DS4 Pro- What is this feature …
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DS4 Pro- What is this feature called and is there a way to turn it off?

I'm seriously about to have one of those flashing light induced epileptic seizures that they always warn us about in video games...
Is this feature called surface selection?
When you move the cursor around the screen and material zones or prop parts become a highlighted orange.... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD is there a way to stop it? I know Poser does it too, but at least it is more of a wireframe or outline style... Moving around the screen on a large model to check for flaws is brutal.
Thanks in advance for any help on this subject.... seriously.
Yes that's the Surface Selection tool. on the Tool bar just select the one that looks like an arrow, which is the Node Selection tool or which ever other tool you prefer.
Arrow - node
Three cards - surface
Arrow with rings - universal manipulator
Bone - active pose
Can't remember them all off hand though
Hope this helps... :)
You may be right on that... going by memory at work right now...
The tool setting can be changed in the Tool Settings pane (windows>panes(tabs)>Tool Settings)
Select a Selection Tool from the tool bar and then look at the setting in the Tool Settings pane. I believe it's in a Drop-down menu
Hope this Helps... :)
AH HA! YES! Thanks!... I got it... I'll mess with the settings another time, but for now I set it to 5% opacity. This is an eyeball and synapse saver! Thank you!
Window > Tabs > Tool Settings, change Node Highlighting: Draw Style to Bounding Box Only.
Many thanks to your reply and the forum search tool. I was about to go whackadinghoy crazy every time I move my cursor over an item in my scene and have that yellow monstrosity selector come up. No offense to the development team of course. Been working with Studio since 2005. =^.^=