better than just applying a V4\M4 pose directly.
There are too many fundamental differences between the Genesis and G2F/M skeletons for any pose to convert perfectly to every figure. Cridgit's Posemaster was probably the closest anyone ever got to solving the problem, but even that was only about 90% of the way there.
For what it's worth, V4/M4 poses that are in ds or duf format generally work quite well within Posebuilder as long as you touch up the results with Slosh's Handy Dandy (which I've generally found to be the most useful of the pose convertors, as it corrects not only the differences between V4/M4 and G2F/M, but also the skeletal differences between the G2s and original Genesis hands.) If a pose is in PZ2 format, however, you'll have to first convert it to a native DS format. Unfortunately, the majority of M4/V4 pose sets out there won't convert using the batch script included in the original Posebuilder, meaning that you have to manually apply the poses one by one to convert them to duf.
I was HOPING that the new Posebuilder for V4/M4 would have a batch script included that would cover the types of files that Posebuilder can't handle, but while it will save and load pz2s, I just bought it to try out and it doesn't even have a batch conversion script. :sick: As that was a last minute add-on for the G2 Posebuilder, I'm hoping that we'll see it added before my 30 day return window option closes. Otherwise, it's probably going back, as the only use I have for V4/M4 these days is as a kit-bashing source for the G1/G2s.
Glad I saw this post prior to purchasing the V4/M4 version of the script, as the only reason I too would want it, would be for the batch conversion of pz2 to duf feature. If this feature is added, what would make it even better would be to allow us to include an additional script (like handy dandy or the V4 pose adjust script) to be run prior to each pose being batch saved to dsf.
To be honest I'd pay money just for a tool that just does batch pz2 to duf conversion that would allow me to add a fixing script into the conversion process.
Thanks Zev0 for the link to that script. It has so far converted 99% of the poses from my V4 collection, Handy Dandy does the rest.
Thanks for your help it has made a big difference in what poses I can choose from.
Cool. You're welcome:)
Hi Guys. Pose Builder will be receiving an update soon called Version 3.0. Huge thanks to DraagonStorm:)
Changes are:
Adding head and neck options to adjustments, as well as zero options for them. Thank you for your support and feedback:)
Another HUGE thanks for your continued development of this product. And while I know it's not your product Z, do you know if there's been any discussion of a batch-conversion script for poser format files to duf for the V4/M4 version? That's the one thing that version really needs badly.
I asked DS about it and she said she actually had one as part of the product, but took it out since the script autoconverts the pz2 to duf when a pz2 pose is selected. But maybe she will add it again. I will direct her to this question. Don't know if she awake now lol.
It is greatly appreciated. My number one reason for buying the Gen 4 version was the thought that there would be a conversion script. I have a LOT of Gen 4 pose sets, and I don't want to even think of contemplating the prospect of having to sit down and convert them all to dufs manually.
It is greatly appreciated. My number one reason for buying the Gen 4 version was the thought that there would be a conversion script. I have a LOT of Gen 4 pose sets, and I don't want to even think of contemplating the prospect of having to sit down and convert them all to dufs manually.
My reasoning for no batch convert script for V4 and M4 is that, initially, all of the poses for V4 and M4 would not be in .duf format... So what I did was, when a pose is selected (and there is no .duf format available), the script automatically creates a .duf version to work with. Since there is no other reason that I know of, except for this script, to have to have a .duf version of a V4 or M4 pose. There was no need for a batch conversion.