Mechasar's Characters Catalog:…
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Thank YOU for reporting the problem. Anyway, the updated morph has been submitted, so you can find it in your library in the next days. Sure, that fix applies to all fruit shapes because it’s built on the base figure.
Daz is really not supporting you. There is a new item in my product library that says, but it has no download link. There is a product update to Evil Pumpkin Add-ons in DIM, but any attempt to download it fails, and the DIM log reports a network error.
All I can say is, let's give them more time. Sorry for that, meanwhile I'd be glad if you can use my instructions. Those are the same steps that would be included in the corrected morph file.
Well, I didn't need to try the instructions. Daz posted the morph updates in DIM this evening. Unfortunately they haven't fixed the problem of the missing texture files for the fruit. They are in the Product Library as a second Evil Pumpkin Add-ons zip package, but not available in DIM. I updated my help request. The request about the missing files is 13 days old now, without a single customer service response. Fortunately I was able to install the textures manually from the Product Library, but I prefer to install everything with DIM.
So the lips closed and eye movement morphs are working fine now. Thanks for the rapid fix. Here is Evil Pumpkin man after a feast in the desert. yes, it is strange. Some times these things just develop a life of their own as I'm working on them. But then with Evil Pumpkin man, how could the image not be strange?
I bought this immediately! Much of your work ends up in the erotic monster games I make. If I can make any suggestions at all, it is make monstrous, creepy male monsters- but unlike Daz- if you make any female ones, make them sexy. Daz (and other creators) has a tendency to make female creatures ugly. It makes no sense to me, but anyway, for example, I need humanoid plant people. So, since you did so awesome on your plant monster, if you can use the plant textures and such and make a big male plant creature for G8M and then a female version for one of your G8F characters (but again make the woman look as attractive as your human female models), I will buy that so fast! I could use gross insectoid humanoid monsters. Like roach people and fly people, where the males look like humanoid roaches/flies and the females do too, but obviously in a kinky, hot way. The octopus, Otto, I also need aquatic humanoid monsters for my work. Crab people, lobsters, manta-ray, you know, a world of undersea Lovecraftian stuff, and again, since this new octopus skin is so awesome and your skills are amazing, I think you could pull off some really cool creatures (I know I sound like a proken record but the lady versions should be hot), but yeah, I bought this and it was a great idea of yours! I look forward to seeing what you do in the future since I have so much of your work! So there are some ideas!
Great! It could be the beginning of a story set in a desert oasis, where an evil plant lures travelers into a deathtrap. If you need some more inspiration, I think the combination of the freebie EmotiGuy and the fruits add-ons works quite well ;)
Thanks for suggestions, I'll think about it!
My pleasure! It will be great to have more unique creatures as every Daz genesis generation has the same ones, just rehashed- goblin, sasquatch, yeti, vampire, zombie, demon, ad nauseum. Anyway, thank you again!
Wow, those EmotiGuy fruits are fabulous!
I have to wonder if we're looking at the same Daz store - or even the same internet. Compare Xenoman, a fairly faithful recreation of Xenomorphs, to Xenogirl, who is a sexy woman with some prosthetics. Hell, even compare Mechasar's male characters to their female characters: almost all of the male characters are grotesque in some way or another, and almost all of the female characters are sexy.
The second part of the Evil Pumpkin add-ons is still not showing in DIM. (Yes, I know how to get it.)
I sent in a help request about that weeks ago. It was ignored for 24 days until I sent a second request asking why my (multiple) requests got no response. Now it is in the "bug tracker". I think manual installation from the product library zip is our only choice for the near future.
Seeing as it took six months to get rid of the Moon Mining Machine Templates from DIM, you may be right.
An interesting set for Genesis 9 is on its way ;)
"that old tavern is where Esra finally found his long-lost elder sister..."
[WIP] :)
Mechasar, sorry to bother you, but today I went to use the Slime Attack update, and while it shows up for my G3F, it does not show up when I have a G8F selected. Can you let me know where I find it in the Smart Content?
