58th Bryce Contest - voting t…
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58th Bryce Contest - voting thread

THEME : ***** *Endless* *****
DEADLINE : ( 7 / 31 / 2023 )
VOTING LINK: ( https://s.surveyplanet.com/38ajiwpt )
Prizes :
DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit
Ist Place $30
2nd Place $20
3rd place $15
$10 for up to 3 Honorable Mentions
Voted. Thanks to Apoc for all the work and all participants. Good luck.
Voted. Good luck everyone !
Voted, thanks Apoc, Good luck everyone
Voted too. Was not easy...
I voted.
Well done everyone, there are a lot of lovely images there.
I voted. Good luck everyone
Voted. Again.... no easy choice!
Thanks, Apoc; I voted too.
Ask the Carrara Peoples to Vote + Thanx
Super selection! Really enjoyed this one. Thanks apoc!!
Voted. Good luck to you all.
Voted. Good luck to all the entrants. Fascinatng theme that led to wonderful interpretations.
super stuff that
Voted - excellent work !!!
Voted --- Some tough choices
Too late to vote I think :) But I just had to say how lovely to see frogdot's name in an image title :) :)
And it's Not too late + +
Apparently it is too late.
But Apoc, if you are still tabulating, I sent my votes to you in a PM.
+ was going by this = DEADLINE : ( 7 / 31 / 2023 ) + but , alrite then + thanx
Results are in.
1st place - Electro-Elvis
Endless Summer
2nd place - Horo
Endless Steps
3rd place - Yellow Pen
The Ocean
Honorable mentions
Taxes Never Ending
The Infinity Stairway
Path to Infinity
So sorry for the delay. Prizes are all ready in your accounts. And Thank you to everyone for your patience <3
A big thank you to DAZ_ann0314
Congrats to the winners and participants
DAZ_ann0314 - thank you for publishing the results.
HOWEVER: 2nd place is "Endless Steps", It is NOT by Fire Phoenic but by Horo (that's me), see https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/8185271/#Comment_8185271.
Thanks to all participants and congratulation to the winners.
I cant actually see the tallies to know who actually won the vote, I got the list from Apoc. Sorry if there was a mistake. Since I cant double check it to know for sure which is right, I guess you both win...Im easy that way LMAO...
Yes, it is not always easy to make everything right if one was not given all parts of the information. I would never blame you DAZ_ann0314 and thank you for your efforts.
Daz_ann0314 : thank you.
Congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated.
thank you so much DAZ_ann0314. Congratulations to the winners!!
@DAZ_ann0314: Thank you! And congratulations to all winners!