It's Not Raining Men
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I'm interested, mostly because I don't know anything beyond the mesh+texture stage and am keen to learn. I don't really scour the forums but if you make a separate thread and link it here I'll go subscribe to it and join in making whatever the thing is.
If Daz wanted there to be more male items in the store, there would be. There are 7144 items in the store labeled as Daz Originals. Not everything is up to the whims and likes of Published Artists.
If something is listed as a Daz Original (then to me) that implies a certain amount of direction, control and approval of what that item is. Daz can solicit and commisson items to be made for the store and their base figures if they don't have the in-house creative staff to make it.
Most of the DAZ Originals are items a PA has made on spec and offered to Daz (or for which they received an offer from Daz that they couldn't refuse). Very few are comissions.
From what I understand, the add on pack with only sell a small percentage of the original set. Unless the add on comes out at the same time, it typically will not make enough of a sale to be worth the effort.
So Daz can comission and has in the past? When that is the case, I assume Daz pays the creator for the item and the rights to it?
Interesting idea. I wouldn't mind joining in on something like this so that I could go through the process with other like minded people.
Great. I am so happy that a few people are interested. I have started a thread here.
No time pressure to get anything started. Let us work out the specifics in that thread.
I lack skills to make anything, but I will be watching with interest. ;)
I've bookmarked the new thread and even added a few helpful links
Thank you. Very helpful.
YES PLEASE! TOTALLY agree wt=ith you. I would love to see some more fantasy armour and uniforms.
My original expectations for male clothing available were that there'd be many things like this:
Now obviously those particular designs are copyright to Blizzard so you couldn't duplicate and sell them (well you might be able to since people do sell real replicas of game items but I'm not going near that legal minefield so let's leave that aside for now) but regardless, they're just a small sample of many years worth of designs for males (the female versions are almost identical with slight adjustments) that have been super popular among players of those games. Very often the new set designs are one of the highlights many players look forward to with a new patch, and it has nothing to do with how sexy or skimpy the female looks in it (generally the male versions are considered more popular because they tend to have large shoulders making the sets look better proportionally.)
Obviously this sort of thing isn't going to be to everyone's tastes, and is often equally as impractical for real life wear, but with the amount of fantasy armour (real full sets, not just a bikini) I've seen people excited about over the years, I expected to be swamped by this kind of stuff in the Daz Store. There's more room for variety than even bikinis!
Maybe I'm completely wrong and everyone thinks it's stupid?
I've never understood those humongous shoulder pads that's so common in fantasy armours and think they just look ridicilous. Obviously others think otherwise, or they wouldn't be so common.
Might add, the armours themselves usually look pretty cool, but the shoulder pads? No thanks.
It's really a shame. I mean why not extend the sales life of a loved product rather than starting from scratch over and over again? Such strange creatures us humans are at times.............
I believe the reason behind most adornments like that on armor is to scare the enemy.
Speaking personally, I don't like buying texture packs (unless they come as a sales bundle or something) because I always feel like "oh, it's just an image change, I could do that." And I could, but also ... I probably never will.
Pretty much all of the environments featured in the premier bundles recently had an addon to them that dramatically changed the look and feel of the piece. I thought that was really cool (and bought almost all of them.) But then I see a texture pack for let's say black dress 47, and now you can make it a pink dress. Or green! I would not expect that to sell well at all.
There's also the issue of "oh this new product x requires product y, which I don't have. Don't want to have to buy a whole extra thing!" This is also true of characters having other figure dependencies, which I assume is why everyone just makes stuff for Victoria or G3F, which is why people question the many varieties of skinny white girl base models, but that's a whole separate thing.
And there are seldom anything for the boys :(
I do not intend to contradict, simply elaborate, Not all add-on packs are simply texture changes. DZfire (aka 26Farenheit) creates add-ons that are essential IMHO. His add ons for Sedition Soldier, Major Cache, Liquid Knight on Sky 16, and etc. are notable exceptions. Also, with more complex texture maps, change-ups are quite labor intensive and I welcome another artist's take.
Nice stuff, into wishlist for when V4/M4 era stuff is at a heavy discount. Because wow. Heh.
To echo and elaborate on what someone else said, ever since g3f came out I've been more reluctant to buy things for g2m. I'm trying to avoid the aggravation of buying a bunch of stuff for g2m which will suddenly be outmoded by new versions or similar products released for g3m.
It feels like g3m will come out any day now (actually, I thought it would come out a long time ago), so I'm even holding back on the truly beautiful looking new M601 set by Uzilite. It looks amazing, but it's languishing in my wish list unless I have a sudden specific need for it, because I'll kick myself if a g3m version of it comes out next week. If it was made for g3m I'd snap it right up.