When the Smart Content doesn’t work you need to use the Content Library, or try to reinstall the product, this is the best I can suggest. But if you’re not a fan of manual searching, just open the Slime Attack in your Smart Content, right click on one of the poses or props for G3F, then select “Show Asset in/Content Library>Mapped Folder”. You’ll be redirected instantly to the Slime Attack folder in your Content Library, where you can easily find all the remaining props and poses for the other Genesis models.
Oh, interesting. Are all the add-ons like this, or will I find the others in their Smart Content folders as usual? (I am not a technical person and so I usually use Smart Content.)
That solution works always, but I think most of the add-ons should work in the Smart Content properly.
Thanks! I apologize for this as you know that I am a huge fan, and I own a lot of your products. Ok, I followed what you said and found the things, including the props. This could potentially help others that wind up lost like I am without Smart Content doing it all for me. In fact, I think this is the first time I ever bought anything on the Daz Store that was NOT in my Smart Content lol so, fan suggestion, consider whatever magic you creators do that makes everything work in Smart Content. Anyway, thanks again!
Daz creates the metadata that makes things work (or not work) in Smart Content. Daz gets the credit and the blame. It is not up to the PA creating the product.
I just realized why the Evil Pumpkin textures are not getting through in DIM. There are two parts, and both are -08, a definite no-no. There can never be two products that have the same SKU and Part (IM000xxxxx-nn) even if the name part is different. One or both just need a new number, nothing else.
Edit: I found Natural Movements Pack for Genesis 9 under the parameter tab.
I really **"hate" this Natural Movement Pack for the simple reason that it has now ruined most corrective morph packs for me! :^) ;^)
Mechasar has combined multiple virtual morph packs into one, first muscles and bends, then creases and contours, I'm kicking myself for originally suggesting that the morphs weren't anatomically realistic as much as stylistic. <= Boy, was I wrong!
I keep finding nice little surprises with this pack that continually impresses me, particularly of note the wrinkle morphs with the hands and FINGERS<= I tried the same, and holy crap, what a pain in the a** it was to do, hell, I never actually finished the morphs! :^P
Yeah, I now have ample reason to get on the G9 train, as I was waiting for the Ultimate Natural Bend Morph package to arrive, and yes, I'm still getting UNBM, (If it comes out as that is my go-to as well as NMP) so if and when it does, I may have difficulty making both work as I love both styles equally for different reasons!
**Satirical comment.
EDIT: Ok, I just took a peak at Mechasar's catalogue, and just snagged Gladys as I want moar morphs, now I'm spoiled... ;^)
I'd completely overlooked Natural Movements because I thought it was just a pose pack, and I don't buy poses.
Yeah, me niether but I can understand that some don't have the luxury of a lot of time for themselves.
Thanks to the success of this character, Esra’s universe is in expansion. Here’s the first preview of his big sister (T . . . .), the werewolves huntress. She will be released for Genesis 8 and 9 models. Stay tuned ;)
Demo hair and outfits used here:
I just bought the pack recently and am having trouble understanding this. So, if I try to use the new morph for Beverly without owning all of the products, does that mean the rest of the characters will be distorted?
Also, I'd like to encourage you to keep making stuff. Gladys is one of my favorite characters. If you ever do get around to it, do you think you can look at original Beverly's textures? It seems like she loses SSS properties in her hands. In some lighting situations they look bleached, or like she was washing dishes all day! Not something I'd ever let her do, btw! :D
You have some of the most unique and interesting characters on the market. Love them! Someday I will get enough money to buy them all!
EDIT: just read a post above this that mentions Smart Content. Can confirm that Smart Content does not show the vast majority of anything installed from the pack. It takes some hunting through SC to find anything, let alone everything.
EDIT 2: I CAN'T WAIT for your next release... They look fantastic!