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Easy Environments Space - Loading of Space/Starfield scenes
Step 1 Load your Starfields scene
Step 2 Open the Shader - Drag the Color Source 1 Texture Map onto the Multiply Channel. Then Copy that texture map down to the Glow Channel
Step 3 If you imported all of the Starfields, turn the Visible box on for the one you want, might be trial and error to find the right one.
Easy Environments Space - Loading of Planet/Moon scenes
I could not get this one to work as is, but got a workaround to work (sort of)
Step 1 - load your Planet, then delete all but leave the shaders
Step 2 - Insert a Sphere primitive
Step 3 - go to shaders (Planet), Drag the Color Source 1 Texture Map onto the Multiply slot, then copy the Texture Map to the Glow Channel
Step 4 - I adjusted the Alpha to none, then adjusted the Glow Channel to Operators - Multiply
Step 5 - Then in the Glow Channel I adjusted the Source 2 to Value (0-100%), gave it a value of about 17%, will take a bit of trial and error to get the value you look
Step 6 - Dragged the Planet shader onto the Sphere and did a test render. If you want a straight edge on the Planet you will need to experiment to find a method that works for you.
I tried the Dolly icon and rotated the scene till I got a better view.
at a guess, the skydomes may have to be manually fixed up in Carrara .. at least I must do that in other comparable products by the same vendor.
Also in the modelling room make sure wrap UV is unticked on all the models.. this can be done automagically if you have the uv unwrap plugin by Sparrowhawke
anybody else have issues with fur on Dragon 3
not showing on skin only head
Carrara freezing up
nevermind, works on my Win10
probably graphics related
I got the lowrez horse 2 today and have it animated in Carrara
I will upload a clean duf scene subset and icon with converted not iray shader
mine is animated with Hivewire horse trot, you probably should apply poses in D|S too (shared file default pose)
basically one needs to unparent all the parts and convert ALL OF THEM to blended weights
Poser format pz2 poses work on it in Carrara
HW3D animals and DAZ millennium cat
you will need to convert Predatron's
the carts and content are honesty best converted into props, at least one of the latter crashes Carrara as figures
if you are still interested best buy it today while it's 70% off
Partial working - Stonemason's Battleground set.
The scene uses Howie's Ultrascatter plugin for Studio. The ultrascatter instances (replicators) don't show up in Carrara. I checked the installed files. There are a couple of files that look like distribution maps called terra-masks. A partial work around would be using those maps to try to approximate Studio's instancing.
Warning - in large scenes, especially landscapes, it makes them very big in size !!!
Just checked - have Battleground in my library.
Carried out instances-to-objects script in DAZ Studio, saved as a scene subset, then loaded into Carrara (took a while), lots of weeds !!!
Thank you, Bunyip. Good to know.
Here is a strange one. For some reason, the Regency clothes are conforming to The Kids 4 at initial setup, but not following the limbs when they are posed. See the right leg in the screenshot. Can confirm 'fit to' is chosen in the properties tray. Note - if you have the outfit but mine look different, it is because I am applying the 'William' texture set.
Did a quick test with the Regency Pants & Shoes.
In that Plugin for Carrara that they have to give away for free, DAZ Studio, I fitted the K4 Regency Pants and Shoes to Genesis, then saved both as Scene Subsets.
Opened Carrara and loaded Genesis. Loaded the Genesis fitted K4 Regency Pants and Shoes, then posed Genesis.
Worked okay apart from some minor poke-through.
I don't have K4, but suggest loading K4 into DAZ Studio, fit the non-posing clothes to K4 and save as a Scene Subset. Then try fitting the saved Scene Subset clothing to K4 in Carrara and see what happens.
also try animation zero animation on the clothing in Carrara
Thank you, Bunyip and Wendy. The Genesis option is excellent because the genesis figure has a base child morph character. I used to convert my older content to 'wearable presets' for the newer figures. Stopped in order to save disk space. Might be worth revisiting the K4 content. Also, will try the animation pose alternative. Always good to have more options.