I guess now that I've been through a few upgrade cycles of DAZ products, my spending habits are reflecting how I anticipate the pattern to go. The release of g3f was a total surprise to me, so I continued to buy g2f stuff right up til g3f came out. But now that I have the feeling that g3m is imminent, anything for g2m looks a lot less attractive (especially characters, which are much less transferable to the next generation than clothes). If that seems to be the case for a lot of customers, it could be a good reason for DAZ to prepare and release the next generation of male and female characters simultaneously.
The release of G3M doesn't mean anything you have for G2M will suddenly stop working, or that you will have to do everything with G3M after that...
It's fairly safe to predict that most G3M will ship with an autofit clone for G2M clothing. And that most of it will take the shift acceptably. Some things will need to be tweaked, and we'll be waiting on Zev0 for a Fit Control item. But I'd say most G2M stuff is a reasonably safe purchase. Although if a G3M refit is available I'd probably grab that too.
Actually, what I find I've been doing lately os autofitting G2M stuff to Genesis1. Most of it does pretty well.
Oh look, fastgrab was updated again. And guess what
I know... this is simply my own way of thinking and purchasing from DAZ which I thought I'd describe, since everyone does things in their own way: I tend to buy things when they're first released even though I don't need them right away, because they're at a discount then and I'll probably want them in the future, so I might as well buy them at a discount. So M601 looks great, but I don't need it for a project at the moment. I bet in the next three or four months, some project will come along that I'll want M601 for though, so normally I'd buy it right now. By the time I use it however, g3m should be released and I'd rather use g3m clothes if they are available, since they ought to fit the figure better, bend better, and have more up to date Iray shaders (since it looks like DAZ 4.9 will have some changes and advancements for Iray).
I'm a fan of autofitting old clothes to new figures - I still buy M4 stuff for g2m if I need it for a project, and I can't find newer clothes. But if I'm buying something planned for future use because I don't want to miss a deal, I don't want it to be previous generation by the time I use it. I assume this is why the releases of G2F and then G3F came suddenly and by surprise with no prior announcement to the customers, because lots of people hesitate to buy things for a figure they think will be phased out - knowing about g3f's release date ahead of time would have hurt sales for g2f stuff.
Mainly, my point is that if this is a factor for a lot of people, and it's causing G2M clothing sales to be hurting especially bad right now, it might be better for DAZ and the creators and purchasers of male content if the next gen of males and females are released together. It's smart of DAZ to keep release dates a secret, but if everyone and their grandma is certain G3M will release 3-6 months after G3F, that heightened anticipation of G3M during the predictable interim period has to be really hurting G2M sales. I'm with you guys in wanting to see more male content, and wanting to see a healthier market for male stuff, just putting in my two cents about why I make some of my purchasing decisions, why I regretably haven't been buying much for G2M lately, and my own psychology as a customer.
Except for the Bicycle and Furniture (both with poses), EVERY SINGE ITEM is for female.
I agree, I love the major changeup type addons, and am far more likely to be interested in them as a customer than a colour swap.
That said, if I was making a decision about what to create as a vendor, an addon would not be all that desirable unless I was really passionate about it. I wouild think that requiring another product is going to hurt sales. In that situation I would probably risk the lowered sales of my older product and simply release the upgraded/addon version as a separate standalone.
Also, I completely agree with pearbear that regardless of the practicality or reality of the usefulness of things, I absolutely have far less interest in buying anything for G2M knowing that G3M is coming soon. If I was a vendor who knew that the new generation was close, I would probably continue creating whatever I was working on, but hold off on release until I could adapt and sell it as a G3M+G2M outfit whatever. Or simply skip to G3M and try to get some extra sales while he's new.
Note: I have no knowledge of how PAs or Daz decide things on products; I'm just going off what I would want as a consumer and how I would try to anticipate those needs.
Fastgrab may be full of female stuff, but Gianni 6 Pro is at least on Daily Spotlight.
I'm actually surprised that more clothing vendors don't pair up with texture artists. I know there are some pieces of clothing that I have completely skipped until a really good texture artist saw something that I didn't and went the extra mile by adding new material zones and almost completely changing the look of the garment. In many cases, I've gone back and wishlisted several outfits because I like a particular texture pack or add-on and then waited until it was on sale to get it. If it weren't for the texture artists around here, there are a lot of pieces of clothing I would completely ignore.
I like texturing, myself, and I think I'm pretty good at it. The upside is that it gives me a lot more interest in clothing than I would normally have, because even if it's old/low resolution, I know I can either slap some completely different texture on it or spruce it up to look good.
Edit: Note that I mean 2d stuff. 3d painting/texturing is ha ha way beyond me at the moment.
Every female item feels the heat of this thread. That's why it's singed.
Texturing is something I haven't gotten into yet. I suppose I will have to if I start making my own clothing. I'm just starting to learn how to use GIMP so that I could try modifying the skins. Right now, I just use shaders to make changes to outfits. It works for now, but the more I get into this, the more I can see doing my own texturing down the line. I can still see an advantage to teaming up with someone who is better at texturing than I am.