Yay. Converting the Regency for K4 clothing set to wearable presets for Genesis 1 worked well for this set. Here is an example. In this, I simply dragged and dropped the 'William' texture set to the Regency clothes, I have not done other common adjustments going from Poser content to Carrara. Was really just testing the clothing conversion and the posing. Thank you for the suggestion, Bunyip.
EDIT - I had a screengrab to show the result but the forum is borking the attachments.
Glad you got it working !!!
VWD and the Carrara bridge are both finally on sale again at Rendo. VWD has the regular version, and version 2.
Does version 2 even work with the Carrara bridge? For that matter, does version 1 still work with the Carrara bridge? Selina posted a review saying that it didn't.
version 1 works on my Win7 on one build of Carrara not the other 8.5.1
it doesn't work on my Win10 machine or DAZ studio but I think it did last with D|S4.10 on the Win 7
that's probably not much help
Thanks Wendy. And thanks for that other advice about flickering shadows. I will need to ask you later about techniques for flickering light. Animation is a deep ocean. :)
Pretty sure Headwax uses VWD, and probably on Windows 10. I will probably just get it anyway, to see it it works. If it is money out the window, so be it.
Anyone here use Animate 2? Dart seems to be saying that it is an essential tool for use with the Aniblock importer for Carrara. I bought the importer a few years ago, expecting to eventually get into animation. But I have never used it.
I did try the demo version of V2, a little bird I cannot mention passed me a limited time file (legitimately with the creators permission) it was rather flakey in that it worked perfectly or didn't at all but I have no idea if was the final product, because of the unpredictable outcomes and the fact V1 works perfectly on one of my computers I never bothered getting it. The hassle of installing and fiddling with versions more than the expense, it did work with the DAZ studio plugin.
I use the older version of VWD on Windows 11. Seems to work fine. I had the upgrade but in all my computer crashes and migrations I could not get the upgrade to work without a big Poser reinstall, which I did not want to do. The upgrade did work before my previous computer died. The older version of VWD worked fine independently, and I don't use VWD enough to go through all my re-installations. I think you would be fine with either version of VWD on a new installation, not Poser-dependent at all unless you initially set it up that way. Presumably, the new version does have more capabilities and fixes for common issues, especially if you are using it with content you did not make yourself.
Carrara Aniblock importer imports Aniblocks
if you own lots of Aniblocks like I do it's very useful
it doesn't do anything else
Animate 2 is good for creating your own Aniblocks in DAZ studio if you are so inclined and layering Aniblocks (main thing I use it for)
I mostly bake them to the timeline and save as duf poses anyway which work better than the Carrara Aniblock importer on later figures
Diomede and Wendy, thanks for the feedback, but Rendo pulled the sale unexpectedly. Feel like I just got jerked around. Then again, animation is probably enough on the plate without adding VWD.
Wendy, I appreciate the Animate comments. For me, Dart will have to be a lot clearer regarding the benefit of getting Animate 2 before I buy it.
The Koshini clothing pack 14 'Elisbeth' does not load properly. This is supposed to be a long gown. Note that I can load the gown as a static prop from its OBJ file. So it is probably something with rigging or constraints or similar. But there is no prompt in the loading process asking about such things. The product does load in that free plugin, Daz Studio
I did find a solution for this item. Load Koshini2 in that free plugin called daz Studio. Convert the rigging to triax. Do this by selecting the figure and choosing EDIT : FIGURE : RIGGING then choose CONVERT TO WEIGHTMAPPING, and then choose TRIAX. Save as a scene subset. Delete from the scene. Load gown from Koshini Pack 14 in Daz Studio. Convert the rigging to triax. Save as a scene subset. Repeat for any other items you want to use with this converted Koshini2. Anything not converted will get the prompt for different figures if you try to conform to the converted Koshini2. I suspect that some adjustment morphs or other extras might be lost in the conversion process, but at least the resutt is a gown that will load in Carrara and conform to Koshini2 without going bonkers.
I seemed to have skipped that one, have 13 and 15 and used both in Carrara admittedly with VWD